dubi said:
Spore Ag said:
Wondering that if the new antiviral pills, Molnupiravir, comes on the market, which seems to combat the varied variants, hopefully help against having to take all the booster vaccines.
I am hopeful for its action, particularly for overseas travel.
IMO this is NOT intended to replace your need for a booster, but to treat you if you are exposed.
/holiday inn medical advice.
This is correct. Cardiologists can go in and unclog a blocked artery in your heart, but that doesn't mean you should avoid eating healthy and exercising because you've got a possible treatment for a bad diet.
Another example is Tamiflu. The cost for the flu shot is roughly 10-30 bucks. Tamiflu costs about $50. Tamiflu shortens duration of symptoms by about half a day, but is associated with a ton of side effects.
The data on this antiviral seems better than tamiflu, but you're looking at something that will probably cost over $100, and shorten symptoms/reduce hospitalization LESS effectively than something that costs $30-40/shot and is more effective at reducing symptoms and hospitalization. Remember, if you get COVID, you still have to dealt with the side effects of COVID, plus potential side effects of the medications.