BowSowy said:
Wow, this is some impressive goal post shifting. You get your ass run down about how masks are physically harming children, so then you pivot into a mask efficacy debate? I hate masks as much as anyone, but this is a bad look lol
By the way, I thought you said yesterday that you weren't going to engage this any further?
I came back because I felt like it, and because it's so inane/childish to set debate/discussion limits around whatever point is handy here. It is harming children (physiologically and psychologically/developmentally),
and it doesn't work. That's what I said, and stand by. All studies have disclaimers, and all mask believers claim they don't have time to read studies/data. What no one has is a study saying (a) masks don't harm kids at all, and/or (b) masks are working toward some sort of pandemic/disease control standard (efficacy).
This forum can be really disgusting, frankly, as it is a mix of politics, emotion, and religion all in one around how masks work and covid is terrifying. It has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with emotion/pandering/fear/politics. The data is out there.
If you don't like my opinions/links, ignore me, I couldn't possibly care less. I do detest that 'medical experts' post disingenuous crap/drivel here, yes.