Kearney McRaven said:
What others products would you buy and use with the understanding that the producer has zero liability or accountability for the safety of their product.
Zero consumer protection is offered, and you must consent to fully understanding such prior to being allowed to purchase and use said product.
A car, a meal, a drink?
while the removal of civil liability from a manufacturer is rightfully concerning, this is not the whole story of what happens under a PREP Act declaration, and the rest makes the bolded statement above false. One of the other things that happens is that a Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) fund is established that, assuming it is funded by congress (this one was, twice), is entirely for handling injuries that may arise from the emergency response countermeasure (the vaccine for this discussion). This is not entirely dissimilar from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and special "vaccine court" that currently handles the vast majority of claims against approved vaccines. The main difference is the VICP program allows a denied ruling to be appealed to higher courts, where as the CICP program only allows administrative appeals.
So while limitations of liability to a manufacturer should in general, always be a cause for hesitation and further investigation, the narrative that this is some unprecedented move to remove all customary consumer protections in order to push an untested treatment on millions of people while ensuring they have no recourse, is wildly exaggerated, to the point of nearly being outright false.