My Covid 19 Experience in BCS.

24,529 Views | 154 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by P.U.T.U
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Hey TexAgs Family, I have sick the past week and wanted to share experiences since no one really knows anyone with Covid19. Do I know if I have it? I am not certain, but if not I sure have the symptoms. For background I am 34 years old and a multiple Ironman Triathlete. I am not a typical unhealthy patient.

Doctors told me to keep record of my symptoms and sickness experience the last 10 days. Do I have Covid19? Who knows they won't test me. I consider myself a fairly healthy and active person but had asthma when I was a little kid so I am one that might be affected by Covid.

Day 1:

Friday I had a pretty bad headache and figured I was coming down with something. I just figured it was from allergies as pollen was everywhere and started to have a little trouble breathing.


Saturday we started to clean out the garage since we were stuck at home. I started having tightness and pain in my neck and back. It got to the point where I had to go inside and sit down. I ended up taking my temp and had a 101. I had started to cough and had a few asthma symptoms but I just thought it was the pollen. My fever got worse and felt like I was coming down to the flu. I was told not to go to the doctor without calling as they were trying to prevent spread. I called Baylor, Scott, and White by our house. They said not to come in and they would have a nurse call me back. 4 hours later I got a call back at 9:30 from their call center in Temple. They said to follow up with an Evisit and fill out the Covid questionnaire. But not to come in because they were only accepting patients that needed an ER and a ventilator. I wasn't there yet. The evisit system had crashed and was not working. I told the nurse and they said it would probably have to wait until Monday.

Day 3:

Sunday it was more of the same but my breathing and cough was worse. I was having more trouble breathing. I tried the evisits and they wouldn't work and called Scott and white urgent care again but no luck. They said they wouldn't see me unless I needed an ER. It felt like I was having an asthma attack but I figured I'd get through the night. Fever was still 102. Took NyQuil and mucinex and my rescue inhaler.

Day 4:

Monday it was more of the same. Breathing was getting worse. I had a pain in my throat from the coughing but the cough wasn't producing anything just making it hard to catch my breath. Evisits still didn't work. Called the hospital and they told me there was nothing I could do but possibly steam and continue with my rescue inhalers. I bought a Vick's sinus steam machine and it was the only thing that helped.

Day 5:

Tuesday I was not any better. Fever was 101 and my breathing was not great. Body aching all over. Cough was pretty bad and throat was really starting to be in pain from all the coughing. Only thing that gave temporary relief was the steam machine and sinus wash like a nettie pot. I called the urgent care again and told them about my problem. They said they wouldn't see me and to do the evisit. Evisit still wasn't working and I told her. After I got a little upset she told me to come to the hospital and they had a tent set up for screening.

I came to Scott and white. I had been sucking on cough drops trying to hold it together. They said I didn't fit the criteria because I was young and didn't need a ventilator. A doctor wouldn't see me so to go home and try the Evisit. I got a little pissed off and had a few choice words about the Evisits. I told her if all these doctors aren't seeing patients except for old people that need a ventilator what are the rest of them doing? She finally got a doctor and he said sorry hospital wouldn't let them treat me and to call my primary care doctor. I told him we had just moved here and I didn't have one. He asked me what prescriptions I had and he refilled them. He asked where I had been. I said Summit County Colorado. He acted like they had a lot of patients from there coming in. He said I probably had Covid 19, but they wouldn't test me because I was young and healthier than their older patients. He wrote me a stay at home note to quarantine myself for 14days. I told him I had an allergist and he said to call him.

My allergist who is an ENT was treating my allergy induced asthma and wouldn't talk to me. I was a little short with the nurse on the phone and told her he is treating my asthma and need to talk to him as I can't breathe. She said he wasn't seeing patients and to go to urgent care. Of course urgent care places weren't seeing patients either. I was pissed at this point. I know it wasn't the nurses fault she was just following her script but if my doctor doesn't care enough to even talk to me about my breathing problems when I am having asthma attacks then I said I was finding another doctor.

Tuesday night I had a serious asthma and coughing attack. I couldn't catch my breath and was to the point of going to the ER. It took 2 hours of breathing under steam and my rescue inhaler before I finally was able to settle down. I took a NyQuil and went to bed.

Day 6:

Wednesday was more of the same. Fever 101, achy, horrendous cough, and having trouble catching my breath. I called again and told them about what happened last night. They said again to stay home and continue with the steam and sinus wash. I called around and a family friend filled me a prescription for a nebulizer for asthma. It helped get my temporary relief.

Finally at 9 the evisit worked. Nurse wrote me a prescription for steroid asthma meds, 2 prescription nasal sprays, prescription cough meds and continue with my asthma meds and cough drops. Eating a couple cough drops an hour lead to reflux and so also reflux meds.

Breathing and coughing gets worse at night and took me forever to get it under control to actually fall asleep.

Day 7:
Thursday I was able to fill those prescriptions. Fever was down to 100 but still there. Cough and breathing are still really bad and not showing signs of getting better. Hard to carry on conversation without getting short of breath and coughing fit.

Family friend who is a doctor called to check in on me. We told him what was going on the day before. He spoke with a few ER docs with Baylor and doubled my steroid dosage and also told me to start monitoring my pulseOX levels and heart rate. If it got below 90% to go to the ER. I was at 92-93% and my heart rate over 110-120. It would spike to 130-140 from just getting up and walking to the bath room.
Continued with my steam treatment, nebulizer, and nettie pot 3 times a day. Those with cough drops were the only thing that gave any sort of relief. If I could control the cough for a little while I was able to take deeper breaths.

Day 8:

Friday Fever was down to 101-100. Throat was a little better. Breathing still short and has trouble keeping my breath in the morning. Pulse down to mid 90s. Pulse of 94%. Am I finally turning a corner? Who knows. A little better than the day before. Still short of breath when talking.

Day 9:
Saturday my throat is feeling a little better. First day with no fever. Steam, nettie pot, cough drops, and nebulizer are giving me enough time to breathe a little better.
Pulse down to mid to upper 70s pulseOX 94-95%. Still a cough and asthma but less painful.

Day 10:
Sunday my throat is even better. Having labored breathing but able to catch my breath finally. Cough is starting to be productive. Steam and nettie pot is helping with cough drops minimizing the cough. PulseOX 95-96% heart rate mid 70s. Tried to walk round the house, but heart rate shot up to above 130.

Day 11:
Monday is pretty much the same as Sunday. Heart rate is lower but still coughing with shortness of breath. Coughing being somewhat productive. Coughing up fluid and some mucus. Can't talk much or move around without heart rate sky rocking. Still just parked in bed or on the couch. Talking has a similar effect.
Complete Idiot
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Thanks for sharing, it sure seems like you had it - can't believe they wouldn't test you given the symptoms and the fact they aren't overrun with older patients yet.

GET WELL! Sounds like you are over the hump. I would have gone to the ER on your day 3, but I have anxiety and am a giant *****.
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It is shocking that they are still not testing. There should be plenty of availability now.
Jim VanBeek '85, '99
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Doctors would classify the OP's experience as 'Mild' symptoms, correct?
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Hang tough. Sounds like it has been a very frustrating situation for you. I can't imagine being as sick as you've ever been and having so much difficulty talking to a health professional.
Shaun Shaikh '07
H.E. Pennypacker
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Did you go skiing OP? How long ago? In other words, how long between onset of symptoms?
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H.E. Pennypacker said:

Did you go skiing OP? How long ago? In other words, how long between onset of symptoms?

Yes I skied. I was visiting my parents in Breckenridge. My mom is a severe asthmatic and has not gotten sick. My symptoms started 7+ days from the time I was in Colorado. Considering all the cases in College Station is is also possible I got it here or driving home.
Bird Poo
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jvanbeek said:

It is shocking that they are still not testing. There should be plenty of availability now.
What does a test do for someone in this situation?

Anyone with these symptoms has to assume they have it but the Dr. would have treated the exact same way if he tested positive.

Doctors cannot heal this thing. They have to dedicate their resources to saving lives.
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Thank you for sharing. Hang in there.
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jvanbeek said:

It is shocking that they are still not testing. There should be plenty of availability now.
There are not plenty available at this point. I do not want to make this political in anyway, but the idea that tests are readily available now as being touted by some is basically propaganda. I live with an ER Doctor. Testing is still being held for the most serious patients due to lack of availability in most areas. It's getting better, but still pretty limited.
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I didn't really care if I got Tested or not. My frustration is that a doctor won't talk to me. Just because I am not dying in their eyes doesn't mean I don't deserve help.

I keep being told to go to urgent care but urgent care won't see me.
JD Shellnut
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PearlJammin said:

jvanbeek said:

It is shocking that they are still not testing. There should be plenty of availability now.
What does a test do for someone in this situation?

Anyone with these symptoms has to assume they have it but the Dr. would have treated the exact same way if he tested positive.

Doctors cannot heal this thing. They have to dedicate their resources to saving lives.

A positive test gets you Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and zinc.
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What would testing have done?

With the symptoms described would they have changed any treatment with a positive test? I'm not a doctor but from what I've read the answer is no.

What you described is what a large portion of the 80% of use who will get this will deal with.
John Francis Donaghy
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CT'97 said:

What would testing have done?

With the symptoms described would they have changed any treatment with a positive test? I'm not a doctor but from what I've read the answer is no.

What you described is what a large portion of the 80% of use who will get this will deal with.

As noted above, the medications that are being used to treat COVID, and hopefully effective enough keep people out of the hospital, are only available to those who test positive. And you can't test positive if you can't get tested. The lack of tests is still a major issue.
H.E. Pennypacker
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It's crazy to me OP doesn't qualify for a test, seeing as how the State of Colorado put out that public warning two weeks ago regarding anyone who had been skiing there. I could be mistaken, but I think the county OP visited was listed.
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Pumpkinhead said:

Doctors would classify the OP's experience as 'Mild' symptoms, correct?
Wasn't hospitalized, so yes.
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How old are you?
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Let's not act like testing isn't important. Testing is fundamental to tracking this thing and for both prevention and intervention from a public health perspective. OP's experience highlights that there is still quite a bit of chaos.
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Now imagine if the OP could have been tested on Day 2 and received a HCQ treatment.

All the testing doesn't do much if we're not intercepting mild cases before they become hospitalizations.
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CT'97 said:

What would testing have done?

With the symptoms described would they have changed any treatment with a positive test? I'm not a doctor but from what I've read the answer is no.

What you described is what a large portion of the 80% of use who will get this will deal with.

There's evidence that if prescribed Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azmithrocin early on it helps quite a bit. If they can precribe that without being tested, great. If it takes a positive test to get that prescribed, then we are not treating this virus as best we could.
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Drifter. said:

PearlJammin said:

jvanbeek said:

It is shocking that they are still not testing. There should be plenty of availability now.
What does a test do for someone in this situation?
Anyone with these symptoms has to assume they have it but the Dr. would have treated the exact same way if he tested positive.

Doctors cannot heal this thing. They have to dedicate their resources to saving lives.

A positive test gets you Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and zinc.

Availability of HCQ is not great in outpatient pharmacies.
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H.E. Pennypacker said:

It's crazy to me OP doesn't qualify for a test, seeing as how the State of Colorado put out that public warning two weeks ago regarding anyone who had been skiing there. I could be mistaken, but I think the county OP visited was listed.

yep. on march 15th, they put out a warning for all residents and visitors to Eagle, Summit, and Pitkin Counties to quarantine for 7 to 10 days.
Complete Idiot
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Thomas Ford 91 said:

It is common for people to experience a recovery period before crashing. Watch for signs of a heart attack. CALL 911 IF YOU START TO DECLINE.
I am sure he appreciates the pick-me-up.

Can you post some stats regarding heart attacks in a non-hospitalized Covid case
Leggo My Elko
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Man that's sounds pretty rough and with your symptoms and efforts to seek medical treatment resulted in being denied a test multiple times. I'm pretty concerned about our testing capabilities.

Relative to the worst flu/cold you've ever had, how sick did you feel?
Big Al 1992
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Sorry you are going through that. Good luck and get well soon. I'd ask any doc you talk to about the steroid use - read that systemic steroids not recommended.
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PearlJammin said:

jvanbeek said:

It is shocking that they are still not testing. There should be plenty of availability now.
What does a test do for someone in this situation?

Anyone with these symptoms has to assume they have it but the Dr. would have treated the exact same way if he tested positive.

Doctors cannot heal this thing. They have to dedicate their resources to saving lives.
What's crazy though is 90% are still coming back negative. Now, many believe the false negatives of the test can be blamed some, but a huge majority of people with symptoms bad enough to get the test don't have it.

What matters going forward is the antibody and knowing if you have it.
Thomas Ford 91
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Complete Idiot said:

Thomas Ford 91 said:

It is common for people to experience a recovery period before crashing. Watch for signs of a heart attack. CALL 911 IF YOU START TO DECLINE.
I am sure he appreciates the pick-me-up.

Can you post some stats regarding heart attacks in a non-hospitalized Covid case

Hey Complete Idiot, sorry about being a Debbie Downer.

You can Google myocardial infarction and coronavirus if you want more info.
H.E. Pennypacker
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Yep. Based on the timeline described, my assumption would be OP picked it up in Colorado.
Air Force Ags
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Unacceptable! They are just telling you to suck it up, you are young & healthy & able to survive this. Yours is NOT a mild case! You have to be your own best advocate!

Get well soon!
Complete Idiot
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Thomas Ford 91 said:

Complete Idiot said:

Thomas Ford 91 said:

It is common for people to experience a recovery period before crashing. Watch for signs of a heart attack. CALL 911 IF YOU START TO DECLINE.
I am sure he appreciates the pick-me-up.

Can you post some stats regarding heart attacks in a non-hospitalized Covid case

Hey Complete Idiot, sorry about being a Debbie Downer.

You can Google myocardial infarction and coronavirus if you want more info.
I would like to ask the person who said crashing is common and you could have a heart attack even if never hospitalized and recovering to please post the stats supporting that, a quick google did not suggest heart attacks are likely but I may have missed something. I assume if you are using all caps to tell them to call 911 that the situation is dire and I'd like to be educated on the topic.
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For background I am 34 years old multiple Ironman triathlete. So I am not your typical unhealthy patient.
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Sounds awful. I hope you improve quickly. It's crazy to think what your going through is considered "minor symptoms."
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Fyi your heart rate issues could also be attributed to asthma nebulizer meds . I don't know if they gave albuterol , or some combination of albuterol , but increased heart rate is very common side effect .
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Yeah It is not that kind of heart rate increase. I have used albuterol off and on all my life when running track and racing. Heart rate is from shear exhaustion and inability to do much.
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How does one check 02 and heart rate at home?
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