Rex Racer said:
ToroBueno said:
I am considering taking the Novavax when it presumably clears EUA in Q1 2022.
Anybody have any thoughts on the safety of this vaccine both long and short term?
I have been waiting on this one, as well. I'm riding out my natural immunity until such time as Novavax is available.
Me too....I am just not comfortable turning my body into a spike protein factory either through the mrna vax's or the viral vector adenovirus platforms (JJ and AZ).
While I think the expression of the S protein (spike) is safer delivered in the lipid nanoparticle platform vs expression from our muscular, endothelial (blood vessel) and other cells in our bodies (yes the Japanese have proven spike protein dispersion throughout the body post jab), I still have some ) concern about putting into my body a cytotoxic spike protein of any form.....although I have to remind myself that that its not the full spike protein....just the sub-unit of the antigenic protein profile.
Nonetheless, there are at least two vectors of concern here for me with the Novavax: 1. the subunit spike protein its possible that it could invoke myocarditis or pericarditis? and 2. does the one dimensional aspect of the vaccine - ie only targeting the spike protein - limit any natural immunity, whether it be mucosal or otherwise, to only the spike protein and not a broader profile of the pathogen? ie other nucleotides, peptides, etc..
I posted a separate question on this referencing a Medrx preprint (not peer reviewed yet) but got no takers or responses.
As I am not a Dr or clinically trained in any way (I am an accountant), I was hoping someone that is accordingly trained could shed some light on my concerns.
At any rate, before you do get jabbed, consider doing a pre-vax routine before you stick a needle in you. There are quite a few protocols out there on the interwebs. Maybe check out ScreenB4UVaccine protocol to start with. I certainly will do this before I get any shot.
All the best!
Horns down forever!