Had a Codigo reposado over the weekend and it was quite delicious. Gonna head to the liquor store tom and wanna try something new. Looking for a bottle to make good Ranch water and for sipping.
I haven't had a drink in years, but I remember how good Herradura (Gold) tasted. I don't pine for it, but for those who are able to handle the 'convivial glass' I recommend it.Bob Loblaws Law Blog said:
If you neva compamise, there's only one option - Tequila Herradura
Zacktlyjickyjack1 said:I haven't had a drink in years, but I remember how good Herradura (Gold) tasted. I don't pine for it, but for those who are able to handle the 'convivial glass' I recommend it.Bob Loblaws Law Blog said:
If you neva compamise, there's only one option - Tequila Herradura
Something about leaving the color in reps and anejos.. clear anejo is weird to me.Dad-O-Lot said:
Lol Patron...rigghhttttBrush Country Ag said:
Codigo is way up there. Patron is a close #2