My 18 y/o son tested pos today!! He has low grade fever but o/w ok. He couldn't get vaccinated because he had angioedema/anaphylaxis to the Gardisil (HPV) vaccine (scary as hell). He will be fine. Mom, Dad and sister have all had it and are vaccinated.
I haven't had as many new covids as I did this weekend in some time. All (except one 74 y/o) pts under 45, unvaccinated and morbidly obese. No delta variants. They are still sick as hell compared to the beginning of the pandemic. No real change in therapies on my front. But - I think it's critical for those having significant symptoms to get the monoclonal Ab infusion outpt before hospital admission is necessary,.
I haven't had as many new covids as I did this weekend in some time. All (except one 74 y/o) pts under 45, unvaccinated and morbidly obese. No delta variants. They are still sick as hell compared to the beginning of the pandemic. No real change in therapies on my front. But - I think it's critical for those having significant symptoms to get the monoclonal Ab infusion outpt before hospital admission is necessary,.