Ragnar Danneskjoldd said:
AggieArchitect04 said:
I have never farted in front of my girlfriend in over 5 years, UNLESS I farted in my sleep...which is definitely a possibility. I think I've woken myself up before from that.
I did have to ask her for a plunger at one point the first year we dated. That was pretty embarrassing but I guess not a dealbreaker for her.
you've had a girlfriend for 5 years? Spin the chamber, boris. Get married.
Eh. We might. Or we might not. We've both been married once before and had kids with our exes.
I'm 42 now and at this stage as a man, I just see very little benefit for me in getting married. We aren't trying to start a family, we aren't going to share finances, and we both value personal space.
This takes nothing away from her. She's a fantastic person and I may end up proposing one day, but outside of love and companionship (things I'm already getting) there just doesn't seem to be a lot to gain by being married. To be honest, I think she got burned pretty bad the first time around as well and has some hesitations about tying the knot again herself.