HotardAg07 said:
There are a lot of headlines popping up saying things like:
"86% of people with coronavirus are walking around undetected, study says"
That is referencing Chinese data.
"50-75% of COVID-19 cases are completely asymptomatic but contagious (a whole city got tested in Italy, ~3k population)"
However, when I read that, it's not perfectly clear that these are patients never become symptomatic.
For example, it's possible that 100,000,000 people in the US could get Coronavirus, but if only 14% get symptoms and become confirmed cases, that would be 14,000,000 people with a death rate of 0.5% being 70,000 deaths, basically being a death rate similar to the flu.
But, it seems possible to me also that since CV is exponentially growing and that it has a 2-14 day incubation cycle, that it just means that most of the people at any given time are asymptomatic, just because they haven't reached the end of their incubation for most.
Couldn't an asymptomatic person progress to being symptomatic or they may never develop symptoms?