*** Official MAD MEN seventh and final season thread ***

203,431 Views | 1733 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Liquid Wrench
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Don is a KGB spy. He gets tired of his double life and is snuffed out by Keri Russell in a cross over episode of The Americans.
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I want to see characters future lives and what happens to them.

I don't think Don will kill himself.
I think that would be interesting, but I would be more surprised to see that than to see Don committ suicide.
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Like many here, I don't expect the finality many fans will want. I feel like right now we are seeing Don bottom out once again, and ultimately it will seem he is making progress to becoming a better man. However, I think we will see something similar to the end of season (don't recall the #) where he walks to the bar and asks if he can buy someone a drink. We will then be left to decide for ourselves if he ends up happy or repeating the miserable cycle he has been on for 7 straight seasons.
Bunk Moreland
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I think we're simply going to see him leave the agency and go do something he wants to do. Possibly with another woman at his side, possibly without. But there will be more optimism than pessimism with the way it ends for Don. Then it's up to the viewer to decide for themselves whether Don will really find happiness this time, or if he'll fall back in the vicious circle of self-destruction
J.P. 03
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I think Wiener will go all-in on trolling fans and show a scene of Glen in Vietnam coming under fire and watching the guy in the foxhole next to him die. He'll take that guy's dog tags with him and come back home for a heart-to-heart with his long-lost father figure Don in which he'll seek advice as to whether he should carry on as dead-end dropout Glen or start his life over with a new identity. We'll see Don ponder for a few seconds, sit back in his chair and light a cigarette. The scene will fade to black before we hear his answer, thus leaving fans to debate until the end of time whether Don, after all that happened to him and all the growth and/or regression that took place over the past 7 seasons, ultimately came to regret the decision he made in Korea.
Sex Panther
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I think we're simply going to see him leave the agency and go do something he wants to do.

What does he want to do? I think his job is the only thing that actually makes him happy and gives him some kind of fulfillment.
Bunk Moreland
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I think we're simply going to see him leave the agency and go do something he wants to do.

What does he want to do? I think his job is the only thing that actually makes him happy and gives him some kind of fulfillment.
I don't know. I think we may find out with the source material over the next 3 episodes.

Maybe he'll go buy Anna's old house in California and spend his days restoring old cars. Seemed to be when he was his happiest among the entire series.
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I think we're simply going to see him leave the agency and go do something he wants to do.

What does he want to do? I think his job is the only thing that actually makes him happy and gives him some kind of fulfillment.
I don't know. I think we may find out with the source material over the next 3 episodes.

Maybe he'll go buy Anna's old house in California and spend his days restoring old cars. Seemed to be when he was his happiest among the entire series.
I think this is a possible scenario. The only time Don was ever relaxed was when he was at Anna's house.

And I don't think his job gives him any fulfillment. That's part of the issue. He thinks it will, but it doesn't. He's an exec, has money, has women...nothing material makes him happy (anymore). I guess you could argue that beating out other agencies for accounts makes him happy, but generally, nothing makes him as happy as being in California as Dick Whitman. Lucky for Don, he has enough money to set up Sally and the boys for life, and disappear.
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Maybe he'll go buy Anna's old house in California and spend his days restoring old cars. Seemed to be when he was his happiest among the entire series.
This occurred to me as well.
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Like many here, I don't expect the finality many fans will want. I feel like right now we are seeing Don bottom out once again, and ultimately it will seem he is making progress to becoming a better man. However, I think we will see something similar to the end of season (don't recall the #) where he walks to the bar and asks if he can buy someone a drink. We will then be left to decide for ourselves if he ends up happy or repeating the miserable cycle he has been on for 7 straight seasons.
Agree. i think it will be a very calm ending, honestly. but then again, maybe Glenn comes back from Nam all messed up and takes them all out in a barrage of gunfire...
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zubi zubi EW is more like it.

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These seven episodes appear to be an extended epilogue. This makes sense - the series has been about the 60's and now we're in the 70's. This is the aftermath. The entire Greek chorus is finally chiming in on Don's decisions, with some effect.

Plus, Weiner is gradually and quietly giving every character's storyline an ending. To me, it feels like the ending to the Sandlot so far where you get a wistful line or two about how all their lives ended up.
  • Kenny got fired from SC&P, but went on to be head of advertising at Dow. He still writes occasionally and enjoyed being a thorn in Pete's side for years.
  • Rachel finally settled down and had kids. She died from leukemia at a young age.
  • Megan lived a comfortable life due to the divorce settlement from Don, but she never got that breakthrough role she wanted, and always felt like she had somehow missed the boat.
  • Betty finally decided to stop being just a trophy wife and went back to school for her master's degree in psychology. She now does counseling for mothers and women in weight loss programs.
  • Glen couldn't live up to his father's academic expectations, so he joined the army. He was killed in Vietnam in 1971.
  • Joan married a rich real estate developer from LA. Her mother gladly takes care of Aaron for the few weeks a year she and Richard travel the world.
Some of that is speculation of course, but I could see it ending up that way. Characters we have left are: Sally, Pete, Roger, Peggy, and of course Don will be last. They really are putting a nice little bow on everyone's story.

I agree with the above post completely.

As far what happens to Roger, i think he dies.

Peggy - Her story line seems to be heading toward a relationship/marriage with whats-his-face's brother-in-law, Head of Accounts, coining an iconic slogan, and striking it rich as a Manhattan real estate tycoon, but I think all of that could just be a red herring.

Pete - He will continue morphing into Don Draper 2.0 most likely.

Alternate story line for Pete & Peggy: They somehow end up together. The series kind of started out that way, and then the two went in different directions. I think it would be interesting if the writers found a way to bring them back together.
Teddy Perkins
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This was a good refresher on where Don/Dick started.

The Dick Whitman Chronicles v1.1
suburban cowboy
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Will be taking a break from the Rockets game tonight to catch tonight's episode
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This was a good refresher on where Don/Dick started.

The Dick Whitman Chronicles v1.1

that was fun to watch
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think we're heading for the most open-ended finale since sopranos
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That was a fantastic episode. All the main crew, caper episode elements, Don and Roger at a bar - great stuff.
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Am I the only one that thought he was about to go into the gay guys' apartment and the series was about to take a weird turn?
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That or they open the door further and Sal is in there as Don does another double take. Oh well
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-Don knew this whole McCann takeover was coming as he predicted it in the finale last season.

-No way Don is still working for McCann when this series ends, Looking more like he goes to California. Ted's story of meeting some random woman on the street will inspire him and maybe that's how they end it...insert Tina Fey as random girl he meets last episode lol

-they opened the door to a Pete-Trudy reconciliation. I'm really rooting for that couple for some reason.

-Peggy went through the generic Feminist debate and is further emboldened by her career choices. She wants to create something important and make a lasting impact on the world and sh's okay now with that creation not being a child.
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"The king ordered it!" is one of the greatest lines of dialogue in the history of the show. The latter half of that convo came out of no where, and was absolutely glorious.

Phenomenal episode all around. Mad Men has always been at its best when the agency is on its heels and has to get inventive to survive. Loved that vibe, but glad it went in an unexpected direction there toward the end. Looks like the next episode could be the last we ever see of Sterling Cooper.
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Very interesting...

Jeff Jensen @EWDocJensen
Don Draper is now on Coca Cola, which in 1970 adopted a new ad slogan: "It's The Real Thing."

Jeff Jensen @EWDocJensen
In 1971, McCann made this classic spot for Coca-Cola. Is this to be Don's work? http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ccmphtml/colaadv.html

Jeff Jensen @EWDocJensen
Don Draper can relate to the opening line for sure... https://youtu.be/1VM2eLhvsSM

Jeff Jensen @EWDocJensen
Totally loving my theory that Don Draper is making that "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" spot... but still think his destiny is Hollywood.
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Sepinwall with the phenomenal analysis, as always...

"We've done it before," Don reminds the others and one of those times was specifically to stay out of Jim Hobart's clutches and as the old team puts their heads together for one last caper, it sure seems like they're going to pull it off again.

But they don't because they can't. Hobart made up his mind long before they had the first inkling this was their future, and there isn't another Houdini act in their immediate future.

It is, in fact, an episode loaded with characters trying to repeat old patterns, or simply being reminded of them, only to learn that their fate was decided too far in the past to change now. Pete and Trudy can't get Tammy into the private school they want because of a grudge Pete's ancestors had back in the old country with the headmaster's clan. Ken won't sign on for the tentative Sterling Cooper West plan because he holds too many grudges against Roger and McCann (just like Ferg Donnelly fired him for leaving them years before). And while Peggy's romantic history with Pete encourages him to tip her off about the big changes coming, she's again forced to reckon with the decision to not be a mother to their son.

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That Coca-cola stuff is interesting and reminds me of when we thought Peggy was going to invent Virginia Slims at the end of season 5. That linked coke article reads just like something they would do on the show.
Jugstore Cowboy
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I doubt they'd be able to use the actual ad in the show, but it's brilliant to have creative genius Don Draper taking over the Coke account at that time period. The commercial itself was an incredible bit of messaging, with Atlanta-based, global-corporatey corporation Coca-Cola putting their brand on an idealistic message that was perfect for the times. First time I ever saw the commercial was on a family trip to Atlanta in 89 and we watched a film on the history of Coke advertising at their museum. Nearly 20 years later, the company still held it up as a landmark ad. And that song was stuck in my head for the rest of the trip.

While we're thinking about real life inspirations, I saw a web thingy somewhere about what Mad Men offices would look like today. Inspired me to Google image search "McCann Erickson offices." The pic I wanted to post is too big for the forum, but I suggest y'all do the search. Every office I've ever worked in looks Third World in comparison, and some look similar to the current SCP office.
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I dont completely disagree with you, but they did have Don come up with "It's Toasted" for Lucky Strike.
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And Peggy is more likely to come up with that Slogan.
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pretty sure it's toasted predates Dick Whitman's birth
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Dude. The first episode has Don creating that slogan.

Trident 88
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"The king ordered it!" is one of the greatest lines of dialogue in the history of the show. The latter half of that convo came out of no where, and was absolutely glorious.

So hilariously odd... Loved it!

Did anyone else think the ending was strange? The employees just walked away and ignored the leadership team after they were told about moving to McCann, which is not what most people would do in their position. They would have been desperate to find out if they still had a job.
Jugstore Cowboy
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Yes. I know it was created before the time period of the show. And they still had Don create it.

And so why wouldnt they have Don or Peggy create one of the greatest marketing pieces ecver? They have done it before.

That is my point, but apparently I have to spell it out.
Jugstore Cowboy
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I thought that link was interesting. Good for you if you already knew the story.
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It was a great episode... we'll see what happens over the next three weeks.
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on a side note... the history of ME...

  • 1902: Alfred Erickson forms his own advertising agency in New York City.
  • 1912: Harrison King McCann, along with four partners, launches H.K. McCann Co, and introduces the credo "Truth Well Told".
  • 1927: McCann opens offices in Paris, Berlin and London.
  • 1930: McCann and Erickson merge companies.
  • 1935: Latin American offices open in Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro.
  • 1957: McCann became the first U.S. advertising agency to bill $100 million in TV and radio sales.
  • 1959: Australian office opens, as well as European offices in Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland.
  • 1960: The company is organised into four independent operating units reporting into McCann Erickson, Inc. (later to become the Interpublic Group in 1961). Office opens in Japan.
  • 1964: The Spanish government of Francisco Franco hires the agency to improve its image in the United States.[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCann_Erickson#cite_note-6][6][/url]
  • 1973: McCann International and McCann US reunite into the single agency McCann Erickson Worldwide.
  • 1997: McCann Worldgroup formed, includes: McCann Erickson Worldwide, Universal McCann and what would become MRM//McCann, Momentum, McCann Healthcare Worldwide, Weber Shandwick and FutureBrand.
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