**Official Game of Thrones: Season 5 Thread (BOOK READERS/SPOILERS ALLOWED)**

344,727 Views | 2543 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Al Bula
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He doesn't have to be AA in the show, just be re-born by fire.

He can fulfill the prophecies in the books.
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Speaking of all that, has the show mentioned Azor Ahai by name? Probably, I can't remember. What about "the Prince that was promised?"
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I believe the closest you get is the finale of Season 4 when she calls him the "Son of Fire and Warrior of Light."

Pretty much everyone is of the opinion that Stannis is not AA at this point, correct? Presumably, Melisandre thinks that she saw Stannis in the flames, but maybe she just saw Dragonstone and thought it was for Stannis since he was running the place after the war. Instead, the flames were showing her the Targaryen stronghold, and she made a mistake.

If that's the case, I could totally see Stannis refusing to kill Shireen, then dying in an assault on Winterfell. At the same time at the Wall, Jon has been killed by his brothers. Melisandre, distraught over her vision, prays to bring back the "Son of Fire and Warrior of Light" and sacrifices Shireen in the fire. She dies, and Stannis stays dead, but at the Wall, Jon wakes up and comes out of the funeral pyre reborn. Jon Snow the Targ is confirmed.
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There's no way he's AA. I go back to Aemon talking about his sword burning but there being no heat.

Another hint that he may sacrifice Shireen, if he truly believes himself to be AA, he'll do it. AA killed his own wife, right?
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Maybe I just haven't paid as much attention, but last episode was the first episode in a while I saw Melisandre being more vague with Stannis than normal.

I think he's going in on the assumption that she sees him being King, and not that she sees him as the pathway to get to the King...

I don't expect that she will ever betray him per se, but she may lead him into a situation where she knows he won't win, but that is necessary to get to the end result.
Urban Ag
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I don't think Stannis believes he is AA. He has always taken a skeptical tone with Mel in that regard. And at this point they seem to be developing his character such that he is losing faith in the red god.

Also think this whole issue of sacrificing Shireen is the avenue for him to diverge away from Mel. Re-watched the episode last night where Stannis has the talk with his daughter and tells her how when all the "experts" advised him to just let her die he told them to all go to hell. He's not going to kill her.
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Will his unwillingness to sacrifice her be the reason Mel turns back?
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I'm predicting Stannis refuses to sacrifice his daughter and Mel is either sent to the Wall or leaves. Stannis' wife flips out and probably tries to kill the daughter herself and gets sent with her or Stannis kills her for being a psycho.

Jon Snow dies but doesn't walk out of the flames. Instead Mel stand over him and resurrects him ala Beric. When Jon revives though he is Azor Ahai reborn. I'm not sure who Jon's Nissa Nissa is though, the only thing I can think of is Ghost and that would suck.

I could also see however the Show handles the situation being very different than how Martin does in the books. The Show has barely touched the prophecies and the casual watcher doesn't know much about them at all. I know the story of Azor Ahai hasn't been told, much less emphasized, in the Show. Thus they will likely keep it less magic oriented.
M.C. Swag
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There has been much and more theories as to who Azor Ahai reborn is, and where and what Lightbringer is.
"Azor Ahai will be reborn amidst smoke and salt wielding the flaming sword Lightbringer to defend the world from R'hllor's nemesis, the Other"

Here's a list of Azor Ahai Theories (With rebuttals):

1. Stannis in fact is Azor Ahai, and the sword he wields is in fact the real Lightbringer. (Maester Aemon believes this to be a fake Lightbringer because of the fact that no heat was present./Melisandre read her fire incorrectly, as she often does, believing Stannis to be Azor Ahai).

2. Jon Snow is Azor Ahai reborn (R+L=J) and he must find Lightbringer. (Jon was not, or has not, yet been born/reborn from salt and smoke, neither has Jon woke dragons from stone)

3. Daenerys Targaryen is Azor Ahai lost in translation. (She did wake dragons from stone, however she has yet to find a physical sword that could be Lightbringer).

4. Victarion Greyjoy was "reborn" when Moqorro healed his wound, in which it openly 'smoked.' Victarion, being a Greyjoy also was born by the sea (salt). (Victarion doesn't appear to be a central character, and while still important, lacks the amount of spotlight Azor Ahai would get from GRRM)

5. Aegon VI Targaryen. Before Rhaegar's death, he believed his son to be the Prince that was Promised. (It is still unclear whether or not this is the real Aegon, and if it is, whether or not Rhaegar was correct in his belief that his son was the Prince that was Promised).

6. Rhaegar Targaryen. Maester Aemon believed Rhaegar to be Azor Ahai. If this theory is true, then Robert Baratheon doomed the realm, when he killed Rhaegar. (The true Azor Ahai could not be killed before his true purpose and duty was enacted)

7. Beric Dondarrion. He was literally reborn. He wielded a flaming sword when he fought the Hound, and the Red Comet was present during his rebirth. (Beric, like many others, seems to be on no pathway towards saving the Realm)

8. Bran Stark. Already on a path north of the Wall, Bran is one of the more plausible candidates. It has been suggested that his rebirth in smoke and salt came after Ramsay Bolton razed Winterfell, and Bran emerged from the darkness of the crypts. It has even been theorized that a dragon underneath Winterfell was awoken during the castle's fall, that had been living in the warmth of the hot springs for hundreds of years.

^This theory comes from something seen from Summer's point of view on CoK, pg. 956
The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame. He bared his teeth, but then the snake was gone.

- There are other theories as well. Who do you believe to be Azor Ahai?

Lightbringer Theories:

1. Stannis wields the true Lightbringer.

2. Daenerys' dragons are a metaphorical Lightbringer

3. Longclaw is Lightbringer

4. Dawn (in starfall) is Lightbringer, awaiting its next master.

5. Lightbringer is deep in the crypts of Winterfell, which is why Jon often has visions of going into the crypts.

6. Lightbringer is in Asshai.

7. Lightbringer is hidden somewhere in the Citadel at Oldtown.

8. Bran the Builder was the original Azor Ahai, and after defeating the Others, he hid Lightbringer in the Wall.
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I just want to see Azor Ahai kill some big ass ice spiders
M.C. Swag
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And then you can get into the debate as to whether Azor Ahai and the Prince Who Was Promised (PwwP) are 2 different individuals, or 1 in the same. Lots of inconsistencies to support both in the books.
The Dog Lord
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Just finished my reread last night. I feel like it has to be Jon at this point. The only other option is Dany. From a DwD:
  • page 410: Mel asks for a glimpse of AA but all she sees is snow
  • page 769: Jon has a dream where he is armored in black ice and has a blade burning red in his fist as he fights dead men (although I think Robb and some others appear as some of the dead)
He already has Valyrian steel which might be as good as dragonglass against the others. Mel also says in CoK that AA will draw from the fire a burning sword. Maybe he will simply pick up his sword from the pyre after he walks out of it.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Melisandre thinks that she saw Stannis in the flames
She needs to get glasses. Renly was clearly the flaming one.
M.C. Swag
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To this point, far and away the most likely candidate for Azor Ahai, is Daenarys. She fits all the requirements.

She awoke the dragons out of her petrified stone eggs, on the very night she spotted the comet for the first time. (GoT, pg. 804). That night, there was smoke from the funeral pyre and salt from Dany's tears. And she was 'reborn' in the sense that she emerged from the fire a stronger person--a leader whom the Dothraki would follow.

But how does Dany's story match up with Salladhor's? Well, one suggestion has been that her dragons are actually Lightbringer, because they can produce fire. This makes a great amount of sense. Like Azor Ahai, Dany tried three times to make her weapon--once while putting them on a brazier (GoT, pg. 593), once while coming out of her fevered nightmares (GoT, pg. 753-754), and finally succeeding on the third try at Drogo's pyre. Also, like Azor Ahai, Dany sacrificed her spouse to make her weapon, and drew the weapon out of a fire.

Other people merely think that Lightbringer is still a sword, and perhaps Dany will find it elsewhere, (maybe in Asshai or far east.)
But the fact remains that, of all the candidates, Dany is the only one who has woken dragons out of stone. Unless another character is going to accomplish the same thing, Dany seems like a safe bet to be Azor Ahai reborn.
The Debt
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Well the PTWP is not "the king that was promised".

Jon, if r+l is true, would technically be stannis' heir (and yes, jon gets he title of heir ahead of dany), so that would make him a prince. He could father a child and die before he gets the crown and his son would be king.

AA, as I mentioned yesterday, is not a political title, it merely says the one who will defeat rhollors Nemesis. Sure it's likely a noble, but it doesn't mean AA is royalty or will be awarded a crown, which is partly why I don't think stannis likes the idea of being AA. The prophesy says nothing of being a king.
W.C. Griffin '09
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Lon the topic of the books, do you guys think the next 2 will follow the show? I'm wondering if GRRM is embracing the divergence and will continue the stories of the books without considering the show. Obviously, some of the big things will be the same but many of the characters are in totally different places. To make the books mesh with the show, he would have to retcon a lot of stuff and drop some story lines. I'm hoping he just says "Screw it" and end with the books and show being similar but nowhere near identical.
The Debt
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Any chance that dragon glass is a flaming sword? One could make a case valyrian metal is a flaming sword.

What if long claw goes Johnny Flame in the presence of white walkers? Maybe that is a valyrian magic that has escaped their understanding over the 1000 years of white walker sleep.

Iirc, it is known valyrian swords can kill WWs what if the tales were "telephone-gamed" into a metaphor? What if valyrian steel in the hands of a valyrian (targaryen) is the trick to flame-on longclaw?
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Would be interesting.

Sam killed a white walker with dragonglass. Jon killed a wight by burning him and maybe one with his sword.

But no one has seen what longclaw will do in the presence of WWs. We talking "Sting" here and orcs or are you talking about it ignites?
The Dog Lord
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To this point, far and away the most likely candidate for Azor Ahai, is Daenarys. She fits all the requirements.

She awoke the dragons out of her petrified stone eggs, on the very night she spotted the comet for the first time. (GoT, pg. 804). That night, there was smoke from the funeral pyre and salt from Dany's tears. And she was 'reborn' in the sense that she emerged from the fire a stronger person--a leader whom the Dothraki would follow.

But how does Dany's story match up with Salladhor's? Well, one suggestion has been that her dragons are actually Lightbringer, because they can produce fire. This makes a great amount of sense. Like Azor Ahai, Dany tried three times to make her weapon--once while putting them on a brazier (GoT, pg. 593), once while coming out of her fevered nightmares (GoT, pg. 753-754), and finally succeeding on the third try at Drogo's pyre. Also, like Azor Ahai, Dany sacrificed her spouse to make her weapon, and drew the weapon out of a fire.

Other people merely think that Lightbringer is still a sword, and perhaps Dany will find it elsewhere, (maybe in Asshai or far east.)
But the fact remains that, of all the candidates, Dany is the only one who has woken dragons out of stone. Unless another character is going to accomplish the same thing, Dany seems like a safe bet to be Azor Ahai reborn.
Agreed. She does fit some of those criteria better up to this point. I think a lot of it just depends on what carries more weight in GRRM's world: actually fulfilling what the prophecies say (up to this point at least it would be Dany but who knows what will happen with Jon), whether AA and the prince that was promised are the same/different, the visions that Melisandre has, the dreams that each character has, if everything is literal (sword = sword), etc.

I can't tell if GRRM is setting us up for it to be Dany, Jon, or have each of them fulfill a prophecy.
The Debt
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Would be interesting.

Sam killed a white walker with dragonglass. Jon killed a wight by burning him and maybe one with his sword.

But no one has seen what longclaw will do in the presence of WWs. We talking "Sting" here and orcs or are you talking about it ignites?

Either glows or ignites.

Then again the prophesy says a flaming sword, not a hot flaming sword. But who knows. I mean we assume heat is required to fight icy monsters, maybe composition "made by fire" is sufficient.
The Dog Lord
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Lon the topic of the books, do you guys think the next 2 will follow the show? I'm wondering if GRRM is embracing the divergence and will continue the stories of the books without considering the show. Obviously, some of the big things will be the same but many of the characters are in totally different places. To make the books mesh with the show, he would have to retcon a lot of stuff and drop some story lines. I'm hoping he just says "Screw it" and end with the books and show being similar but nowhere near identical.
I feel like he will stick with his own story. He did say fairly recently that he has had some new ideas that he may explore (while still sticking to the overall storyline) that would only be possible in the books. They wouldn't be possible in the show based on decisions that have already been made.

He has talked about being tempted to alter what happens based on some fans guessing things correctly, but he ultimately decided he should stay true to the story and not let them influence it. He has always said that he knows the ending and major events for most characters, but he does take liberties with how the story gets there as part of his process.
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Lon the topic of the books, do you guys think the next 2 will follow the show? I'm wondering if GRRM is embracing the divergence and will continue the stories of the books without considering the show. Obviously, some of the big things will be the same but many of the characters are in totally different places. To make the books mesh with the show, he would have to retcon a lot of stuff and drop some story lines. I'm hoping he just says "Screw it" and end with the books and show being similar but nowhere near identical.
You're kind of thinking about it in reverse.

A lot of people seem to think that the showrunners simply know the end of the story. As if GRRM sent them an email that said "Jon and Dany win the throne as married Targ relatives... just make up the rest."

From what I've read, they spent weeks together from morning to night exhaustively mapping out the rest of the story for each and every character. This happened prior to Season 4. So they didn't put Jaime in Dorne and hope that GRRM would decide to bring him there too... They discussed it together and decided they could send him to Dorne and still get him back onto his story without affecting his arc.
marble rye
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It has even been theorized that a dragon underneath Winterfell was awoken during the fall, that had been living in the warmth of the hot springs for hundreds of years.

^This theory comes from something seen from Summer's point of view on CoK, pg. 956
The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame. He bared his teeth, but then the snake was gone.

This is my favorite theory. Some talk of Ned getting a dragon's egg from Lyanna, "...promise me Ned..." and he kept it in the crypts. To be Jon's dragon.
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So he took baby Jon AND a stone dragon egg back to Winterfell?
G Martin 87
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If GRRM doesn't like fans guessing what he was going to do in the books, then he shouldn't leave so many years between them with nothing for the fans to do but engage in speculation. Hurry up, you fat ******* and finish the books!
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I like to pretend that G Martin 87 is GRRM and just posts on this board to troll us/procrastinate the final 2 books.

Why would GRRM post on the Eboard? Well given his fondness of TAMU and seeing as how this is the premiere forum for Ags it makes sense. These threads offer a sufficient cross section of the fanbase both readers and show watchers.

Also GRRM has said that Howland Reed has already shown up in the books. Guesses as to who it might be besides the high sparrow. I know I keep bringing it up but I have a feeling that Howland is the best shot at getting revenge for Ned.
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If Martin has said that Howland Reed has already shown up in the books, my guess it is Tom of Sevenstreams based on his conversation with Jamie after the fall of RIverrun in AFFC.

Now everyone comment below on how smart I am.
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I thought it was assumed the Knight of the Laughing Tree (or whatever) at the Tourney of Harrenhal was Howland Reed. Do flashbacks count? Oh, duh...Tower of Joy flashback. :P
Agustus Caesar
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dany is azor ahai
Light bringer are dragons
Jon is nissa nissa
In the end, dany quenches nissa nissa in Jon (she burns him alive with her dragons, tipping the balance of Magic/seasons toward summer/fire/dragons away from ice/Jon snow/winter - destroys the others, then herself is extinguished by some other means, I know not what)

This is probably wrong, but my wild guess at this point
marble rye
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Idk...all theories. People dissecting every snippet of sneak pieces from GRRM.

Here is a link. I'm not a diehard...no idea WTF Mushroom is or several others they mention in discussion.
G Martin 87
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If Martin has said that Howland Reed has already shown up in the books, my guess it is Tom of Sevenstreams based on his conversation with Jamie after the fall of RIverrun in AFFC.

Now everyone comment below on how smart I am.
Dammit all to seven hells! Now I've got to go rewrite 12 chapters, smart guy.
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There's no way he's AA. I go back to Aemon talking about his sword burning but there being no heat.

Another hint that he may sacrifice Shireen, if he truly believes himself to be AA, he'll do it. AA killed his own wife, right?
"There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him"

Could Longclaw be or become Lightbringer?
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Ding. Ding. Ding. Valarean steel!
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I don't want to sound like "that guy," but I really don't care about Azhor Azai or most of the other prophecies in the series. I don't know. To me there's something more interesting about the Game itself, the battle royale where we'll see who is left standing at the end. The idea that some of these things are preordained, like "oh he can't win because it was foretold that he'd be betrayed" or something... it just kind of spoils things, and makes it a bit cheesier in a way.

That said... I suppose it's not much different than knowing that there's an Author behind it all, and he wouldn't have written Tyrion, Jon and Daenerys so prominently into all 5 books if they weren't going to amount to something in the end. So in a way, GRRM's style and storytelling in general is the biggest prophecy.

But I hate the idea of some old witch giving away how a story is going to end, even if vaguely. I remember in (sigh) the second Mummy movie where it was suddenly decided that the main character was prophesied to kill the Scorpion King or some such. He suddenly had a cryptic tattoo and stuff in the sequel. Why can't the heroes just be heroes without it being foretold in centuries past
marble rye
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Bc GoT is the new religion and ASOIAF is the Bible.
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