Dr. Not Yet Dr. Ag said:

KidDoc said:

Yes we are seeing Delta waves in areas that did not see them in August. Expected and normal. Are hospitals overwhelmed? Is the death rate sky high?

Cases are not really important but continue to be shouted from the hill top to keep people clicking.
I have to disagree about "cases are not really important". Abrupt changes in regional case numbers is our first signal of an incoming wave. It allows local health departments to get the message out about taking extra precautions due to increases in cases. It tells hospitals to prepare to increase staffing levels. From a public health perspective, recognizing a surge in case numbers early is extremely important. Hospitalizations and deaths are lagging indicators, and if focusing just on them, you will be too late to affect change on a population level.

Agreed. Cases are still very important until we can normalize to covid fully into a societal norm like the flu. Until then cases matter, but they are about 1/4 of what they were pre vaccine in terms of significance. It's important to track and evaluate, but it isn't important anymore if you want to go to the mall.

I don't think Omicron changes the calculus on that, but it's something we need to pay attention to until we are certain.