It's weird, but you're all correct? How's that possible? Well, to me it starts with the fact that this has become such a horrifically wonderful political tool for both sides that it's hard know what is fact and what isn't and how to proceed properly from an individual perspective. Take what the DISD announced yesterday combined with the timing. There may be some within that push truly concerned with people's health and wish that masking mandates were brought back. But there is a political power struggle combined with an coming state election and one side sees that as an opportunity to unseat the other as well. So how are we supposed to interrupt that? Children still make up such a small number of Delta infections and while there's supposedly a higher rate of "serious " infection, no real data is given and the data that is doesn't make me too concerned for my own children. Ive worked in the state capitol and trust me, this push to mask in schools and city offices is an attempt to make Abbott look weak and only has the side benefit of making some people feel more comfortable and "safe". Just as much as Abbott declaring no government entity and institute a masking mandate is as much about his constituents and their desires. But where is does our actual risk reside in all of this?
The medical community should be a perfect place to get non political advice. Yet they have their own politics and desires. They also have a well known strategy of generalization when it comes to mitigation like everyone needs to social distance or everyone needs a mask b/c "reasons" when that is entirely not true. Do the vaccinated really need to mask for instance? Where is the real data showing this? There really isn't that much. And the data that is out there, again, still seems to point towards the vaccinated are totally free to leave Covid mitigation behind. What about vaccinated AND natural immune folks who have had Covid before they were vaccinated? And as has been mentioned, why has the medical community consistently ignored natural immunity in all of this? Generalization is why. Hey, I want people to be vaccinated as well, but when you ignore a major thing like natural immunity, it looks like you are either hiding something, lying or just have no idea what your talking about.
Then there is the sensationalism that is the media. Misleading articles and headlines, constantly pushing fear and uncertainty at us. They have a terrible business model set up to get hits and views, not to actually tell reasonable stories and fact.
I'm the end, the issue here is our political leadership and our medical leadership have lost us and we have no confidence in their messaging. This thing is a huge mess and failure. So when will it be over? The moment this spike goes down naturally with more being vaccinated, more just getting the virus and getting immunity etc. The spike will go down. It always does. But when the next spike hits? Depends on whether the media cares enough at that time or if they've decided to move onto a new subject or issue or not. It depends on whether one party can gain a foothold over the other with an agenda by using the virus to propel them. It depends on how the medical leadership responds to it with their messaging. To me, I ha e zero confidence in all of them doing anything different than what they are doing now. It's sad.