Not what we wanted for TEXAS A&M but it might have been best for Lamara Distin; she has rarely had 1 person to compete against; she usually has 1 person who misses the height and Distin clears it but now she needs to file this as how to compete with high stakes and high competition. She will certainly need to draw from this at the olympics. I think she was emotionally caught up in the moment of having real competition with high stakes and that is a lot of different type of pressure than she has had to compete with.
Thinking of the expectations of being a Bowerman, a former champion, an expected champion, a spotlight athlete, facing girls who have jumped as high and having them all step up to the challenge was a mind job to the athlete within her. I am sure it wasn't easy but she needed to have that type of challenge so if she did fail she can train emotionally to goto another level before the olympics. She was a blessing to our program and God is not done with her. Thanks to you Lamara as you treated us often and opened the door for other great athletes to shine without the pressure that was upon you.