coolerguy12 said:
Do you honestly think the employee's big hang up with all this is aspiration? If some white knight would come along and figure that out for him then he would happily go get the shot?
OP specifically said "other than being a healthy 20 something". So he is fixated on one thing he thinks he can "fix" when his employee doesn't need or want it fixed. He needs a boss that will find a way for him to get an exemption approved.
I honestly have no idea what the employee's "big hang up" is. If I were a healthy 20 something I would have not given the vaccine much thought unless an employer required me to have it, then I would have looked at the risk factors and made a decision. Apparently he found this one issue he wanted addressed. Does he have other real issues? Maybe, or maybe unlike you he hasn't really been focused on the vaccine until now. If you are around many 20 somethings the vaccine and Covid doesn't really hit their radar unless they are forced to address via masks, vaccines, etc.
I am not sure how the OP asking a question on a message board dedicated to Covid can be interpreted as he is "fixated" on the one thing. He asked a question seeking an answer for an employee (something I have done many times be it Covid or otherwise) so the employee could make an informed decision.
I think you need to step away from the keyboard and realize there is a world out there where people are not "pro-vaccine" or "anti-vaccine" and are not "fixated" on forcing others to do something against their will. You have not idea if they are going the exemption route, if the employee wants an exemption, or if one is possible, yet you are projecting all this on someone asking a question.
You have no idea what the employee wants or needs, or has asked for, yet you are making assumptions that he sees the vaccine through the same rose colored glasses you do. Those are dangerous assumptions.