staring off into the sunset

quote:No ***** for me, thankyouverymuch.
Time for cats!
quote:I'd bet good money there are some ***** owners in this very thread that would try to make you think other wise.quote:No ***** for me, thankyouverymuch.
Time for cats!
The Romanoff Labradors (two of which are my parents')
Y'all are going to let the new chick off that easy?! We don't even know what she thinks about the plane, tipping, or physics.... let alone a chimpanzee riding on a Segway. ****ing new army has gone to hell.
Chimpanzee riding on a Segway is actually the second best thing ever. A song about a chimpanzee riding on a Segway is actually number one.
Y'all are going to let the new chick off that easy?! We don't even know what she thinks about the plane, tipping, or physics.... let alone a chimpanzee riding on a Segway. ****ing new army has gone to hell.
Not to totally derail from the pets convo but I am sorry you feel this way, nuRowdy!
Your questions don't have much background to them so I will answer to my best ability. I prefer flying to driving if that's what you mean by planes? I've also jumped out of one. I typically tip 20% because the math is easier. And I yelled at my physics professor one time and still got an A? A chimpanzee on a Segway sounds like the best thing ever.
And as far as the current convo, I also think cats are great. I like their attitude. I really like any fluffy animal ranging from baby goats to polar bears though.
Here's a real life example to see if it's clear for y'all...
Get on a treadmill. Put the speed on HIGH. Run as fast as you can to stay in place.
Now, how fast is the wind blowing on your face?
Just as fast as it would be blowing over the wings of the airplane...
quote:The are not *******s.
That's reasonable.
In generaly, I hate cats because (a) they're arseholes (b) they give me unbelievable allergies. I guess it's biology's way of telling me that cats are evil.
Another mostly lurker here with the then 5 month old lab after a run
like father like dog
I kinda see that guy from Pete & Pete, but I'm not sure that's it