***** Boardgame Discussion Thread *****

93,643 Views | 670 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by BQRyno
Twice an Aggie
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Bulldog...7 Wonders is very fun and never plays the same. Plus there are multiple expansions to pick up if you enjoy it.
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SheriffBarclay said:

I wish I could find a group here in Dallas.

Bro, the guy in Waco has an excuse. You're just bellyaching and not trying! XD
Twice an Aggie
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Where in Dallas?
Boiling Denim
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Fleff said:

Really bummed that i missed out on Gloomhaven, will probably back the second printing if that rumor proves true.

Highly recommend it. Got to play the first scenario finally and it was fantastic. The amount of content in this game is obscene. There will most definitely be a second printing coming soon(prob on Kickstarter again) considering how many unfulfilled preorders there are and it's flying up the rankings on bgg. Already top 50 after a month.

We also got to solve our first case in Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. It's already one of my most memorable gaming moments. If anyone is looking for a thematic highly immersive brain-burner thats good for a rainy day and can play multiple people I can't recommend this one enough.
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mporterco07 said:

Bulldog...7 Wonders is very fun and never plays the same. Plus there are multiple expansions to pick up if you enjoy it.

Second 7 Wonders and would also add Seasons. Seasons at Board Game Geek
Red Five
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+1 for Seasons, it's my favorite game.
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SheriffBarclay said:

I wish I could find a group here in Dallas.
I wish i could find a group here in CS. My friend has a group that goes to Madness in Plano
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Boiling Denim said:

We also got to solve our first case in Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. It's already one of my most memorable gaming moments. If anyone is looking for a thematic highly immersive brain-burner thats good for a rainy day and can play multiple people I can't recommend this one enough.
I have been interested in SHCD for a while and in Mythos Tales, but i have heard it is best solo. SUSD also said it is the best date game, so when you said "we" who played with you? Have you played Mythos Tales or the original. I have also heard some typos or translation issues make a few cases unsolvable and that has turned me off a little.
Boiling Denim
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Fleff said:

Boiling Denim said:

We also got to solve our first case in Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. It's already one of my most memorable gaming moments. If anyone is looking for a thematic highly immersive brain-burner thats good for a rainy day and can play multiple people I can't recommend this one enough.
I have been interested in SHCD for a while and in Mythos Tales, but i have heard it is best solo. SUSD also said it is the best date game, so when you said "we" who played with you? Have you played Mythos Tales or the original. I have also heard some typos or translation issues make a few cases unsolvable and that has turned me off a little.
My wife and I played. You can just take turns following leads. It's pretty convenient since one person has to read the excerpt which lets the other person take notes.

I should note what I played is the brand new SHCD: Jack the Ripper & West End that has 6 old expansion cases and 4 brand new Jack the Ripper cases. They recommend for newbies to complete the 6 independent cases first before going after Jack the Ripper which we are going to do.

I've heard the same issues with the original SHCD but this Space Cowboys company seems very aware of it's past and have made efforts to fix these issues. They have said they are releasing another re-print of the original cases in their new style(great since the original is out of print) as well as a completely new expansion with new cases.

Haven't tried Mythos Tale yet though if all these SHCD are a hit I'll def be looking at it
Red Five
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As said, look for the Space Cowboys 2017 edition of SHCD later this year. Space Cowboys is an amazing company. I'm sure the mistranslations will be corrected and the game will look even better as well.

If you somehow manage to find the older Ystari version (I'm pretty sure these are all sold out), you can get corrected case book .pdfs directly from the publisher or there is an unofficial errata available on boardgamegeek that fixes the case books and the newspapers.
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SheriffBarclay said:

Bryan, are you doing any of the optional buys for Rising sun? Curious as to which ones you think are worth it. Leaning towards the $50 expansion, but not sure about the others.
Same here. I figure one has to get functional stuff; the other two are purely cosmetic. However, I haven't ruled them out. And there's more to come! We still haven't seen the art book.

So far I've only pledged for the base game. I'll bump up to cover the expansion soon.
Red Five
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Red Five said:

Negative on stretch goals in general, although I dont really have much of a problem with kickstarter exclusives that i can think of off the top of my head. What I dislike is CMON including stretch goals at ~300-700K for extra miniature sculpts and upgraded components for a project they know is going to fund in excess of $3MM. They should have just included those components in the game from the start. It's a silly, meaningless practice.

Stretch goals make sense for companies that actually need help funding their project, but they make little sense IMO for companies who are just using Kickstarter as a pre-order system.

Again, grumpy old man stuff, it's really not that big of a deal.
So I guess CMON read my post and decided to up the ante so that I would have to reverse my stance on kickstarter exclusives. The new Rising Sun expansion is a pretty shady move designed to prey on backers' FOMO. Everyone who could get it is a backer of the base game that comes with KS exclusive plastic components, and now they are offering the expansion with KS exclusive components as an add-on. So basically CMON is saying, "Give us $50 right now or else you will never have an expansion that matches your base game."
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Red Five said:

Red Five said:

Negative on stretch goals in general, although I dont really have much of a problem with kickstarter exclusives that i can think of off the top of my head. What I dislike is CMON including stretch goals at ~300-700K for extra miniature sculpts and upgraded components for a project they know is going to fund in excess of $3MM. They should have just included those components in the game from the start. It's a silly, meaningless practice.

Stretch goals make sense for companies that actually need help funding their project, but they make little sense IMO for companies who are just using Kickstarter as a pre-order system.

Again, grumpy old man stuff, it's really not that big of a deal.
So I guess CMON read my post and decided to up the ante so that I would have to reverse my stance on kickstarter exclusives. The new Rising Sun expansion is a pretty shady move designed to prey on backers' FOMO. Everyone who could get it is a backer of the base game that comes with KS exclusive plastic components, and now they are offering the expansion with KS exclusive components as an add-on. So basically CMON is saying, "Give us $50 right now or else you will never have an expansion that matches your base game."
They are, no doubt. Imho they looked at the prices for Blood Rage KS content on the secondary market and decided that they wanted to get more of that money.
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I just noticed a comment on the latest update from one of the CMON staff saying that Kami Unbound, while included in the $100 Kickstarter, will not be part of the base box - so presumably, at retail it will be an expansion. This makes the $100 pledge a bit more attractive in the event that someone was trying to compare Kickstarting versus buying later at retail. Of course, all the Kickstarter exclusive stuff helps as well.

Kami Unbound contains the minis for the various gods which are used under optional rules.
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Boiling Denim said:

I've gone on a bit of a spending spree lately in 2017.

Got to play Resistance during a Super Bowl party. Great fun. Wish I had more opportunities to play with large groups. Funny to see the natural born players(liars) in a group. Unexpected results a couple times.

Code Names multiple plays so far. Has been a big success with every group.

Big purchase has been Gloomhaven. I'm one of the lucky few who found a retail copy at a random FLGS. Only something like 2,500 of 25,000 pre-orders were filled. Currently still unpacking and organizing everything. I've put about 3-4 hours into this effort and doing foam inserts. It's so freaking massive. Box weighed ~20 pounds

Bought Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper. Really anxious to try this one out. Really wanted the original game but still waiting on the next re-print this year. 4 Jack the Ripper cases plus 6 old expansion cases consolidated. Many people think the original cases provide some of the best co-op experiences in board gaming.

Bought and played Santorini. This has been mostly a dud with the wife. Not sure this will stay in the collection long.

Bought and saving Forge War for a rainy day. This was really a contingency game if I didn't find Gloomhaven.

Eyeing Ghost Stories for later this year....much later as I dig into some of these others.
My wife and I play the original Sherlock Holmes and have occasionally been able to include friends and family. It's probably our favorite game, by a long ways, to be honest. Everyone we play it with loves it. We wanted to buy it for her brother this past christmas, but it is too expensive right now (we got it new for around $40).
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I watched the first half of Tabletop's Fury of Dracula game today. I had forgotten (probably due to my annoyance at Wil Wheaton) how entertaining that show can be.

I showed my friends some of my unplayed games last week to see what they'd be interested in trying next, and Fury of Dracula v3 was their choice. The show definitely makes it look like a good time - although they do that for just about every game.
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We got Fury of Dracula for Christmas. I like it, but combat can big down a little. Being Dracula is a lot of fun.

Similar game, Rebellion, is also a lot of fun. Really like that game.
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Rebellion is a favorite of mine. I'd play more if it weren't so long.
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A buddy and I tried out Epic this week. Made by the same guys who created Star Realms (which I love), it's kinda like a $15 MTG set that's ready to play up to 4 people. I never played magic, while my bud did back in the 90s.

It took a little bit to figure out the mechanics and the rhythm of each turn, but by the end we had gotten the hang of it and had a good time even though I got my butt kicked. It doesn't do you any good to have a bunch of awesome yellow faction cards with banish powers when your opponent has an unbanishable dragon that you can't defeat.

Edit: apparently if you misspell the word "like" with a k instead of the L it gets filtered? Never knew what that was before.
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Chipotlemonger said:

Anyone here ever play Shogun?

Loved that way-too-involved-time-trap of a game in my younger days.

I used to play that with some friends. Anybody here play Axis and Allies? Would love to get a game going if anyone plays in Houston area.
Red Five
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Played Twilight Struggle last night for the first time... wow. What a game. It's a 2-player game that simulates the Cold War, with players taking the side of either the USA or USSR and attempting to spread their influence across the globe. The game is driven by playing cards from a shared deck, each card can either be played as an event (real event's from history like the Cuban Missile Crisis) or for it's operational value (1-4) which allows you to gain influence in territories. Certain cards invoke scoring in a region (Europe, Asia, etc), and the players score VP based on their influence. I won't go into it more than that, but the rules are actually quite simple and there are multiple victory conditions. There is a ton of stuff going on to keep track of, though, and trying to stay on top of your opponent's strategy while also executing yours makes for a real brain burner.

The game is brilliant though. If you like history at all you must play this game. It's currently available on Steam for $15 as well.
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I probably have 30 board games that I picked up in Germany. A number of them are kid aged games but have probably 15 adult oriented games.

Favorites of mine back in the day are the Squad Leader series of games:

Squad Leader
Cross of Iron
Crescendo of Doom
GI: Anvil of Victory
Panzer Leader

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There are but SEVEN HOURS left in the Rising Sun Kickstarter! Back now or regret it later!

I'm in for just the core set and the expansion. The metal coins, playmat, and art book are each tempting in their own ways, but for now I'm passing on those.
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Ordered Clank! off of Amazon this weekend when I noticed it was below the $50 mark for the first time in a while. Should be here later this week, I'm really excited to try this one out. I enjoy deck building games, but haven't played one that also combines the deck building mechanic with other mechanics. Hopefully it goes over well in my group!
Red Five
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3rdGen2015 said:

Ordered Clank! off of Amazon this weekend when I noticed it was below the $50 mark for the first time in a while. Should be here later this week, I'm really excited to try this one out. I enjoy deck building games, but haven't played one that also combines the deck building mechanic with other mechanics. Hopefully it goes over well in my group!
Clank! is great fun. I just got the expansion for it that was released a couple weeks ago, but haven't played it yet. I just recently played Super Motherload, another cool game that combines deck building with other mechanics. In this one, you basically are playing Dig Dug, drilling tunnels through the ground trying to find minerals and artifacts. I highly recommend it.
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so if money is no object

the original Milton Bradley gamemaster Axis & Allies or one of the revised editions?
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Bryan98 said:

There are but SEVEN HOURS left in the Rising Sun Kickstarter! Back now or regret it later!

I'm in for just the core set and the expansion. The metal coins, playmat, and art book are each tempting in their own ways, but for now I'm passing on those.
Ugh....been on the fence about this since it was announced. I have no interest in the setting. I am fully aware I have the "get it because it will be more expensive later" mentality. That is my main driving force for wanting it. Not the actual game itself.

I am back in school and pretty much have zero disposable income at the moment. Gotta ask myself....is it worth it? I bought the The Others: 7 Sins and havent even unboxed it yet.

I am sucker for minis
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They are allowing late backers right now, by the way.

Personally I love Blood Rage, and I hate not having "everything", so it was a no brainer for me to back. I was F5ing the moment the campaign went live.
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I too am sad i don't have the kickstarter exclusives for Blood Rage, and so i have backed Rising Sun for the base game, but it is not really appealing to me. The gameplay video they posted was terrible, and could have been so much better with other people. But i would rather back it and have to unload it than not have it.

I also just backed the second printing of Gloomhaven. I need to stay away from kickstarter for a while now.
Boiling Denim
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Hot off the press. Second Kickstarter for Gloomhaven just launched


tl;dr: Gloomhaven is fantastic. imo it's the most bang for your buck game out there and fully deserves its bgg (soon to be)Top 10 ranking and possibly #1 ranking if this second wave Kickstarter goes over as well as the first. When I'm not playing Gloomhaven I'm thinking about playing Gloomhaven

Background: Gloomhaven is D&D The Video Game: The Board Game. It's a co-op dungeon crawl campaign with some legacy type elements and branching story-lines. No DM needed and each player will get to play multiple different characters throughout the game due to characters retiring.

90% of the game will be played fighting in scenarios. With the other 10% developing the world and your characters in town.

You will like this game if: You liked Final Fantasy games, like dungeon crawl battles, love varying components(some minis, lots of standees, hazards, terrain, map tiles etc etc.) and hate random luck dice .

You should pass on this game if: You don't like the battle system, you don't like the fantasy theme, you want mini's and nothing but minis. On a budget. Time crunched.
Red Five
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Gloomhaven is absolutely going to hit #1 on BGG. The hype (deserved from what I can tell) is unstoppable for this game. I reeeaaallly want to back this, but alas, I don't have the money right now and I just spent $300 on the Kingdom Death Monster reprint in January. Hopefully he will be able to get enough copies printed to have some stock later, because I definitely want to check it out, even though it ostensibly fills the same niche that Kingdom Death does.
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I'm going to try my hand at making a custom foamboard insert this weekend. I got Manhattan Project: Energy Empire about a month ago, but haven't brought it out very much because set-up/tear-down takes so much time and effort. I'm hoping that I can make a good insert with some smaller boxes that can be pulled straight out and have it be good to go.

Have any of you tried this? I found a Reddit thread or two that have some tips, but if any of you have some tips and tricks that would be helpful!
Boiling Denim
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I've done a few inserts for Gloomhaven, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Forge War and Flash Point: Fire Rescue.

I didn't focus too much on craftmanship since I don't have a work area in my apartment so I'm sure as heck not posting my work on reddit any time soon. I highly encourage the practice it saves a ton of time on tear-down and setup so a few pointers

1 full Elmers foam board(~$3.50) can take care of multiple games. I did the above 4 games with 1.5 boards. You can get these boards at Michaels, CVS etc.

Go with the retractable box cutters that you can break off the tips as you go. The foam core will dull these blades pretty quick. The bigger ones make straighter cuts. If you want better looking stuff don't go with the cheapie small ones that are like $2 like I did

You want a metal ruler, long needle pins and good super glue. I use Gorilla

After you make your cuts it's wise to use needles to make your compartments to test it out before you glue anything. I learned this lesson the hard way after wasting a couple hours gluing something that wouldn't work.

Lastly if you want to go all out a lot of people recommend those self-healing cutting mats. I couldn't find a large one under $40 so I skipped out. Amazon will prob have better deals than art stores so maybe check there.
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