Anthony Hines describes Swagcopter visit, his take on Aggie defense
Jason: Anthony, you had a big weekend or a big Aggie weekend actually on Thursday night. They sent the swagcopter, I mean what was going throught your mind when you found out they were bringing the copter?
Anthony: That was an awesome deal. They only do that for a few guys in the country and for me to be one of those guys really shows something about their interest and how strong it is. Having Coach Chavis and Coach Sumlin out there to watch is something. You know the whole other factor of coming in on a helicopter is insane. The whole game kind of just paused and everyone was just looking and just knowing they were coming for me was an awesome feeling.
Jason: You talk about Coach Chavis and Coach Sumlin being there, so what was it like seeing both those guys on the sideline? I mean I know you are focused in on the game but I’m sure you snuck a few glances.
Anthony: Yes sir I definitely did. It makes you want to go even harder than you usually do and after I made a big hit I pointed over to them and did the Gig’Em so it was real cool.
Jason: So you shot up a few signs and let them know hey I see you over there. You’ve had a chance now to see A&M in action. You were there at the UCLA game and I am sure you’ve seen a few games on television. What stands out to you about that defense?
Anthony: They fly around, they get to the ball. Myles Garrett, that D-Line keeps the line off the linebackers so they are able to float freely and you know they make plays on their own as well. The DB’s are the best safety duo in the country and just to see them get the W against a good Tennessee team, very clutch in the 4th quarter and in overtime and to see them get the W is big.
Jason: Santino Marchiol, you guys have a long history. You go back a little bit and I know he’s been in your ear a little bit so what are some things he’s been really trying to let you know that the Aggies want you there.
Anthony: Just the LB core and trying to build that up. I’ve played with him on some all-star teams and team USA as well as the 9th grade Army game. We’ve been playing together so just to have that opportunity to do that again is definitely part of the interest thing.
Jason: How much does the play on the field impact your decision? You know, the success that A&M has had this year, how much does that play a part in your future decision?
Anthony: What is really astounding is how good of a team they actually are. Just to see this production that they have now, first season of six wins straight is awesome. It’s a big factor but it’s not the first thing I look towards as far as fit on all scales. The success is just extra.
Jason: You see that defense, you see those guys flying around there, how do you see yourself fitting in there?
Anthony: I could definitely see myself doing that with that awesome D-Line and just direct traffic and go sideline to sideline. I could definitely see myself doing that.
Jason: Last week you had a little bit of a shakeup in your visit schedule. How does that impact things? Have you had a chance to reschedule the Florida visit?
Anthony: Yes Sir, it’s been really crazy. I was looking forward to getting down there then but I also have the opportunity to go down there this week as well so I rescheduled it for this weekend against Missouri.
Jason: What happens the next two visits? Do you have your schools in mind for your next two visits?
Anthony: I’m still trying to sort that out right now.
Jason: What was it like to have kind of a free weekend and a chill weekend?
Anthony: Yes Sir, I just really focused in on my pre-cal and just hammered that hard. I caught a few games as well one of those being the Tennessee A&M game.
Jason: So on your off weekend you were doing some pre-cal, I gotcha knockin it out, I hear ya. What did you see out there at the Tennessee A&M game?
Anthony: I think everyone believes that they had the chance to blow them out a little bit but they let them back in but they finished so in the end it didn't matter, they got the W.
Jason: I asked you a little bit about your official visit plans, but do you have any unofficial visit plans coming up?
Anthony: As of now no. Maybe something close like a TCU or something, SMU but as of now unofficials I’m not sure.
Jason: How are you feeling about that decision? Is it starting to take shape as that November 29th date gets closer?
Anthony: When I get these two officials set I’ll be able to visualize it but that date is still looking pretty good.
Jason: Do you have a couple leaders that are starting to separate a little bit?
Anthony: As of now it’s that top ten and like I said Penn State as well who was initially in the top ten, I’m feeling them as well.