When trying to decide whether to get the Covid vaccine, I try to block out noise and focus on important issues.
I am over 50, 6ft, 200lbs, minor high blood pressure / low dose, take aspirin, zinc, vitamins - to optimize almost all blood results. By definition, I guess I have 2 close comorbidities, but both are marginal.
Been exposed to Covid many times, never got it...never stopped traveling / going out and never wore mask. My twenty something year old kids got it and it kicked their azzes for 10+ days.
I have not been sick for 6-8 years. Really, no sickness of any type.
Relatives got vaccine and had no side effects / issues to date.
Above is just reference for blood / hereditary data points.
Here are the only questions that seem relevant to me. Would like KidDoc and Marcus thoughts... and anyone else who have treated or researched this and have trusted data.
1. Is it a proven fact at this point that the majority of severe, hospitalized cases are unvaccinated / Is it a proven fact the vaccines mostly prevent cases with severe outcomes? Data backed percentages?
2. Severe or long term vaccine side effects... should I be concerned and if so, of what? As a Dr, why do you trust the mRNA vaccines? What makes you convinced these have no long term ill effects that could be debilitating? Data backed percentages?
3. I already got Moderna dose 1, should I get the 2nd dose and why (pros / cons)? Reason I got dose 1 is that I figured I was pushing my luck afyer recently knowing way too many first hand serious cases or deaths.
4. Anything else except above, I classify as noise. Are there any other fact / data based concerns?
Appreciate any guidance.
I am over 50, 6ft, 200lbs, minor high blood pressure / low dose, take aspirin, zinc, vitamins - to optimize almost all blood results. By definition, I guess I have 2 close comorbidities, but both are marginal.
Been exposed to Covid many times, never got it...never stopped traveling / going out and never wore mask. My twenty something year old kids got it and it kicked their azzes for 10+ days.
I have not been sick for 6-8 years. Really, no sickness of any type.
Relatives got vaccine and had no side effects / issues to date.
Above is just reference for blood / hereditary data points.
Here are the only questions that seem relevant to me. Would like KidDoc and Marcus thoughts... and anyone else who have treated or researched this and have trusted data.
1. Is it a proven fact at this point that the majority of severe, hospitalized cases are unvaccinated / Is it a proven fact the vaccines mostly prevent cases with severe outcomes? Data backed percentages?
2. Severe or long term vaccine side effects... should I be concerned and if so, of what? As a Dr, why do you trust the mRNA vaccines? What makes you convinced these have no long term ill effects that could be debilitating? Data backed percentages?
3. I already got Moderna dose 1, should I get the 2nd dose and why (pros / cons)? Reason I got dose 1 is that I figured I was pushing my luck afyer recently knowing way too many first hand serious cases or deaths.
4. Anything else except above, I classify as noise. Are there any other fact / data based concerns?
Appreciate any guidance.