TexAgs is, first and foremost, a community. That's how we started, and it remains at the heart of who we are and what we do. We are launching this forum in that spirt, aiming to consolidate accurate, helpful information about the coronavirus and the various public health implications now impacting all of our lives.
Please help us maintain a healthy ethic of community in this forum, where accuracy and civility are of supreme importance.
To be clear: This is not a place to post your opinion as fact or to post information not rooted in clear facts. This is not a place to have political arguments or to detail your opinions about how well or poorly the government is handling the issue. This is not a place to rant about media conspiracies. This is not a place to critique other people for their level of concern or efforts to prepare. There are forums for (some of) those conversations, but they don't belong here.
Again, our goal is to highlight some of the helpful information from doctors, public health experts, and others that is already appearing in other forums and to give our community a specific place to ask questions and get helpful, accurate answers.
We hope this forum has a short life, of course, but the immediate need for accurate information and sober conversation about how we can all adapt and thrive is clear.
Please help us maintain a healthy ethic of community in this forum, where accuracy and civility are of supreme importance.
To be clear: This is not a place to post your opinion as fact or to post information not rooted in clear facts. This is not a place to have political arguments or to detail your opinions about how well or poorly the government is handling the issue. This is not a place to rant about media conspiracies. This is not a place to critique other people for their level of concern or efforts to prepare. There are forums for (some of) those conversations, but they don't belong here.
Again, our goal is to highlight some of the helpful information from doctors, public health experts, and others that is already appearing in other forums and to give our community a specific place to ask questions and get helpful, accurate answers.
We hope this forum has a short life, of course, but the immediate need for accurate information and sober conversation about how we can all adapt and thrive is clear.
Brandon '95