***** Boardgame Discussion Thread *****

93,638 Views | 670 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by BQRyno
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I bought my daughter Deception: Murder in Hong Kong. She loves Dixit, and this is supposed have similar play mechanics.

I'm still sitting on this ginormous Gloomhaven box looking for folks to play with.
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I got my wife 3 two player games and myself Twilight Struggle
Red Five
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I'm only looking to pick up the new Civilization game and maybe one or two others. I've got two Kingdom Death settlements going and I just got Gloomhaven in last week, so I haven't had much of a wandering eye.
DB Coach
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I have a few questions if anyone could please answer:

How long does it take to play a game of Catan? Is it a difficult to learn game?

Has anyone played Star Wars Rebellion?
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DB Coach said:

I have a few questions if anyone could please answer:

How long does it take to play a game of Catan? Is it a difficult to learn game?

Has anyone played Star Wars Rebellion?

Once everyone knows how to play most games of Settlers of Catan take about an hour, maybe a little longer.
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Catan has elements of both Risk and Monopoly, without the 5+ hour play time. Most games last between 1 and 2 hours.
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Rebellion is fun, but long. You need a couple people who are both into star wars and/or strategy games. It pulls off the asymmetric fight very well in my opinion, but I've only gotten about three games in.
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We seem to have caught the bug as a family in the last few months.

Me, wife, 4 sons (15, 13, 10, 4)

Regular rotation, that we are looking to expand:

  • Ticket to Ride (Standard, 1910, Europe, Rails & Sails, iPad app). This was what got us started
  • Pandemic - for the older boys. We have Legacy but have not started it yet
  • Star Realms (also have the iPad app). This was our first "deck" game
  • Hero Realms (unopened so far, only had it a couple of weeks)
  • Forbidden Desert (early Christmas gift from someone to my 13 y/o, unopened)
  • 7 Wonders (on it's way for Christmas to my 13 y/o)
  • Catan (not sure when we got this, but need to get it back out and play)
  • D&D (oldest son is part of a boardgame group at school and just getting into this one)

We've got a neighborhood boardgame store/coffee shop. They can get pretty much anything in and have a wide selection of games as we look to expand.
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I'm a huge fan of Dominion and all of the expansions. It is great. Start with the original and then go from there. It really does a great job of making every game different.
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We just finished a game of Forbidden Desert with one of our sons.

Thoughts on Dominion and and Dominioin Intrigue together for $75?
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I think theres a Dominion big box set thay has the base set, Intrigue, and Seaside all together for not much more than that. Theres all kinds of internet fights over whether Intrigue or Seaside are better, so just "Porque no los dos" that joker.

edit: just checked Amazon and they either dont sell that anymore or i made it up. oops.
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That's not a bad deal. I like intrigue much more then seaside. Trust me, you should like it.
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Awesome. I'll see if we can pick it up today.
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We have really enjoyed "the cat game". Didn't think we would, but it has been a funny drawing game.
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Got to play Village and Love Letter for the first time this weekend and enjoyed them both a lot.

I've also been running a D&D group since October and having a lot of fun. We're doing the Storm King's Thunder module and we're about 6 sessions in. Being a DM with a pre-made module isn't nearly as hard or time consuming as I was afraid it would be. I guess I'm averaging 1-2 hours of prep for a 4 hour game session, but a lot of that is visual enhancements that aren't essential, like printing off maps or finding art to show on the tv screen during the game. You could do this module with 30 minutes of prep per session. This has taught me though that doing 100% homebrew would be a nightmare.
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Karrde said:

Rebellion is fun, but long. You need a couple people who are both into star wars and/or strategy games. It pulls off the asymmetric fight very well in my opinion, but I've only gotten about three games in.

I agree with this, with the same number of plays. It's a fantastic game, and it can go four hours easily. I've enjoyed it at all player counts, though two is probably optimal.

Just got the expansion for Christmas. =D
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Now that my kids are getting older we are getting into board games more. Last Christmas, we got Ticket to Ride. This Christmas we got Pandemic and Catan.

We played Catan for the first time last night. Had a friend come over to give a tutorial. Super Fun! My ten year old is handling it quite well.
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Pandemic can be an SOB. If you need extra practice, there's a great ipad version.

Definitely start on Easy and work your way up.
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iPad version kicks my ass every time
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whats great about the app version is you will actually be forced to play by the correct rules. I'd been playing for years and then i downloaded the app and got all mad when they made me immediately discard cards the moment i got up to 8 in my hand. I'd always thought you turn had to end with 7 or less, so with the scientist you could take a bunch of cards from the researcher and cure 2 diseases in 1 turn.
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Red Five said:

I'm fighting with FOMO on this one as well, but the price point is doing a good job of holding me off. I gave in on Gloomhaven, I don't think I can pay $120 + shipping for 7th Continent though.
Really regret not backing Gloomhaven now. I don't even care about 7th Continent anymore. I think you did it right while I chose poorly.
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heddleston said:

I think theres a Dominion big box set thay has the base set, Intrigue, and Seaside all together for not much more than that. Theres all kinds of internet fights over whether Intrigue or Seaside are better, so just "Porque no los dos" that joker.

edit: just checked Amazon and they either dont sell that anymore or i made it up. oops.
The Big Box was definitely a thing. It's how I started myself. You aren't crazy.
Red Five
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On the other hand, I haven't played Gloomhaven yet because all I want to play is Kingdom Death. There are no winners with board games. They'll get you somehow.
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I'm really enjoying painting the plastic figures that came with Temple of Elemental Evil. I was a D&D dork growing up and didn't realise I missed painting the lead, now plastic, figures.

The game is pretty fun too for easy D&D. Only on adventure 5/13 so far as I only play when my daughter and her husband come to town.
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Line Ate Member
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We picked up Hogwarts Battle for our birthdays. My sister and BIL have it and walked us through years 1-3. Some of the villains can definitely snowball on top of one another. Co-op deck building game with some elements of luck thrown in later.
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Line Ate Member said:

We picked up Hogwarts Battle for our birthdays. My sister and BIL have it and walked us through years 1-3. Some of the villains can definitely snowball on top of one another. Co-op deck building game with some elements of luck thrown in later.
my son got this one for Christmas but I haven't played it yet.
Red Five
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Crystal Blue Meth said:

Have we talked about Marvel Legendary, yet? Skimmed through a few of the pages and didn't see it. Been really enjoying it, even if it is a pain in the ass to set up. Got the Dark City expansion and glad for a little bit harder masterminds.
I've played it a handful of times and as a die hard Marvel fan it's very enjoyable. There is a ton of content for it too.
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Hello board gamers. I've caught the bug over recent weeks and invested in a few board games including:

  • Mage Knight (about 8 plays, my favorite so far)
  • Robinson Crusoe (about 5 plays, fun but extremely difficult and luck of the cards can mess you up easily)
  • Aeon's End (a few plays, less involved than the other two so playing this when I have less time to play, still enjoyable)

Emphasis on games that can be played with others, but can also be played solo as getting a group together on a consistent basis can be a bit of a struggle for me.

Hearing that all the rage is Gloomhaven which I've watched some videos on. Very interested, but not holding out hope that I'll be able to obtain a reasonably priced copy of it anytime soon even with the official release this Friday.
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Gloomhaven is listed by some stores now for MSRP. Check reddit/Boardgamedeals and always use boardgameprices.com. In fact, go to the latter now and check the prices of the games you already bought.

Amazon is not usually a good place to buy boardgames, FWIW. I'm posting that for everyone reading, because it's not well known. The sellers there frequently list games for above MSRP, not below.
Red Five
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The incidence of counterfeit games is pretty high as well for anything not listed as sold explicitly by Amazon. Christian Petersen, head of Asmodee NA, recently had an interview where he talked about how bad it has gotten.

If you're buying online, there are a number of great shops with great prices.

Cool Stuff Inc.
Miniature Market
Fun Again Games

I've had the best experiences with CSI and MM, I order almost exclusively from CSI. Dont ask me about what level I am on their customer loyalty program

Unfortunately they are all sold out of their Gloomhaven pre-orders. I even checked 401 Games and Quiche Games in Canada because I had luck with them on other games when American retailers were sold out. No dice.
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I heard about the counterfeit games, and it worries me. I received quite a few board games as Christmas gifts which probably came from Amazon. I guess I will find out when i end up getting to them. I also order most of my games through Cool Stuff.

Has anyone played Clank or more specifically Clank in Space? This is the first time I put my wife in charge of learning and teaching me a game. I am familiar with other deck builders, but in this game there is the clank and damage mechanic, and it just seemed broken to some degree.

My wife and kids played earlier in the day and it was fine, but last night She and I played a two player game and around mid-game it got to the point where i was content with my deck, she followed suit and so we stopped buying cards, which stopped the damage dealing mechanic (as taught by my wife). The only other trigger is once someone escapes, but i never felt that pressured to hurry or in danger of dying. i had plenty of healing and zero damage when i finished the game. Is this an issue from only playing two players or did we (my wife) get the rules wrong, or is just a flaw in the mechanic.

It took a little shine off, because i have heard how wonderful the game is, fixes some of the issues in Clank, and how the pressure continues to ramp up.
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Fleff said:

I heard about the counterfeit games, and it worries me. I received quite a few board games as Christmas gifts which probably came from Amazon. I guess I will find out when i end up getting to them. I also order most of my games through Cool Stuff.

Has anyone played Clank or more specifically Clank in Space? This is the first time I put my wife in charge of learning and teaching me a game. I am familiar with other deck builders, but in this game there is the clank and damage mechanic, and it just seemed broken to some degree.

My wife and kids played earlier in the day and it was fine, but last night She and I played a two player game and around mid-game it got to the point where i was content with my deck, she followed suit and so we stopped buying cards, which stopped the damage dealing mechanic (as taught by my wife). The only other trigger is once someone escapes, but i never felt that pressured to hurry or in danger of dying. i had plenty of healing and zero damage when i finished the game. Is this an issue from only playing two players or did we (my wife) get the rules wrong, or is just a flaw in the mechanic.

It took a little shine off, because i have heard how wonderful the game is, fixes some of the issues in Clank, and how the pressure continues to ramp up.
Clank is one of my favorite games but it has been a while since I played since my wife doesn't like board games and I have to wait for my daughter to visit to play and she is in medical school so a bit on the busy side. I believe you misunderstood something in the rules and you have to continue to build your deck and pull cards at the risk of clanking. I know we played two player several times and we were always close to death by the end of the game.

She just got space clank so haven't played that one yet.
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So just looked up the rules:


You can use Skill to acquire cards with blue banners from the Adventure Row (which change throughout the game) or cards with yellow banners from the Reserve (which are the same in every game).
You can, but it doesn't mean you must.


At the end of every player's turn, if any of the six spaces for cards in the Adventure Row are empty, refill them with new cards from the Adventure Deck. If any of the cards drawn have a Boss Attack symbol, Lord Eradikus attacks! (But only once, no matter how many Boss Attack symbols were revealed.)
So if you aren't buying from Adventures row, because you area already happy with the cards acquired, then Lord Eradikus will not attack until a player has excaped.

So in our game, the attacks came early while building up a decent deck, and then not until my wife escaped because there was no longer a reason to acquire cards outside of the one which give 5 victory points in the Reserve row. I had no damage and continued to explore until i tired of playing. I won 116 to her 64.
Red Five
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Bones08 said:

Hello board gamers. I've caught the bug over recent weeks and invested in a few board games including:

  • Mage Knight (about 8 plays, my favorite so far)
  • Robinson Crusoe (about 5 plays, fun but extremely difficult and luck of the cards can mess you up easily)
  • Aeon's End (a few plays, less involved than the other two so playing this when I have less time to play, still enjoyable)

Emphasis on games that can be played with others, but can also be played solo as getting a group together on a consistent basis can be a bit of a struggle for me.

Hearing that all the rage is Gloomhaven which I've watched some videos on. Very interested, but not holding out hope that I'll be able to obtain a reasonably priced copy of it anytime soon even with the official release this Friday.

Gloomhaven preorders are back available at Cool Stuff Inc.

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