**Official Game of Thrones: Season 5 Thread (BOOK READERS/SPOILERS ALLOWED)**

344,790 Views | 2543 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Al Bula
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i really really wish we would see Jon's eyes pop open a moment before going to black. Cut to a closeup of a "dead" Jon, and then his eyes pop-open. end scene.....just something for the fans to get them to next season..

i hope....

I could see that happening.
The Dog Lord
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I doubt Pycelle/Kevan get killed by Varys next week because they need a couple of scenes to show they've got King's Landing back on track and are good for Tommen - exactly what Varys doesn't want. Plus Kevan needs to threaten Cersei back to Casterly Rock so that there's more drama for her going forward.
I feel like they did this fairly quickly in the books. It could be done similarly in the show. Kevan could simply tell Cersei she is leaving and a discussion between characters could talk about putting King's Landing back together. Doesn't Varys explain that very thing before the little birds finish Kevan off? I want to say Varys apologizes to him and says he is only doing it because Kevan would fix all of the bad stuff that Cersei and the others had started.

I suspect we won't just see Robert Strong, we'll see him briefly in action, repressing the mob that harries Cersei during her walk. A couple of decapitations always work to show someone's a bad ass.
They've talked about him too much to not make it a little more obvious.

The more I watch Dorne, the more I think that they only reason that plot existed is to keep Nikolaj happy for future seasons and to keep Bronn from leaving the show for other projects. Clearly what happens in Dorne doesn't mean jack squat for the story, other than getting Myrcella home to die in front of Cersei somehow. I really feel bad for the actors who played Hotah and Doran Martell. They are both quality talent who did almost nothing for a season. If they wanted a swarthy Latino to sit in a chair with his shirt open, they could have just hired Ricardo Montalban's corpse.
Hopefully they can involve Dorne more next season or whenever Dany returns. Maybe after Myrcella dies, Doran explains to a sad Trystane that he was meant for someone else all along (Dany). That will then show his long-con ways to the tv audience.

It seems like Dany will refine the Dothraki, but to what end? They'll be worse than the Unsullied at guarding Mereen. She needs to find a navy and get the eff outta there. Get the Unsullied and the Dothraki on the ships by whatever mean's necessary and sail your asses to Dorne.
Doesn't she already have a navy? Maybe it was the captured navy of Meerreen? She has her infantry, but the Dothraki will make great calvary.

Winterfell - no idea what will happen, but everyone seems to have forgotten Littlefinger and his knights of the Vale. I see them showing up at the end, to what end, no idea. I wonder, if Brienne had to choose between killing Stannis to avenge Renly, or killing Ramsay to save Sansa, which would she do?
Christ, how could I have forgotten about LF!?! It would be fantastic if they show up at Winterfell at the very end. I still think something to do with Jon SHOULD be the last scene, but it might not be bad to have a wide shot of the land around Winterfell with Stannis's army, LF's army, and perhaps part of the Bolton army all ready to square off without knowing who LF is there to support (if anyone).
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Perhaps he meant Lommy

Hell, they just burned a girl at the stake. No need to go back to season one for examples they don't give AF.
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Yes I meant Myrcella not Pycelle.

At this point, Trystiane is the last Martell male alive though and able to reproduce, so I doubt that if it was laid out this way he'd kill Myrcella to be a martyr but that might end up being his fate in the show.
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i really really wish we would see Jon's eyes pop open a moment before going to black. Cut to a closeup of a "dead" Jon, and then his eyes pop-open. end scene.....just something for the fans to get them to next season..

i hope....

I could see that happening.
And have his eyes ice blue.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Maybe they will parallel the events of ACOK - Stannis is outside, the Vale soldiers come up under a peace banner and slaughter them, and then when the Boltons open their gates, the Vale soliders take Winterfell from them.

Would be basically what Ramsay does to Theon after slaughtering the Winterfellians outside in ACOK.
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Winterfell - no idea what will happen, but everyone seems to have forgotten Littlefinger and his knights of the Vale. I see them showing up at the end, to what end, no idea. I wonder, if Brienne had to choose between killing Stannis to avenge Renly, or killing Ramsay to save Sansa, which would she do?
Christ, how could I have forgotten about LF!?! It would be fantastic if they show up at Winterfell at the very end. I still think something to do with Jon SHOULD be the last scene, but it might not be bad to have a wide shot of the land around Winterfell with Stannis's army, LF's army, and perhaps part of the Bolton army all ready to square off without knowing who LF is there to support (if anyone).

One of Preston Jacobs theories on Youtube is that LF's interest in controlling the Vale and Harrenhall is that it gives an invading army crossing the Narrow Sea a direct line to the heart of Westeros (Narrow Sea to Bay of Crabs to the Trident) This allows someone to deposit an invading army within marching distance of King's Landing.

If LF can seize Winterfell after Stannis and Bolton weaken one another, he would control the North and Vale, with The Bite being the body water separating the two. This would allow him to deposit an invading force just south of the Neck in absolute secrecy. That army could march straight down the King's Road without much in between to stop them:

1. The Twins - First thing an invader would do in this scenario is seize the Twins and take out the Freys. Just desserts, and it protects your rear by preventing an army from flanking you.

2. Riverun is ruled by a weak Emmon Frey (and a strong Ginna Lannister Frey), who would have little to no Lannister support (see below) and no Frey support (see above). They are probably forced to sit this one out and see where it goes.

3. Harrenhall - LF is the sitting Lord, and there is not much there in the way of military force.

Now consider the rest of the great houses who could, or would be willing to, defend King's Landing:

1. Lannisters/Lannisport - With no Tywin and no Kevan, the Lannisters are a rudderless ship. If they could even muster any strength, it would be focused on defending Lannisport, which is in danger from the Iron Islands, as evidenced by Greyjoy activities at the Shield Islands and invading up the Mander.

2. Tyrells/Highgarden - Like the Lannisters, the Tyrells have Iron Island concerns.

3. Hightower/Oldtown - Ironborn issues, with Lord Leyton's interest being magic, rather than King's Landing politics.

4. Barratheons/Dragonstone/Storms End - The Barratheons are done. Stannis is either defeated or trapped in the North. Dragonstone has been seized and Stroms End has been under siege since the Battle of the Blackwater, first by Mace Tyrell and now by Jon Connington. Neither will offer any support for King's Landing.

5. Greyjoys/Iron Islands - Who the hell knows what they're up to, but they wouldn't be much of a factor in any batter on the eastern side of Westeros.

6. Martels/Dorne - Will do nothing to help King's Landing, and an invasion from the East by Connington and from the North by LF may be part of the Dorne master plan.
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That is very interesting. There hasn't been a thing linking Littlefinger to the Targaryens though up to this point, has there? Unless I've just totally missed the clues?

But that would be interesting - if there's anyone who wouldn't show their hand too soon, it'd be LF.
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Yes I meant Myrcella not Pycelle.

At this point, Trystiane is the last Martell male alive though and able to reproduce, so I doubt that if it was laid out this way he'd kill Myrcella to be a martyr but that might end up being his fate in the show.
Woman can inherit in Dorne.
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If Doran's plan for Fire and Blood is going to happen on the show at all, then one of the critical components is that a heir of house Dorne marry an heir of house Targarian. Just something to keep in mind as Doran sends his only child off the Kings Landing - he may not have any intention of Tristram marrying Marcella.
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I don't remember it exactly, but when Davos was in the tent with Shireen, she was reading "The Dance of Dragons" and Davos asked her what she was reading about. Shireen said it was about guy who tried to kill a dragon by sneaking up on it and was burned alive for his trouble. They have a good laugh about it, which is a little ironic given Shireen's end.

Still, I wonder if D&D were having a little fun at the expense of the Quentyn Martell storyline last night, actually. In "A Dance With Dragons" he gets cooked for trying to sneak up on a dragon, and I think everyone reading that story had a laugh about it.
Streetfighter 02
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There was an easter egg in the name of the brothel owner, Brusco, and his concubines who shared Brusco's daughters' names from the books. Brusco was the fishmonger Arya stayed with on her special assignment from the House of Black and White. I generally appreciate these sort of nods from the TV show.
Zombie Jon Snow
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That is very interesting. There hasn't been a thing linking Littlefinger to the Targaryens though up to this point, has there? Unless I've just totally missed the clues?

But that would be interesting - if there's anyone who wouldn't show their hand too soon, it'd be LF.
well other than being pretty close with Varys....they exchange a lot of info when it suits them..they both served the Lannisters but were plotting things to usurp them.

would not be a reach to think that LF and Varys (and Olenna??) plotted something with Dorne.....

could play out where:

Tyrells - keep The Reach and suffer nothing

Martells - keep Dorne and suffer nothing (except not having Trystane marry Myrcella, at least she would not be queen)

Littlefinger/Stark - LF gets the north via Sansa and has the Vale already (or young Robin gets it when he is of age)

Dany/Jon - get Kings Landing of course

Tyrion gets Lannisport/Casterly Rock as a reward for loyalty

Greyjoys keep the iron islands

Freys - gone either LF takes Riverrun or Edmure Tully who married the Frey girl and is captive currently
Boltons - gone, LF takes all of the north
Baratheons- not sure how that is divided up or who takes it over, maybe Targs
Zombie Jon Snow
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map for reference to above theory.

Ol Jock 99
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map for reference to above theory.

I've always loved that they call them the "7 kingdoms" when there are clearly 9 major regions.
Zombie Jon Snow
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map for reference to above theory.

I've always loved that they call them the "7 kingdoms" when there are clearly 9 major regions.
well i don't think they count

  • the wall
  • kings landing (it's the capital not a separate kingdom, whoever is ruling generally has their own historical family territory too)
  • the iron islands (it's historically considered part of the riverrun when the iron islands conquered it and ruled both)
  • north of the wall
so they count

  • Dorne
  • the North
  • the Stormlands
  • the Rock
  • the River and Isles
  • the Mountains and the Vale
  • the Reach
kind of a historical term
Ol Jock 99
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Oh I know. It is just confusing as all get out, especially for the non-bookies.

Thanks for the breakdown. I thought Dorne wasn't, but couldn't remember for sure.
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map for reference to above theory.

I've always loved that they call them the "7 kingdoms" when there are clearly 9 major regions.
There were seven independent Kingdoms at the time of the Targaryen Conquest:

1. Kingdom of the North (Stark/Winterfell)
2. Kingdom of Mountain & Vale (Arryn/Eyrie)
3. Kingdom of the Westerlands (Lannisters/Casterly Rock)
4. Kingdom of the Stormlands (Baratheons/Storm's End)
5. Kingdom of the Reach (Highgarden, ruled by predecessors to the Tyrells)
6. Dorne (Martell/Sunspear)
7. Kingdom of Iron Islands and Riverlands (Black Harren had conquered Tully/Riverrun, etc)

To get the current nine administrative regions:

First you split number 7 into its two constituent parts, because the River lords sided with the Targaryens to get loose from the Ironmen. The Targaryens re-established the Riverlands as a separate unit in compensation for that support.

Then, the current Crownlands were the equivalent of Alsace/Lorraine, constantly changing hands. They are an administrative region now, but were never a separate kingdom.
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well i don't think they count
  • the wall
  • kings landing (it's the capital not a separate kingdom, whoever is ruling generally has their own historical family territory too)
  • the iron islands (it's historically considered part of the riverrun when the iron islands conquered it and ruled both)
  • north of the wall
so they count
  • Dorne
  • the North
  • the Stormlands
  • the Rock
  • the River and Isles
  • the Mountains and the Vale
  • the Reach
kind of a historical term
Not quite right. See above.
The Dog Lord
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Maybe they will parallel the events of ACOK - Stannis is outside, the Vale soldiers come up under a peace banner and slaughter them, and then when the Boltons open their gates, the Vale soliders take Winterfell from them.

Would be basically what Ramsay does to Theon after slaughtering the Winterfellians outside in ACOK.
That would be fantastic, hilarious, poetic, etc. actually.
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I'm wondering if the note given to Davos is legit, or if it actually says "Davos is joining the Night's Watch". I could see Stannis wanting to dump Davos now that Stannis is all in on the lord of light hocus pocus.
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That's a great point, the note very well may have orders that Davos is to stay at the Wall or to be arrested or something. Stannis knows that Davos will be devasted - furiously so - at finding out about Shireen. No way he wants Davos returning.
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I'm wondering if the note given to Davos is legit, or if it actually says "Davos is joining the Night's Watch". I could see Stannis wanting to dump Davos now that Stannis is all in on the lord of light hocus pocus.

I was about to respond with "That's ridiculous."

But then I remember the dude tricked his only daughter into agreeing to "help him" so he wouldn't feel quite as bad about BURNING HER ALIVE.

I hope he gets a very memorable, painful end.
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I kind of wonder if Davos won't be the one to kill Stannis.
Zombie Jon Snow
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I kind of wonder if Davos won't be the one to kill Stannis.

Yeah. Kind of a "let's see your red priestess bring you back from this" killing. Then She tries and brings back Jon instead.
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i really really wish we would see Jon's eyes pop open a moment before going to black. Cut to a closeup of a "dead" Jon, and then his eyes pop-open. end scene.....just something for the fans to get them to next season..

i hope....

I could see that happening.
What if his eyes pop open... and they're ice-blue? [dammit ryamkjr beat me to it]

...or fire-red?

...or dragon purple?
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Winterfell - no idea what will happen, but everyone seems to have forgotten Littlefinger and his knights of the Vale. I see them showing up at the end, to what end, no idea. I wonder, if Brienne had to choose between killing Stannis to avenge Renly, or killing Ramsay to save Sansa, which would she do?
Christ, how could I have forgotten about LF!?! It would be fantastic if they show up at Winterfell at the very end. I still think something to do with Jon SHOULD be the last scene, but it might not be bad to have a wide shot of the land around Winterfell with Stannis's army, LF's army, and perhaps part of the Bolton army all ready to square off without knowing who LF is there to support (if anyone).
If LF showsup; I assume he would simply wait to see the outcome.... or negotiate with the side that can give him the best deal... He would be essentially "choosing the winner" because whichever Commander could sway Littlefinger to their side with promises is most likely going to win. However, as long as LF is present and they don't know what side he's on, no one is going to attack because it's a logical stalemate.

Stannis may be too proud to accept help. Roose may think he's too well entrenched in Winterfell to be overtaken (but LF probably knows the secret ways in and out of the keep through the underground)

However, if I'm LF and my motive is to conquer Winterfell, I don't make my presence known until the very END of the battle, or at least until the fighting has already begun, and I take out both armies.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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but it might not be bad to have a wide shot of the land around Winterfell with Stannis's army, LF's army, and perhaps part of the
Bolton army all ready to square off without knowing who LF is there to
support (if anyone).
And then at the last minute the eagles show up and save everyone!
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I wonder if people's opinion of Ramsay would change if he captured Stannis and turned him into his new Reek.
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In this world the Eagles would ripe the eyes out ...
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but it might not be bad to have a wide shot of the land around Winterfell with Stannis's army, LF's army, and perhaps part of the
Bolton army all ready to square off without knowing who LF is there to
support (if anyone).
And then at the last minute the eagles show up and save everyone!
****ing eagles solve everything!
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So episode 10 is called Mother's Mercy and Daniel Portman (Podrick) said it will break the internet and Emilia Clarke said reaction videos are incoming.

So Mother's Mercy, what can that possibly mean? I think it is obvious that Jon Snow is going to bite it, but what the High Sparrow confirms Jon's lineage (or ToJ flashback that nobody knew about) and then cuts to Castle Black to end the episode. You wouldn't necessarily need to bring back Jon immediately and let everyone stew over why reveal he is a Targ but then kill him (for the non-book readers anyway).
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Could just be about the nude walk scene.
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Zombie Jon Snow
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Seaworth was likely talking about Shireen since that is in his wheel house. I am guessing something shocking happens in the north and maybe Ramsey ends up dead.

At least part of mothers mercy is cerci confessing but I am assume like most episodes it will have meaning in several different places.
possible meaning for Mother's Mercy

actual mothers of sigificance:
cersei - the perp walk
dany - mother of dragons, mercy possibly for meereen on her return?

less likely:
LSH - unlikely return, but possible

Melissandre - mother of the ghost thing, mother of jon's rebirth?
Elia Sand - not sure how that would relate, already concluded their story i think for this season

other meanings:
Mother - is one of the 7 aspects of the singular deity they call the Faith of the Seven

Mother's Men - in the books this is a company of men loyal to Dany in Meereen

finally a little out there, but possible.....along the prophecy and r+l = j lines.....

mother's mercy could refer to the revelation of jon's lineage....his mother's mercy in effect gave him life as Lyanna died in childbirth and made Ned swear to protect him IF that theory is true. could be a revelation from the high sparrow possibly (he kept what he knew about cersei pretty close to the vest until he was ready to act).....

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