austinAG90 said:
eric76 said:
Aggie95 said:
hope this isn't another professor collaborating with the CCP....
in all seriousness...THIS is the best way forward. A very effective treatment will be better than the current vaccine that we have as the vaccines have clearly allowed too many breakthrough cases.
Even if MP18 is a major success, there will surely still be a place for vaccines.
Vaccines help keep you from getting the disease. A treatment helps you recover from having the disease.
Even if MP18 turns out to be useful in prophylaxis for covid, there could easily be issues with side effects and taking it regularly for extended periods of time.
More information about MP18 would be welcome
So vaccinated persons are getting covid as well has side effects but you want more information on MP18. I'd like more information on long term effects of the vaccine, as do many folks.
You are confusing my "more information about MP18 would be welcome". That's not from concern but from curiosity about what the MP18 does, how it works, and, of course, its potential efficacy. Really, about all we have right now is the name, MP18, and that it has stopped replication of the virus in the lab.
That said, I don't know that I would actually understand much about the details of how it works.