**Official Game of Thrones: Season 5 Thread (BOOK READERS/SPOILERS ALLOWED)**

344,731 Views | 2543 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Al Bula
The Dog Lord
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Episode 10 (Mothers Mercy) description is: Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei see eks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.

So obviously WoS for Queen Mother. Jon likely gets FtW'd but I think not resurrected (I just don't think they'll go that far past the books). War at Winterfell though?! The letter from Ramsey referred to it, but I think that part of his letter was BS in the book.
I think Jon is our biggest hope for a shocking end even if it's just the stabbing. Cersei's scene will be a memorable moment but many may not see it is a game changer. It could be a bit better if Robert Strong makes his appearance though. I'm guessing Dany meets the khalasar? Most won't really care if so. Her big moment will be riding Drogon which may be the episode before or something. It doesn't seem like the battle for Winterfell will happen in this season, especially if it's just part of the episode. That will let a lot of people down.

At this point, the big battle we were promised may be at Hardhome against some Others in the upcoming episode. You could also maybe count the fight in the pits as "big" because it includes a dragon.
Zombie Jon Snow
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i think there is a lot "big" between jon just getting stabbed (shock value), the fighting pits with dany and drogon, cersei getting her walk (i assume with robert strong they won't keep dragging out that minor plot for a whole other season) and some kind of battle with the others at least. i agree battle of winterfell may not come. in fact i actually think they will never show that battle (for budget reasons) instead you'll just get build up to it as they march there (which the description says) and that will coinicide with whatever is gonna transpire between Ramsay/Sansa/Theon annd Brienne...I think they kill Ramsay and escape into the approaching Stannis army and we never see the battle actually.

As for Jon I think "challenged" is code for stabbed....the only real question is whether they show him rising again or not? The book left us with that cliffhanger in eefect, but will the book? The reason I think they could show him rising is because keeping word that Jon Kit is involved in the filiming for next season quiet would be very difficult. Although they could I guess just say or imply that he is just in the cast to film his funeral scene. So that could go either way I guess. But I'm sure he gets "killed".
The Dog Lord
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i think there is a lot "big" between jon just getting stabbed (shock value), the fighting pits with dany and drogon, cersei getting her walk (i assume with robert strong they won't keep dragging out that minor plot for a whole other season) and some kind of battle with the others at least. i agree battle of winterfell may not come. in fact i actually think they will never show that battle (for budget reasons) instead you'll just get build up to it as they march there (which the description says) and that will coinicide with whatever is gonna transpire between Ramsay/Sansa/Theon annd Brienne...I think they kill Ramsay and escape into the approaching Stannis army and we never see the battle actually.
I'll be happy if all of those things happen (which I would put at about 99.99%). For the tv-only fans, I'm not sure if that is enough. I guess Jon getting stabbed and Drogon could be enough by itself for some. If Jon is reborn, then anyone complaining can go to hell.

Who knows, we could also get a Bolton death, Shireen death, Dornish death, Hizdarh death, etc.
Agustus Caesar
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think there is a lot "big" between jon just getting stabbed (shock value), the fighting pits with dany and drogon, cersei getting her walk (i assume with robert strong they won't keep dragging out that minor plot for a whole other season) and some kind of battle with the others at least

They are going to pound us with memorable images the next 3 epsiodes (which I hope will redeem this season) - and it's just like when I read the books. Mostly crap (except for the beheading of Janos Slynt and some of Jaime and Asha's chapters) then big endings.
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Drogon eating Hizdar would make the season, for me.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Drogon eating Hizdar would make the season, for me.
Hizdhar was just imprisoned at the end of ADWD but i suppose anything is possible...if they don't want to keep him cast for another year and he is just gonna be "toast" at some point anyway....
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Just think if they end the season with JOn being stabbed and falling to the ground - cut to black. Think how many show watchers will not be able to contain themselves and have to look online to see if JOn is really dead or not, just to find out we don't know either.

If George RR Martin wants to sell 11 billion books instead of just 10 billion, he should have a teaser at the end of the 10th episode with the cover of TWOW and a release date (March 11, 203never)
Inspector Spacetime
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The more I think about it, the more I agree the show isn't going to pass the books on Jon by the end of the season. They will flip the script from shocking death or battle in 9th episode to total cliffhanger in episode 10 with a stabbing that will look lethal but leaves no one 100% sure. Then GRRM has the book come out early 2016, giving a lot of people an incentive to find out what happens to Jon by buying their first ASOIAF book. I could even see Martin telling Benioff and Weiss that no matter what, that cliffhanger needs to be there in season 5 to give him more time for Wow.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Just think if they end the season with JOn being stabbed and falling to the ground - cut to black. Think how many show watchers will not be able to contain themselves and have to look online to see if JOn is really dead or not, just to find out we don't know either.

If George RR Martin wants to sell 11 billion books instead of just 10 billion, he should have a teaser at the end of the 10th episode with the cover of TWOW and a release date (March 11, 203never)
i think a LOT of show watchers will become book readers if they know the TV series is caught up after season 5 and book 6 comes out before season 6....they will be iun the exact same position as us then and won;t want to wait for the show...reading 5 of his books was daunting (especially to non-reader types)...but reading just one book will be doable for them.

GRRM may be a genius and planning this with the show writers to leave them exactly where we are pretty much at the end of season 5.

EDIT - i now see Inspector Spacetimes post above me here...we have pretty much the same thoughts.
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in true grrm fashion, he is actually finishing the series in this book, and lied to HBO so he will get to spoil the show instead of them spoiling the books.
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He has always been one to overachieve with publication schedules.
Agustus Caesar
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I think the likely release date is Xmas 2016
The Dog Lord
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Anyone trying to read book 6 without reading the first five would likely be INCREDIBLY confused by anything but the main story arc of the major characters. Can you imagine trying to learn all of the places, people, etc. toward the end of the series!? Jon's story would be one of the closest, but some of the others would be rough.
The Dog Lord
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I think the likely release date is Xmas 2016
I hope not. I know he cancelled a few appearances and trips to conventions later in the year with the stipulation that he would go if he finishes WoW. I'm not betting on 2015, but still hoping early 2016 before the show starts. He isn't the best at estimating completion dates, but I feel like cancelling events was motivation to finish something that he is getting close to completing. Maybe he really does want to give readers as much as possible before the show does.
M.C. Swag
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Anyone trying to read book 6 without reading the first five would likely be INCREDIBLY confused by anything but the main story arc of the major characters. Can you imagine trying to learn all of the places, people, etc. toward the end of the series!? Jon's story would be one of the closest, but some of the others would be rough.
lol I'd imagine the entire plot in Dorne and Winterfell would be a "dafuq?"
M.C. Swag
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oh and of course Lady Stoneheart lolol That'd be good
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I think it ends with the Jon Snow incident, he is one of the main(as main can be in GoT) characters right there with Dany and tyrion. This is epic shock value that we are talking about here.
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That would be the true middle finger from Martin.
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Just like how there is no way Ned could be executed, he is way too vital for the story. I think LSH has distorted expectations for many fans. Resurrection happens in this universe so it must apply to this character that I love.

I personally want to see that R+L=J and still have him permanently dead. I don't know how the repercussions work out though...

Then again I speculate that the white walkers winning is very realistic. Westeros has hit a winter after a major war that has torn the country apart. It is primed for being overtaken. It would be kind of neat to have DoS to be about a mass exodus across the narrow sea with Dany(or whoever) delaying the WW as long as possible.
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In Ned's case there were succeeding chapters to discuss the aftermath and make sure everyone knew he was dead. With Jon, he could be dead or could have simply passed out due to blood loss. We don't know for sure.
G Martin 87
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That would be the true middle finger from Martin.

Oh, that's nothing. There are a couple of characters shorter than Jon to whom you might not want to get too attached. Just biding my time.
M.C. Swag
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When I read the books I was pretty sure he was dead but you guys sure have made me reconsider that position.
The only reason I don't think he's dead is simply because he did the same "blackout" style to both Arya and Tyrion. (Arya after the red wedding when the hound hit her in the back of the head with the axe and Tyrion when he fell into the river and supposedly drowned.)

So he's 2/2 on POV characters that have gotten the "death" treatment only to be revived in the next book/chapter.
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In Ned's case there were succeeding chapters to discuss the aftermath and make sure everyone knew he was dead. With Jon, he could be dead or could have simply passed out due to blood loss. We don't know for sure.
Ned was early on, the aftermath was there to show that the story continues even when the "main character" dies. Now they have an establish viewing audience they can end it with Jon's stabbing and leave it on a cliffhanger because everyone knows and accepts that there is more to the story. My point was simply that ANYONE can die at ANYTIME.

There have been articles saying GRRM thinks he will finish WoW before next season, because of that I think we won't get ahead of the books regarding Jon in the 10th episode.
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In Ned's case there were succeeding chapters to discuss the aftermath and make sure everyone knew he was dead. With Jon, he could be dead or could have simply passed out due to blood loss. We don't know for sure.
Ned was early on, the aftermath was there to show that the story continues even when the "main character" dies. Now they have an establish viewing audience they can end it with Jon's stabbing and leave it on a cliffhanger because everyone knows and accepts that there is more to the story. My point was simply that ANYONE can die at ANYTIME.

There have been articles saying GRRM thinks he will finish WoW before next season, because of that I think we won't get ahead of the books regarding Jon in the 10th episode.

I was speaking strictly in book terms, in response to the guy saying he was sure Jon was dead.
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Jon and Dany appear to be what the books are about. Fire and Ice. As such, I don't think they would bite the dust before the last book. If Jon dies, then why invest so much subtlety in the Tower of Joy, Jon's parentage, his ability to warg, fostering trust with the wildlings, dreams where he wields a flaming sword with ice armor against the undead, etc.?

GRRM seems to have invested too much time and effort building up Jon, his abilities, and implications he has a greater destiny than to simply kill him in book 5 after being Lord Commander for a couple weeks.
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He invested a lot of books 4/5 on dead end plotlines that don't even have a place in the show. I don't think chapter investment binds GRRM to have (fill in the blank) live.
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I would like to think there is a big difference between Jon and Quentyn, but one never knows with Martin.
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I would like to think there is a big difference between Jon and Quentyn, but one never knows with Martin.

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One thing I haven't thought of till now is the grey worm-barristen stabbing scene. The episode ended not knowing anything about either. One lived one didn't. I could see that playing a role in Jon's stabbing; makes the viewer wonder if he ends up ala Selmy or Gw.
Thomas Ford 91
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E10 has a title "Mothers Mercy". So much possibility there.
G Martin 87
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I would like to think there is a big difference between Jon and Quentyn, but one never knows with Martin.
Not as much as you'd think. I really just needed a way to set up Ollie to be the 1,001st Lord Commander. (He's really a Blackfyre and AA, but obviously he doesn't know.) Oh, dear. I fear I've said too much. Dammit! Hang on a sec while I rewrite AFFC.

The Debt
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I would like to think there is a big difference between Jon and Quentyn, but one never knows with Martin.
Not as much as you'd think. I really just needed a way to set up Ollie to be the 1,001st Lord Commander. (He's really a Blackfyre and AA, but obviously he doesn't know.) Oh, dear. I fear I've said too much. Dammit! Hang on a sec while I rewrite AFFC.

Reddit theory #6,897,539
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All of this could have been avoided had Ned told Robert "No, I won't be your Hand".. Robert B would have return home broken hearted and picked a Lannister.. who would have ran the country quite well and kept the piece.. oh sure Cersie would have killed her husband at some point and Stanis would have still rebel but this time Ned would most likely sided with Stanis. The Stormlord, North, Riverlands and Vale (assuming sister love and all..) vs King Landing and the Lannister. Ned would have kept the Boltons and Frey in check and ensure Rob married the Frey girl. Stanis and Ned armies would have taken King Landing. Stanis would be named King and then march the combined Armies North to fight whitewalker.. Theon Greyjoy would never have been sent to home and would have kept his staff...no Reek.

Bran would have not gone up North of the Wall.. but it would not have matter because the Wall would have fallen to Mance since Stanis never came up to help Jon Snow earlier.. i.e. his Army would be in King Landing and only march North after word of the Wall fallen to free folks.

With Stanis trying to recapture the wall with Ned.. they leave the Capital open to a combined attack of the Golden Company.. and Queen Ta.. oh nevermind she would still be in Mereen.. who takes the City with little interference. Renly still bangs Flower lord.

All cause Ned could not say "No"
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