cc_ag92 said:
NicosMachine said:
cc_ag92 said:
Does it make you feel powerful to anonymously "make fun of" this theoretical group of people on a message board? What kind of person are you? Is this your hidden alter ego or do you behave like this at work and with your family? I kind of assume you don't attend church, but if you do, is this how you act there?
Triggered? It's okay to mock silliness. It's been done since the beginning of written history. I would not walk up to someone and say, "hey, you are a silly person" even if they were. That would be mean and nothing would be gained. Those who are irrationally fearful are harming many people as others sit silently and acquiesce. It's okay to speak out against bad ideas and harmful polices. Why does it bother you?
I honestly don't get you. I asked you to explain yourself. I'm not triggered.
I would say more, but I don't think it would be productive. I hope you find happiness.
Thanks for your desire I find happiness. If that is your hope, you can sleep easily. Like many, I consider myself as lucky and happy as a man could be - laughing, joking, loving, and teasing without the worries that occupied most people through history. FYI, I even "attend church". In fact, my lack of fear is rooted in scripture. If you fear, I assume you don't attend church or perhaps don't live the scripture you read.