htxag09 said:
Capitol Ag said:
We shouldn't be.
I'm at a point where I just scratch my head when I see a masked person. Odds are they are vaccinated too. At Kyle Field we were totally perplexed when the occasional fully masked person would stroll by heading into the game, where 100K+ people were milling around and no social distancing was observed. We are talking a 200-300/1 unmasked to masked ratio. So why mask? Serious question to those that were there and masked. Doesn't the situation totally negate absolutely any effect of benefit the mask would give you? It would seem a lot more logical to just not attend said event then to be the one person out of hundreds masked up.
Correct style masks, worn properly, absolutely protect the wearer. So entirely possible that people wearing masks at the game had some kind of comorbidity, but still want to go on with their lives, and decided to wear a mask at the game. Again, who cares if nobody around them has a mask and the virus spreads around them, if they're properly wearing an N95 mask they'd still have some level of protection if they encountered someone with the virus. I think I saw two people at the game wearing masks, both were N95 and not your common cloth mask.
I still have yet to see any conclusive proof that in an environment like a college gameday, even an N95 actually affords very much protection. I probably does offer a minor level of protection no doubt, but given the level of movement and people milling about, the need to remove the mask to drink, eat etc and touch the mask, and the fact that there's a reason why we don't perform surgery in a crowd of 100K, we do it in a sterile environment.
I also know I am biased. I hate the things and hate the fact that things got to the point where this even became a possibility. Honestly, I am a little threatened by them. Obviously I am giving way too much power to something another person does that I should not. But I think that the biggest issue for a lot of us is that hate masking is that the more that do wear them opens the door to mandates being more realistically possible. Should I be less hateful of masking. Yes. Will I? Nope. Just hate them. All of that to say I feel a lot of folks wearing them don't need to. Older folks are one thing. But a lot of the people we see are younger and as I have said, and again just a bias as there is no way to tell, do not have comorbidities. Hell, I technically have a comorbidity as I take an immunosuppressant for my UC. Yet I am vaccinated and live my life mask free. Even before I was vaccinated, I would go unmasked anywhere I could. If it wasn't required or wasn't enforced, I usually didn't wear one. And once I had gotten Covid, given the fact I had natural immunity, I almost completely stopped. It wasn't necessary at that point. I also take the better precautions of being super healthy. I am very hard to kill. I just cannot help but think too many keep wearing them out of fear. It's their business, no doubt. I have things to work on about this as well, no doubt.