ontherocks said:
Didn't have any reaction to first two. This one has got me pretty good about 28 hrs after shot. Sore arm, lymph node under the arm swelled and slightly painful, lethargic and general joint and muscle soreness. This on top of a headache and chills. Just throwing it out there for those that had no symptoms first few times, might not be so lucky on shot three (if you so choose). Sounds weird but I'm happy to have symptoms now, was worried my crappy immune system just didn't work. I have never felt good to be sick before, this is a first for sure.
OP, you may want to read this article about how these vaccines are made and what nano particles they use (lipid nano's with PEGs) for delivery into the cells. It seems some people may be having reactions to the PEG as you are exposed to more dosages? per the article, your body can build up antibodies against the PEGs and the more dosages you get the more reactions within your body you could be having. (including affecting the brain) Im not a Dr or research scientist but this article should raise some concerns at a minimum? I am in the chemical field and know quite a bit about a lot of chemicals including PEGs, PPGs, etc. I handle some PEGs at work and I am potentially exposed to PEGs and thats why Im still very hesitant to take these experimental vaccines because I am probably in the small percentage group that already has antibodies towards PEGs.. PEGs are used in all kinds of chemical applications including many kinds of lubricants and food grade lubricants, drilling fluids, animal vaccine's, these applications are how people may be getting exposed to various types of PEGs, PEGs come in a lot of molecular weights and I am not sure what mol weight PEG is used in these vaccines? I would think a larger mol weight PEG would pass right through the body but Im not sure about nano lipids with PEGs? I believe the higher mol weight PEGs are what is used in some laxatives, but at that high of a mol weight PEG is probably acting like a mineral oil sometimes used as a laxatives'. it seems some PEG mol weights seem more dangerous than others My question about all of this is how long does it take for the body to remove PEGs from our system?
This could possibly be why your seeing some side affects after taking 3 doses?
How Safe Are the Nanoparticles in Moderna's Vaccine? | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (stateofthenation.co)