Looking at the court docket sheet, it looks as if an ad litem was appointed in May 2015 and an agreed judgment was entered in August, likely meaning settlement.
What am I missing here, how is it wrong to sue Rackspace over the slide?
1. They knew it was dangerous as it had already broken a leg
2. They thought the proper corrective action, rather than to remove the slide, was to post a sign saying "no kids", maybe failing to realize that an 18 month old can't freaking read and the leg it already broke was an adult's.
3. The amount isn't really high considering that a broken leg on a toddler will absolutely lead to medical bills over $200k.
This isn't a playground, its a workplace. While it may be cool and hip to have a slide, the thing is breaking legs. The injury was 100% forseeable, actions to make it safer were a joke, it serves no business purpose
IN McDonalds an old lady had her Va-ja-ja burned off by their coffee. Took multiple skin grafts. The store had been warned and cited multiple times and refused to lower the temp. The coffee was being served at almost 200 degrees.
Someone give me a good reason why this is a bad lawsuit, aside from your typical "this is texags and I am programmed not to think about anything myself just top regurgitate the same old crap."
quote:The judge ruled that the plaintiff didn't have a leg to stand on.
Whatever happened with this suit? Was it settled out of court?
Someone give me a good reason why this is a bad lawsuit, aside from your typical "this is texags and I am programmed not to think about anything myself just top regurgitate the same old crap."
This isn't a playground, its a workplace.
I heard he found it tibia frivolous lawsuit.