*** DC Extended Universe ***

819,373 Views | 7643 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by TCTTS
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Nope. Steering clear. This person is heavily involved in the marketing of the movie, and I have a feeling work is about to get very, very tense. Don't even want to engage at this point.
I'm curious, who puts together the trailers? is that marketing or somebody else?
Normally some kind of marketing department, though for a film like this I'd imagine there's some execs with a lot of say. In most instances the filmmakers don't have much say, but with a huge film like this there might be more director involvement.
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Likely on the chopping block:

- Aquaman
- The Flash
- Justice League Part Two

How about instead of cutting the Flash movie, maybe...............making a big-screen movie from the television show?

They can build towards some big, huge confrontation with a big-time villain over the course of a season or two on the show, and then resolve it with a big-budget blockbuster movie with a HUGE effects budget that can encompass the multiple alternate worlds the show has already established. Maybe a scaled-down "Crisis on Infinite Earths" storyline?
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Likely on the chopping block:

- Aquaman
- The Flash
- Justice League Part Two

How about instead of cutting the Flash movie, maybe...............making a big-screen movie from the television show?

They can build towards some big, huge confrontation with a big-time villain over the course of a season or two on the show, and then resolve it with a big-budget blockbuster movie with a HUGE effects budget that can encompass the multiple alternate worlds the show has already established. Maybe a scaled-down "Crisis on Infinite Earths" storyline?
That's the problem, they've established all these properties as independent universes.

Any crossover is quickly going to get really messy. So these guys are in the same world? But these aren't? Oh, just that show but not the other one?

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WB has three or four different trailer companies they "outsource" to. Often, they literally pay all three or four to cut a trailer, provide guidelines and a general direction/concept, and then marketing picks the best one.
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Likely on the chopping block:

- Aquaman
- The Flash
- Justice League Part Two

How about instead of cutting the Flash movie, maybe...............making a big-screen movie from the television show?

They can build towards some big, huge confrontation with a big-time villain over the course of a season or two on the show, and then resolve it with a big-budget blockbuster movie with a HUGE effects budget that can encompass the multiple alternate worlds the show has already established. Maybe a scaled-down "Crisis on Infinite Earths" storyline?
That's the problem, they've established all these properties as independent universes.

Any crossover is quickly going to get really messy. So these guys are in the same world? But these aren't? Oh, just that show but not the other one?

No, don't make this Flash movie as a crossover between all these properties.

Make a Flash: the TV Show as a full-length motion picture in the theater. Kinda like the first X-Files movie. Maybe even throw in an appearance by Arrow and the Legends of Tomorrow.
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I think people kind of expect a shared universe at this point though, so having a semi-independent universe that shares some properties but not all is going to get messy. Infinite Earths crossed over a whole of characters if I remember correctly?

Related, how is Legends of Tomorrow? Been meaning to check it out.
Sex Panther
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Related, how is Legends of Tomorrow? Been meaning to check it out.

Absolutely terrible
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Related, how is Legends of Tomorrow? Been meaning to check it out.

It's not horrible, not great. Kinda meh right now. Interesting to see how they'll handle some of the time travel/paradox aspects, but some of the story - going after Vandal Savage and his interactions with Kendra - is getting boring.
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Thanks guys, might put it on when I'm doing something else around the house.
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I think people kind of expect a shared universe at this point though, so having a semi-independent universe that shares some properties but not all is going to get messy.
The CW Universe is extremely popular right now with a wider audience than just comic fans. That's where they need to be focusing their attention on after this failed attempt at universe building.
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I think people kind of expect a shared universe at this point though, so having a semi-independent universe that shares some properties but not all is going to get messy.
The CW Universe is extremely popular right now with a wider audience than just comic fans. That's where they need to be focusing their attention on after this failed attempt at universe building.
I don't disagree, just seems like there's so much potential that's being lost within the DC properties.

I wonder if that might be a more successful strategy for DC, rather than try to go step for step with Marvel focus on their TV universe and eventually spin that into a film when there's the demand.
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Related, how is Legends of Tomorrow? Been meaning to check it out.

It's not horrible, not great. Kinda meh right now. Interesting to see how they'll handle some of the time travel/paradox aspects, but some of the story - going after Vandal Savage and his interactions with Kendra - is getting boring.
The worst part is that the actress the plays Kendra is, IMO, terrible. I believe I said something similar when she was on The Flash as well. The problem as I see it is that they really can only stretch out the Kendra must kill Vandal Savage story for so long, and it's already becoming a little repetitive.
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Related, how is Legends of Tomorrow? Been meaning to check it out.

Absolutely terrible

IT's ok. Distant 3rd to Flash and Arrow, but watchable.
jackie childs
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WB has three or four different trailer companies they "outsource" to. Often, they literally pay all three or four to cut a trailer, provide guidelines and a general direction/concept, and then marketing picks the best one.

I think the first couple of trailer really set a disappointing tone for BvS. The last trailer was awesome and it started generating some very positive buzz/excitement.

I'm sure when a movie disappoints, particularly one of this magnitude, there's tons of blame to go around. but if the film itself is as big a mess as the reviews indicate it is, then it seems like there's really only so much marketing can do.

so in hindsight, should they have just kept the initial trailers as short as possible, making them more teasers? maybe keep wonder woman a little closer to the vest until much closer to the film's release (similar to marvel and spidey)?
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I don't disagree, just seems like there's so much potential that's being lost within the DC properties.

I wonder if that might be a more successful strategy for DC, rather than try to go step for step with Marvel focus on their TV universe and eventually spin that into a film when there's the demand.

I don't disagree either that there is potential being lost, but between Flash and Arrow they have a pretty decently strong universe already. Though, what is kind of holding back a shared TV universe is that Gotham and Supergirl are on separate networks from the CW. Gotham I think is fine off on its own, but Supergirl IMO could be put into the shared universe. I'd actually like to see her team up with Barry and Oliver. We are getting the Supergirl crossover next week with her and Barry, but I think they'll probably play it off as another earth of the multiverse.

LoT I think is pretty much setting up its own continuity, and with direction that show is heading I think there is a possibility that those characters don't return to the shows they came from since they have pretty much said in the show that their absence from the timeline is not an issue.
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New Wonder Woman image. Legit excited to see Robin Wright in a roll like this...

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New Wonder Woman image. Legit excited to see Robin Wright in a roll like this...

Who'd have thought she'd suddenly blow up in her late 40s because of a non-network tv show
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Man, what I wouldn't give for them to sentence me to death............by SNU SNU!!!

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The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised!

Quad Dog
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New Wonder Woman image. Legit excited to see Robin Wright in a roll like this...

Let the preemptive hatred officially begin:
Why does it look more like a 300 sequel?
Is it shot all in sepia?
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Why does it look more like a 300 sequel?
Is it shot all in sepia?

ZaK Snyder was a producer or whatever so...
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New Wonder Woman image. Legit excited to see Robin Wright in a roll like this...

Costume and set design look great. But, wouldn't Wonder Woman have done a squat or two in her life?
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New Wonder Woman image. Legit excited to see Robin Wright in a roll like this...

Costume and set design look great. But, wouldn't Wonder Woman have done a squat or two in her life?
comic logic - muscle mass != strength
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New Wonder Woman image. Legit excited to see Robin Wright in a roll like this...

Costume and set design look great. But, wouldn't Wonder Woman have done a squat or two in her life?
This is my issue with Gadot as WW. She's gorgeous, but a Gina Carano type build (or at least heading that direction) would make a lot more sense.
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It's mine as well. Personally I think there is a middle ground between Carano and Gadot that could be found, someone like Bridget Regan (Dottie Underwood from Agent Carter, and Kahlan Amnell from Legend of the Seeker) or Taylor Cole comes to mind. That said, I might be able to live with what we got.
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It's muscle - any actor/actress can gain it. You don't have to cast specifically for the physical build. Which annoys me more, since then it's not only her failing in her part to fit the role, but also the producers/directors not insisting she lifts a weight - or does a bunch of air squats.

No reason a male actor can bulk for a role but a female one can't. And she just needs some muscle - no one is asking for She Hulk.

Minor peeve, I know, but annoying to me.
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To a degree that's true, but take a look at Katie Cassidy on Arrow. Way less physically imposing than her on screen sister Caity Lotz. And Cassidy has been working out since she took on the Black Canary mantle from her sister.

It would probably help is Cassidy didn't look like she skipped leg day though.
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To a degree that's true, but take a look at Katie Cassidy on Arrow. Way less physically imposing than her on screen sister Caity Lotz. And Cassidy has been working out since she took on the Black Canary mantle from her sister.

It would probably help is Cassidy didn't look like she skipped leg day though.
Gadot's getting paid probably more than both of them combined.

And you always hear the stories of how certain male actors bulk for a role - Chris Hemsworth got too big for his costume for Thor 1 or 2. The right dedication and it's possible.

Probably just marketing or stigma or something that DC is succumbing to incorrectly (all women have to look a certain way or people will reject the movie!!!). The successful comic-book movies are successful not because they try to predict what people want, and try to be R rated (Deadpool), try to be funny (Ant-Man/Guardians), try to be dark/gritty (Nolan's Batman), but that they try to be what the comic-books are. Just stay faithful, or at the very least - genuinely passionate about the source.
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Deadpool worked because it had a very distinct voice that the filmmakers completely understood, and everything from the movie to the trailers to the marketing nailed that. And that's what I think is needed in a more crowded market, all these different properties have their own unique traits and that's what makes them interesting to start with.

I'm just counting down to the next R-rated-the-studio-doesnt-understand-why-didnt-it-work-like-Deadpool-did comic movie.
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And you always hear the stories of how certain male actors bulk for a role - Chris Hemsworth got too big for his costume for Thor 1 or 2. The right dedication and it's possible.
Christian Bale is a prime example. That guy goes up and down to extreme's for whatever role he's playing.

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And you always hear the stories of how certain male actors bulk for a role - Chris Hemsworth got too big for his costume for Thor 1 or 2. The right dedication and it's possible.
Christian Bale is a prime example. That guy goes up and down to extreme's for whatever role he's playing.

Yup, McConaughey does as well (Dallas Buyer's Club vs Reign of Fire).
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Either way, I'm afraid no one's going to want to see Superman again for a long while. So maybe wait and reboot him again in 2025 or something. I don't know.

I've actually been thinking about this lately and Superman needs a massive conceptual reboot anyway. The whole Clark Kent glasses disguise / working-at-newspaper thing is just beyond dated at this point, and from what I've read, BvS only helps support my point. I don't know what the answer is, but the only way audiences come back for a solo Superman outing or franchise again in the next decade or so is if it's something really new and fresh. I'm not saying reinvent that character by any means, but I feel like there's definitely an opportunity to play with the basic Clark Kent / Superman dynamic, while also potentially keeping Krypton around, tweaking the Ma & Pa Kent thing a bit, etc., updating the story more for modern times, etc.

Then again, I also have a feeling that a decade from now Hollywood is going to be mostly done with superhero movies altogether...

I've long been a proponent of just changing Superman for the big screen. Powers dialed waaaaaaay back. Definitely no super breath or whatever that is, no mind erasing kisses, no total invulnerability, and I think you could even lose x-ray and heat vision. Seriously, how dated is x-ray vision as a superpower?

You make him succeed by putting him in a continuum. You say his powers manifest at puberty and start telling his story when his powers are pretty basic. He's really strong and fast. Maybe he can fly. He's tough, but can still be hurt. Eventually, after soaking up the sun's radiation for a few more decades, he'll be the living god we see now, but the stories are all about him growing into that.

A Superman who starts as sort of a Captain America level hero, trying to do the right thing with his "gifts" and has to rely on his wits as much as his strength is compelling. He can be outclassed physically. He can be marginalized. He can lose even if the threat isn't something like Darkseid.

And, that sort of Superman might even need the help of a Justice League.
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Love this take!
Brian Earl Spilner
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