*** DC Extended Universe ***

819,415 Views | 7643 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by TCTTS
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this late in the game major reshoots is not a good sign. i was hoping this movie was already fun enough.

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but we don't wanna be like marvel... Deadpool made how much effin money? Nvm
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Eventually, after soaking up the sun's radiation for a few more decades, he'll be the living god we see now, but the stories are all about him growing into that.
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this late in the game major reshoots is not a good sign. i was hoping this movie was already fun enough.


Well after BvS I can't say I blame them for being a little more fearful and critical, but I just don't trust them enough not to completely **** it up.
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this late in the game major reshoots is not a good sign. i was hoping this movie was already fun enough.


Well after BvS I can't say I blame them for being a little more fearful and critical, but I just don't trust them enough not to completely **** it up.

Don't worry. They're gonna take an actually GOOD movie with a little darker tone and ROYALLY eff it up by after the fact reshoots to make it funner.
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Either way, I'm afraid no one's going to want to see Superman again for a long while. So maybe wait and reboot him again in 2025 or something. I don't know.

I've actually been thinking about this lately and Superman needs a massive conceptual reboot anyway. The whole Clark Kent glasses disguise / working-at-newspaper thing is just beyond dated at this point, and from what I've read, BvS only helps support my point. I don't know what the answer is, but the only way audiences come back for a solo Superman outing or franchise again in the next decade or so is if it's something really new and fresh. I'm not saying reinvent that character by any means, but I feel like there's definitely an opportunity to play with the basic Clark Kent / Superman dynamic, while also potentially keeping Krypton around, tweaking the Ma & Pa Kent thing a bit, etc., updating the story more for modern times, etc.

Then again, I also have a feeling that a decade from now Hollywood is going to be mostly done with superhero movies altogether...

I've long been a proponent of just changing Superman for the big screen. Powers dialed waaaaaaay back. Definitely no super breath or whatever that is, no mind erasing kisses, no total invulnerability, and I think you could even lose x-ray and heat vision. Seriously, how dated is x-ray vision as a superpower?

You make him succeed by putting him in a continuum. You say his powers manifest at puberty and start telling his story when his powers are pretty basic. He's really strong and fast. Maybe he can fly. He's tough, but can still be hurt. Eventually, after soaking up the sun's radiation for a few more decades, he'll be the living god we see now, but the stories are all about him growing into that.

A Superman who starts as sort of a Captain America level hero, trying to do the right thing with his "gifts" and has to rely on his wits as much as his strength is compelling. He can be outclassed physically. He can be marginalized. He can lose even if the threat isn't something like Darkseid.

And, that sort of Superman might even need the help of a Justice League.

Uh, have you seen how powerful the rest of the Justice League is? Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern are all in Superman's class power wise (any one of these 4 would solo the movie Avengers). Aquaman and Cyborg are each more powerful than anyone in the Avengers and Batman is Batman (he is a combo of Iron Man and Captain America).

Unlike the Avengers, who are just a bunch of people trying to play at the level of gods, the Justice League are a bunch of gods trying to play at being people (and yes this means Batman too). The sole reason for the League's existence is to combat existential threats like Darkseid (with Apokalips), Braniac, The Anti-Monitor, Imperiex, Mongol/War World, Despero, The CSA, etc. There are so many villains who require the entire League to take on even with each character being at their max power levels.

I completely disagree with the above. You don't need to depower Superman, what you need to do is find better writers. There are plenty of great Superman stories to draw upon (for example Action Comics #775, the single best modern single issue of Superman ever written) where he is not depowered at all and uses his intelligence rather than brute force.
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We can agree to disagree, but I'm pretty sure the massive majority feels the same as I do. Superman's power is a detriment to his character and the stories that can be told. That's true in the comics, but especially other media. Superman is constantly being nerfed so other characters can shine or so villains can be a threat. That's the whole reason Kryptonite even exists.

There are certainly threats out there that can take down Superman, and require the help of other supers. But, those sorts of cosmic level stories are not very accessible, especially when you're talking about a 2 hour movie. A story about a fight between Superman and the Anti-Monitor lacks elements that allow people to connect with the story. A conflict between two godlike beings is boring.
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We can agree to disagree, but I'm pretty sure the massive majority feels the same as I do. Superman's power is a detriment to his character and the stories that can be told. That's true in the comics, but especially other media. Superman is constantly being nerfed so other characters can shine or so villains can be a threat. That's the whole reason Kryptonite even exists.

There are certainly threats out there that can take down Superman, and require the help of other supers. But, those sorts of cosmic level stories are not very accessible, especially when you're talking about a 2 hour movie. A story about a fight between Superman and the Anti-Monitor lacks elements that allow people to connect with the story. A conflict between two godlike beings is boring.
So then why does this always only apply to Superman? You would have to depower the entire League for such a story to be viable. Yeah good luck depowering a woman born from Zeus and Hippolyta, a guy with a ring that literally runs on willpower, and a guy who uses no limits magic called Speedforce.

Also, The Anti-Monitor VASTLY outclasses Superman. In fact, he vastly outclasses the entirety of Earth's superheroes.

Go take a look at Red Son or Kingdom Come if you think a good ridiculously powerful Superman cannot be done in a legitimate manner.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Leaked page from Affleck's Batman script! (Warning: spoilers)

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I would argue that those other heroes have actually been amped up to try and level the playing field with Superman. And even at that point, while we as fans like to talk about how Flash or GL or whoever are actually more powerful than Superman, when you have to boil down a character to a two hour feature, Superman still has the fundamental powers of "totally invulnerable" and "as strong as he needs to be." The best, most revered incarnation of the JL has to be the Bruce Timm version, which famously had to continually invent ways to nerf Superman or write him out of episodes.

It's interesting that you bring up both Red Son and Kingdom Come as examples of great Superman stories, because I kinda think it proves what I'm talking about. Even these most classic Superman stories are one-offs that don't have to live in any continuity. If you're saying that a stand alone movie in the vein of these comics can work with a full-powered Superman, I agree. But, that's not what we're talking about. The studio needs a Superman who can exist in a prolonged cinematic universe.
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Wonder Woman, Flash ,and Green Lantern have been insanely powerful for decades now. Seriously, Wonder Woman has no weaknesses (Batman's contingency plan for an evil Wonder Woman was "Superman"). Flash has Speedforce which is literally just another word for magic powers that allow him to do whatever he wants to do at the time. Taken to his logical conclusion would be a Flash like that one in Kingdom Come where crime is non-existent in the city because he instantly rights every wrong.

This is a criticism that simply doesn't work when you look at the larger DCU and the shear amount of wildly powerful beings. Here are more characters in Superman's class: Martian Manhunter, Shazam/Captain Marvel, Supergirl, Power Girl, Maxima, Dr. Fate, Mary Marvel, Orion, the New Gods, Firestorm, etc. I could list hundreds of characters from the DCU that are a threat to Superman or at his level of power. Complaining about Superman's power level while saying nothing about other characters who either have less weaknesses than he does or have outright magical reality warping powers likely means you just don't like Superman.
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Any story has to be careful of escalation problems. Fantasy/ Superhero stories have to be extra careful because the characters can generally handle escalated threats through escalated powers. It's more of a fundamental problem with Superman (and I guess Wonder Woman? I don't really know anything about her) because when you explain his powers you just say, everything goes to 11. The Flash and other heroes don't have the same problem because especially if you're rebooting, you can limit their powers to "he's really fast."

DC may have already ****ed this in this go around up by making Wonder Woman so strong and showing that The Flash can go back in time.
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Although luckily they did a bad enough job explaining wtf actually happened in that flash scene that maybe they can walk that back still.
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I think part of the complaint of Superman's power level (and potentially that of other DC heroes) is that it isn't relatable to the rest of us. That's why Batman and IronMan are so popular - they're regular guys who are really smart / really well trained, but they bleed and hurt like the rest of us. DC heroes can only seemingly be killed by other DC heroes or DC super villains. Marvel has kept the power level of many of its heroes vague so they seem more relatable. Captain America gets put in the hospital, Iron Man suffers from PTSD, Quicksilver basically gets offed by a henchman, Hulk is a loose cannon who can't control his rage, Falcon is just a regular soldier with a jet pack, and so on. We can almost picture ourselves being useful if caught in a scrap with the Marvel heroes. If the DC heroes get in a fight around us, we're utterly useless (and superman won't hesitate to punch someone through our building).

Another interesting difference between DC movie heroes and Marvel movie heroes is the DC heroes still appear to be maintaining alter egos and secret identities. Ant Man is probably the only current marvel hero with a secret identity (though I imagine that will change with Spider-Man entering the picture)
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Although luckily they did a bad enough job explaining wtf actually happened in that flash scene that maybe they can walk that back still.
No kidding. I don't think I've ever seen so many articles about a director explaining the movie after it's been released that I have with BvS.

Snyder explains Robin's death

Snyder explains Cyborg's appearance

Snyder explains the ending

Snyder explains the dream sequences

Snyder explains the "v" in the title

Snyder explains why Batman kills

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Although luckily they did a bad enough job explaining wtf actually happened in that flash scene that maybe they can walk that back still.
I showed my wife the article TCTTS posted on the other thread, and she had absolutely no idea that was Flash when he showed up in the film.
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I think part of the complaint of Superman's power level (and potentially that of other DC heroes) is that it isn't relatable to the rest of us. That's why Batman and IronMan are so popular - they're regular guys who are really smart / really well trained, but they bleed and hurt like the rest of us. DC heroes can only seemingly be killed by other DC heroes or DC super villains. Marvel has kept the power level of many of its heroes vague so they seem more relatable. Captain America gets put in the hospital, Iron Man suffers from PTSD, Quicksilver basically gets offed by a henchman, Hulk is a loose cannon who can't control his rage, Falcon is just a regular soldier with a jet pack, and so on. We can almost picture ourselves being useful if caught in a scrap with the Marvel heroes. If the DC heroes get in a fight around us, we're utterly useless (and superman won't hesitate to punch someone through our building).

Another interesting difference between DC movie heroes and Marvel movie heroes is the DC heroes still appear to be maintaining alter egos and secret identities. Ant Man is probably the only current marvel hero with a secret identity (though I imagine that will change with Spider-Man entering the picture)

And yet Batman and Iron Man are just as fantastical as Superman. Batman is an expert in all forms of combat including hand-to-hand, firearms, vehicular, airplane, etc. He's the best detective in the world, is a guy who invents Tech on the fly that has never been seen before and also violates physics, is an expert at virtually all sciences, is an Olympian level athlete, etc, in addition to being a billionaire and owner of a multi-national corporation. And you call this relatable? He's just as ridiculously exaggerated as Superman. Same thing with Tony Stark. To be just one of the things Batman is would require a lifetime of dedication and even then it would only be a maybe, yet he is all of it and more.

I'm not saying Batman is a bad character because I like Batman, I just think calling him relatable and Superman not is insane.
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Although luckily they did a bad enough job explaining wtf actually happened in that flash scene that maybe they can walk that back still.
I showed my wife the article TCTTS posted on the other thread, and she had absolutely no idea that was Flash when he showed up in the film.

She had to be sooooo confused by that. I figured that's who it must be but was still wtf.
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Although luckily they did a bad enough job explaining wtf actually happened in that flash scene that maybe they can walk that back still.
I showed my wife the article TCTTS posted on the other thread, and she had absolutely no idea that was Flash when he showed up in the film.

It was a Flashpoint reference. The WB essentially made a movie for DC Comics fans who knew a lot about the comics. Hopefully the extended version explains these scenes a lot better.
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That's why Batman and IronMan are so popular - they're regular guys who are really smart / really well trained, but they bleed and hurt like the rest of us.
And oodles of money
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And yet Batman and Iron Man are just as fantastical as Superman. Batman is an expert in all forms of combat including hand-to-hand, firearms, vehicular, airplane, etc. He's the best detective in the world, is a guy who invents Tech on the fly that has never been seen before and also violates physics, is an expert at virtually all sciences, is an Olympian level athlete, etc, in addition to being a billionaire and owner of a multi-national corporation. And you call this relatable? He's just as ridiculously exaggerated as Superman. Same thing with Tony Stark. To be just one of the things Batman is would require a lifetime of dedication and even then it would only be a maybe, yet he is all of it and more.

I'm not saying Batman is a bad character because I like Batman, I just think calling him relatable and Superman not is insane.

Batman has a huge supporting cast that helps him do his job - Alfred, Lucius Fox, Nightwing, multiple robins, oracle, bat girl, Gordon, etc. The facts that he needs help to win his fights, spent a lifetime of hard work and training to reach his level of skill and that he's ultimately human like we are makes him infinitely more relatable than an invincible alien, a guy who can travel through time with "speed force," a guy who can manifest anything he imagines because someone gave him a ring, and so on.

We can relate to Batman and Ironman because the lesson of those characters is you can do great things with a lot of dedication and hard work. The lesson of Superman is, um, don't touch the Kryptonite?

When captain America needed a hand, he asked a "typical" army veteran for help, and the guy joined the avengers after getting a jet pack. Ant Man is just a smart thief. HawkEye and Black Widow are just incredibly well-trained fighters / spies. Etc. Thor and Captain America both had to earn their powers. On a whole, this is all more relatable than DC heroes who have their power by birthright, fluke or because someone gave them to them.

If Superman gets in a fight near me, I'm probably road kill.
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I think part of the complaint of Superman's power level (and potentially that of other DC heroes) is that it isn't relatable to the rest of us. That's why Batman and IronMan are so popular - they're regular guys who are really smart / really well trained, but they bleed and hurt like the rest of us. DC heroes can only seemingly be killed by other DC heroes or DC super villains. Marvel has kept the power level of many of its heroes vague so they seem more relatable. Captain America gets put in the hospital, Iron Man suffers from PTSD, Quicksilver basically gets offed by a henchman, Hulk is a loose cannon who can't control his rage, Falcon is just a regular soldier with a jet pack, and so on. We can almost picture ourselves being useful if caught in a scrap with the Marvel heroes. If the DC heroes get in a fight around us, we're utterly useless (and superman won't hesitate to punch someone through our building).

Another interesting difference between DC movie heroes and Marvel movie heroes is the DC heroes still appear to be maintaining alter egos and secret identities. Ant Man is probably the only current marvel hero with a secret identity (though I imagine that will change with Spider-Man entering the picture)

And yet Batman and Iron Man are just as fantastical as Superman. Batman is an expert in all forms of combat including hand-to-hand, firearms, vehicular, airplane, etc. He's the best detective in the world, is a guy who invents Tech on the fly that has never been seen before and also violates physics, is an expert at virtually all sciences, is an Olympian level athlete, etc, in addition to being a billionaire and owner of a multi-national corporation. And you call this relatable? He's just as ridiculously exaggerated as Superman. Same thing with Tony Stark. To be just one of the things Batman is would require a lifetime of dedication and even then it would only be a maybe, yet he is all of it and more.

I'm not saying Batman is a bad character because I like Batman, I just think calling him relatable and Superman not is insane.

And yet, while Batman is all those things in the comics, for the best film depictions, weren't many of those extraordinary traits dialed way back? And a better fit for the big screen for it? That's what we're talking about here.
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Although luckily they did a bad enough job explaining wtf actually happened in that flash scene that maybe they can walk that back still.
I showed my wife the article TCTTS posted on the other thread, and she had absolutely no idea that was Flash when he showed up in the film.

It was a Flashpoint reference. The WB essentially made a movie for DC Comics fans who knew a lot about the comics. Hopefully the extended version explains these scenes a lot better.
I actually knew what it was, though if I hadn't known it was coming beforehand I might not have realized it was Flash.

And while I can appreciate there being easter eggs for the fans, this was absolutely horribly executed. You can't include events in the flow of a film that seem to be relevant that 75% of your audience isn't going to understand.
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I think part of the complaint of Superman's power level (and potentially that of other DC heroes) is that it isn't relatable to the rest of us. That's why Batman and IronMan are so popular - they're regular guys who are really smart / really well trained, but they bleed and hurt like the rest of us. DC heroes can only seemingly be killed by other DC heroes or DC super villains. Marvel has kept the power level of many of its heroes vague so they seem more relatable. Captain America gets put in the hospital, Iron Man suffers from PTSD, Quicksilver basically gets offed by a henchman, Hulk is a loose cannon who can't control his rage, Falcon is just a regular soldier with a jet pack, and so on. We can almost picture ourselves being useful if caught in a scrap with the Marvel heroes. If the DC heroes get in a fight around us, we're utterly useless (and superman won't hesitate to punch someone through our building).

Another interesting difference between DC movie heroes and Marvel movie heroes is the DC heroes still appear to be maintaining alter egos and secret identities. Ant Man is probably the only current marvel hero with a secret identity (though I imagine that will change with Spider-Man entering the picture)

And yet Batman and Iron Man are just as fantastical as Superman. Batman is an expert in all forms of combat including hand-to-hand, firearms, vehicular, airplane, etc. He's the best detective in the world, is a guy who invents Tech on the fly that has never been seen before and also violates physics, is an expert at virtually all sciences, is an Olympian level athlete, etc, in addition to being a billionaire and owner of a multi-national corporation. And you call this relatable? He's just as ridiculously exaggerated as Superman. Same thing with Tony Stark. To be just one of the things Batman is would require a lifetime of dedication and even then it would only be a maybe, yet he is all of it and more.

I'm not saying Batman is a bad character because I like Batman, I just think calling him relatable and Superman not is insane.

And yet, while Batman is all those things in the comics, for the best film depictions, weren't many of those extraordinary traits dialed way back? And a better fit for the big screen for it? That's what we're talking about here.
They don't show all of those things because they literally can't, not because they don't want to. It would be a 5 hour long movie in order to properly display everything that Batman is an expert at. Same thing with Superman's powers, which is why we didn't see him use his x-ray vision, cold breath, telescopic vision, etc. These guys can do way too much for any movie or series of movies to show.
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Dude, at some point you just have to admit they didn't make a good movie.

There's nothing wrong with liking it, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But this film is riddled with plot holes, inconsistencies, and badly motivated characters
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God it irks me we still haven't seen Batman in movies as a Sherlock rivaling detective much less the galactic level intellect he's supposed to be. One of the main reasons that I love Nolans batfilms but have major issues with his bat.

I get what Vander is saying though. Depowering would work but man there's gotta be a way to not settle for that with competent writing. If they can make a talking racoon beloved they can make an invulnerable God likable and enthralling.
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Posting to follow this thread.

Side note, I read yesterday that Ben Affleck is technically signed on for only three films - BvS, JL1, JL2. Obviously that can change with a new contract and a pile of money but it's interesting to note.
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Dude, at some point you just have to admit they didn't make a good movie.

There's nothing wrong with liking it, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But this film is riddled with plot holes, inconsistencies, and badly motivated characters
I wasn't talking about the movie and have said nothing about the movie at all in this conversation. I gave the movie a B- on the review thread. It was good, but had some significant issues as you said. All I was talking about here was just that Batman as a character is as insanely overexaggerated and unrealistic as Superman.
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God it irks me we still haven't seen Batman in movies as a Sherlock rivaling detective much less the galactic level intellect he's supposed to be. One of the main reasons that I love Nolans batfilms but have major issues with his bat.

I get what Vander is saying though. Depowering would work but man there's gotta be a way to not settle for that with competent writing. If they can make a talking racoon beloved they can make an invulnerable God likable and enthralling.
100% truth. I enjoyed the Nolan films for what they were but didn't love his Batman take, we really missed the World's Greatest Detective aspect.

In Spawn vs Batman (the McFarlane Image one-shot, not the DC version) there's a panel where Batman is dismantling a bomb and it talks about how his mind could've revolutionized physics, his hands were like a skilled surgeon, etc. Bruce Wayne is often painted as a this guy with a bunch of money who simply put the cash, time, and effort into becoming Batman, but he's really an extraordinary individual in his own right as well.
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Dude, at some point you just have to admit they didn't make a good movie.

There's nothing wrong with liking it, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But this film is riddled with plot holes, inconsistencies, and badly motivated characters
I wasn't talking about the movie and have said nothing about the movie at all in this conversation. I gave the movie a B- on the review thread. It was good, but had some significant issues as you said. All I was talking about here was just that Batman as a character is as insanely overexaggerated and unrealistic as Superman.
Fair enough, though to me the discussion of what was shown (which was just discussed) or could be shown in the films directly connects back to what's currently on screen.

I personally have a hard time giving a B- to something that flawed, but to each their own
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They don't show all of those things because they literally can't, not because they don't want to. It would be a 5 hour long movie in order to properly display everything that Batman is an expert at. Same thing with Superman's powers, which is why we didn't see him use his x-ray vision, cold breath, telescopic vision, etc. These guys can do way too much for any movie or series of movies to show.

I totally disagree. The reason you don't see every aspect of comic book Batman on display is because it ruins the narrative. A movie featuring that character is not compelling and is no fun for the VAST majority of the audience.

The usual way you handle this sort of issue as a writer would be to make this supreme character a supporting member of the cast rather than the star. If the movie was grounded by being told from the perspective of an upstart Robin, for example, then we as the audience have a guide that we can relate to who can take us through the story. THAT is a fruitful take that is way more interesting.
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Sneak Peak to Batman: The Killing Joke. Love that Hamill is back for it.

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I'm starting to think that DC should have gone with this right after Man of Steel. I get more excited with every trailer!
Bruce Almighty
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This is either going to be great or incredibly stupid.
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