aTm2004 said:
No, the best way to get over this is for everyone to accept that life is full of risks and COVID is not going away. We need to learn to live with it and go about our lives like we were living in 2019. There is no need to continue to test athletes who are of little risk. Out of all of the athletes who tested positive last season, how many died or ended up in the hospital? Most of them probably would never have known they had it had it not been from the mandatory tests.
Of course life is full of risks. But we also do things to minimize risk like wearing seatbelts. I am in my early 30s and healthy. I think I had asymptomatic covid last year because I know I was exposed multiple times. I still got vaccinated so i would be less likely to spread it, and contribute to herd immunity. I think most people know the athletes have very little risk of serious illness.
You continuing to try to place blame on unvaccinated people is only further fueling the flames for the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated divide that is growing. Unvaccinated people are not your enemy nor are they willfully trying to harm/kill you or others. Just because people don't make the same decisions you do doesn't mean they're bad people. You're only blaming them because they're the easy target for the lazy.
Wellllllllllll... you may not like this but the unvaccinated do bear blame here. Had everyone gotten vaccinated when they became publicly available we wouldnt be where we are now. Now ICUs are filling up again and this is pretty much becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated considering they are the only ones getting seriously sick and dying now.
I would have a live and let live attitude but all of their reasons for not getting vaccinated are pretty much anti-vax BS not rooted in reality. They say covid is no big deal but the vaccines are dangerous. Just totally backwards logic. And then we have people like Tucker Carlson who have gotten vaccinated but is persuading his audience of millions to distrust the scientists and not get vaccinated.... for ratings. How can we not be irritated by that?
I'm not worried covid will kill or even hurt me. The OP is proof that vaccines protect you from serious illness. But yes I am bothered by the fact that the delta variant has become a huge problem. And the high numbers in states with large unvaccinated populations like Florida and Arkansas prove what we've been saying all along.