Skillet Shot said:
Zobel said:
If you're worried about pressure from corrupting political influence, look at studies done outside the US. You'll find basically the same conclusions.
There is no conspiracy. Hanlon's razor is the guide here - never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Or in this case, incompetence, or simply limitations of capabilities.
All of the "accidents", bad science, study manipulation and media overreaction all fall to one side of the debate. This is why I said agree to disagree.
The fundamental divide is that you believe and trust the scientific institutions and I do not; not anymore.
I trust science, but not the gatekeepers. And I do think the vax makes sense for older, at risk individuals. I just don't think it is worth the risk for younger, healthy people.
Yep, Vaccine hesitancy and people clinging to HCQ and ivermectin is 100% on the CDC, Fauci, WHO, politicians, and the media. Mistakes and misinformation is expected in a crisis. The problem is most of the time the "mistakes" or hyperbolic info appeared to be not an accident but calculated to manipulate.
- No evidence of human to human transmission, oops my bad it's very contagious
- masks aren't effective, wear a mask, no wear two masks
- PCR test over cycling leading to more cases
- Deaths "with" covid vs deaths "from" covid
- Vaccines are very effective for covid and all of the variants, oops not so effective for delta and Lamda, boosters incoming!
Add to this the politicians that we see advocating for masks, social distancing, and lockdowns and doing the opposite.
Add to this the reaction to suggestions that the virus escaped the Wuhan lab vs what is now coming out.
Add to this the hyperbolic completely ridiculous statements from health officials that we all know are bullshyt - my favorite example is the Travis County health director stating that 1200 kids in Travis County would die from covid if they had in-person school in the Fall of 2020. Anyone with half a brain knew that was ridiculous yet the media and other health experts let it stand.
Finally, fact is that the efficacy of masks use by the public is no more proven than the efficacy of ivermectin.
Despite all of the above the sheeple are just supposed to believe? Sorry not sorry. We don't believe and it's not because we are Neanderthals or Trumpists. It's because our bullshyt detectors are triggered almost daily.