Covid-19 Update Aggie Physician

1,276,003 Views | 3660 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by tamc91
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Reveille said:

Wendy 1990 said:

Don't most daily vitamins have enough zinc?
Yes you only need a small amount Zinc if you eat a good diet. However, I suggest taking Quercetin and Green Tea as they are also Zinc ionophores so similar mechanism of action as hydroxychloroquine.
Thanks for being a calming voice in these trying times.

Which type and dosage of Quercetin should be taken daily?
Mark Fairchild
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My wife and are 71 and in good health. Our desired outcome is to try and ride this out until tests are quicker and there are established protocols. In your opinion when do you think the shortages for the drug cocktails will be remedied? Months? Ever?
Gig'em, Ole Army Class of '70
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Today's update!
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texags82 said:

Reveille said:

Wendy 1990 said:

Don't most daily vitamins have enough zinc?
Yes you only need a small amount Zinc if you eat a good diet. However, I suggest taking Quercetin and Green Tea as they are also Zinc ionophores so similar mechanism of action as hydroxychloroquine.
Thanks for being a calming voice in these trying times.

Which type and dosage of Quercetin should be taken daily?

I am taking 1 gram twice per day!
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Thank you again for what you are doing for all of us.

Gig 'em
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Interesting article on testing waits.

Austin Regional Clinic has switched labs and are now getting results in a couple days instead of a week or two.

Also has a quote from LabCorp that they are running 20,000 tests a day and are working to increase capacity. I'm guessing they are waiting on more instruments.
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Anyone yet hear of this particular drug ?
Camostat mesilate

Here is the link

I'm just wondering if this is something to be hopeful about

Seems it's got some traction in Japan but haven't heard anything about it in the USA

Old RV Ag
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Docs, any feeling as if this has merit. I'm an older guy who goes a lot on gut feelings and lots and lots of observations. It reminds me of taking care of a sick child/spouse and in close, sustained contact getting good high doses and you got very sick later and it spread through the house - versus the "touch of the flu" and not really all that sick when you didn't recall being around someone ill. I've also seen this in cattle herds based on various contact times.

Would also explain a lot of the concern for health care providers and the extreme dangers they face.
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Old RV Ag said:

Docs, any feeling as if this has merit. I'm an older guy who goes a lot on gut feelings and lots and lots of observations. It reminds me of taking care of a sick child/spouse and in close, sustained contact getting good high doses and you got very sick later and it spread through the house - versus the "touch of the flu" and not really all that sick when you didn't recall being around someone ill. I've also seen this in cattle herds based on various contact times.

Would also explain a lot of the concern for health care providers and the extreme dangers they face.

Very interesting. I had wondered about this as well.
John Francis Donaghy
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Doug Ross said:

You are 100% correct. That was a stress induced, moment of weakness, made worse with wine. I sincerely apologize to everyone. Won't happen again. Need to be mentally tougher. Everyone stay safe, wash your hands, and gigem.

No apologies necessary IMO, we've all had our share of late night Texags rants over the years when we hit rocky patches. And most of us can only imagine what you're dealing with on a daily basis right now.

Stay strong, stay safe, and keep up the fight Doc. And thank you for everything you're doing for us and our loved ones.
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A sincere Thank You to all the medical professionals giving their valuable time to add to this thread! I've been reading it nightly since day 1 but have held back from posting so I wouldnt add to the clutter.

Tonight I decided to post because the subject of Oximeters came up again and I wanted to share my personal experience.


About a month ago I went to the ER because I woke one morning with elevated pulse rate (upper 120s at rest), elevated blood pressure (145/85 when mine is generally 118/70), and chest pains, both pressure and shooting pains from middle of chest to left arm. A full day of multiple blood tests, several EKGs, a nuclear stress test, a 24hr heart monitor, and an echo have so far given no clues about what brought the symptoms on nor why they went away. My insurance company is now starting to fight my cardiologist on additional testing. I dont take no for an answer well and I'm a gadget geek so I decided the logical thing to do is start buying equipment to run my own tests to help the doc get the data he needs. I've ordered medical grade devices such as oximeter, EKG, Etc.

Couple of weeks ago, while waiting for my new gadgets, I read the first round of questions here about the finger clip Oximeters and it peaked my interest because of my recent orders. Someone mentioned the built in sensor in some Samsung phones. Since I have a Samsung that has a sensor, I decided to give it a go. My experience has been mixed. Several times it was reassuring because I felt bad but levels came back good (97-98%). A few times it scared the hell out of me because level came back low (68 - 70%) but I felt fine. One of my meters came in and I started testing them against one another. What I found was the phone was surprisingly right in line with the more expensive meter IF I held my finger in the right orientation and with the right pressure. If I altered either slightly, I would get a good sinus on the display indicating a solid read but measurements could differ by as much as 6-7%.

So from my layman's experience I would say the sensor on the Samsung is decent and is certainly better than nothing but I would spring for a better meter if you want more consistent results.

For those that may be wondering, the first meter I bought is a CMI CP66L. It's a logging meter with a wire attached finger clip. It's been pretty cool seeing my numbers from wearing it each night. I've found some eye opening data with it already, like the fact my pulse rate routinely drops to mid 40s at night! The EKG unit wont be here until next week. It's a bit of an all in one monitor that does EKG, Oximeter, blood pressure, temperature, etc. Once I try it out a few nights, I'll report back if it's worth its salt..

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Old RV Ag said:

Docs, any feeling as if this has merit. I'm an older guy who goes a lot on gut feelings and lots and lots of observations. It reminds me of taking care of a sick child/spouse and in close, sustained contact getting good high doses and you got very sick later and it spread through the house - versus the "touch of the flu" and not really all that sick when you didn't recall being around someone ill. I've also seen this in cattle herds based on various contact times.

Would also explain a lot of the concern for health care providers and the extreme dangers they face.

I fully believe viral load is very important! This explains why do many people on the front line hey seriously ill because they ingest so much virus.

It also helps explain why hydroxychlorquinone works if given early. The virus can't replicate fast enough to allow serious infections to occur.

However, they was a study released earlier this week that believes your inate immune system may be the reason some other get seriously ill. I think it's probably a commination if both. But we don't know for sure yet!
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Hi skelso,

A bit off topic, but wanted to mention this. About a year ago I went through something quite similar to what you describe above. I did all the testing you mentioned in addition to some testing to rule out arrhythmia.

One of the things many friends recommended (not necessarily my doctor) was to do a cardiac calcium scoring test. In the end, I asked for it and my doctor agreed. Insurance didn't cover this test, but it was well worth it for a few hundred dollars. As I understand, this test is one of the best predictors for your risk for heart disease. Might be worth a conversation with your doctor.
3rd Generation Ag
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Is drinking a cup or green tea a day as good as the pills or should I hit up Amazon?
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3rd Generation Ag said:

Is drinking a cup or green tea a day as good as the pills or should I hit up Amazon?

2-3 cups per day of brewed should be good and will save you a ton of money compared to the pills. No need to buy the high quality green tea as Lipton and celestial seasons are just fine to get enough EGCG.

EGCG is the powerhouse component that has proven to be beneficial in many ways to your health (including anti-viral) that is available in green tea and it has been proven in studies to work synergistically with Quercetin to help with bioavailability along with vitamin c.

EDIT: adding link to paper.
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Doctors, what are your thoughts on Houston Methodists experimental treatment with plasma from recovered patients?
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A very sincere thank you to Reveille and all the other good docs who take the time out of their crazy schedules to explain to us in language we understand just what is going on.

Dr. Reveille, I have one question that one of my many non-Facebook friends who I share your daily postings asked me to ask you. What do we need to do about packages delivered to our house? I know what I do (open them, dispose of the boxes in the trash, immediately wash hands), but during a search of TexAgs forums on the subject, I must have found over 150 different opinions on this. Thank you.
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Edit: I should have read the thread in entirety
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AstroAg17 said:

Are you talking about the cytokine storm? What do you think about sarilumab? I've seen docs claim the IL-6 inhibitor is working well in NY.
Excellent question, I am very encouraged by this drug! I think the drug may a play a big role in reversing some of the more serious patients. Many are claiming remarkable results.

Sarilumab (Kevzara) is a rheumatoid arthritis drug that blocks the receptor for interleikin-6 (IL-6) looks to be very promising at slowly down the inflammatory response in the lungs for those who are severely or critically ill with COVID-19. We believe that IL-6 appears to play a key role in the patients who develop acute respiratory distress syndrome.

In China this drug was given to 21 patients that were in serious condition. According to reports fevers resolved, and all other symptoms returned to normal within a few days. Their oxygen requirements decreased and 19 were discharged with an average of 14 days later. Most importantly all patients reported recovered after being seriously ill. While more studies are needed and they are underway it is very encouraging to potentially have something for the seriously ill.
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Doc - any info if Gout meds can cause issues? Allopurinol, Uloric, Indomethacin (can see this one being a problem), Colchicine, etc.
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Ogre09 said:

Doctors, what are your thoughts on Houston Methodists experimental treatment with plasma from recovered patients?

Disclaimer-- I am not a doc, but work in blood banking.

We are collecting and supplying convalescent plasma for patients currently in the dfw area, and soon to be east/central Texas regions also.

Speaking strictly from my conversations locally with the doctors that are partnering with us on this project, they are very optimistic and hopeful it will help. I don't get the feeling that they feel it will be a cure all or magic wand, but they do know that this type of treatment has shown positive results in previous diseases.

The current hang up is that we do not fully know the anti-body count for some of these donations. Ideally, we would be able to test each donor and get a good baseline for their antibody levels and then be able to study which levels produce the best results.

The other hurdle is finding eligible donors that are no longer contagious. The FDA is currently examining the guidelines, and we are optimistic that we can expand the donor pool quickly in order to get the product to the critical patients that need it now.

eta: Here is the link to current eligibility criteria from the FDA.

Due to the investigation level of this and the emergency need, the time to do a proper study is limited hence the trial nature of the transfusions.
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FrioAg 00
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For those not in healthcare, UPMC is a beast. This would be very credible, equivalent of it coming out of Hopkins

I would bet the get FDA approval for human trail within a few weeks, and the trial couple be expedited to 100 subjects. It would take no less than 60 days to analysis the results of the trial even if everything went perfect

Typically there would be 2 courses of human clinical trials - but that might also get cut of the results are really strong to show this definitely doesn't harm you.
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The microneedle array, which looks like a patch about the size of a fingertip, contains 400 tiny needles made out of sugar and pieces of the spike protein into the skin, where the immune reaction is strongest.
Do they make a sugar free version?
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Ogre09 said:

Doctors, what are your thoughts on Houston Methodists experimental treatment with plasma from recovered patients?
I have been waiting to see this happen. We have been talking about plasma transfusions as a possible treatment for some time but we haven't found anything to see if it is effective yet.
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jp70 said:

A very sincere thank you to Reveille and all the other good docs who take the time out of their crazy schedules to explain to us in language we understand just what is going on.

Dr. Reveille, I have one question that one of my many non-Facebook friends who I share your daily postings asked me to ask you. What do we need to do about packages delivered to our house? I know what I do (open them, dispose of the boxes in the trash, immediately wash hands), but during a search of TexAgs forums on the subject, I must have found over 150 different opinions on this. Thank you.
Packages are probably OK but I would handle them and your mail with care. Open the package remove the outside box, throw it in the trash then wash your hands. If package was in the sun for an hour it is likely clean as UV light sanitizes it. Mail the same way open the mail, throw the envelopes away wash hands than read mail. I wash my hands after handling the mail too.

I also do the same with delivery food. Take it out the containers and put in your own containers, plates etc. Throw away original containers then wash your hands and eat.
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mts6175 said:

Doc - any info if Gout meds can cause issues? Allopurinol, Uloric, Indomethacin (can see this one being a problem), Colchicine, etc.
I don't know of any but indomethacin is an NSAID so same precautions as Advil.
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LawHall88 said:

I believe BiochemAg told us this same information over a week ago. It makes a lot of sense that the vaccine would likely work as the viruses are very similar.
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Can you sanitize packages with regular UV light? And, how long does it take? I've got tons of UV bulbs since I keep snakes at home.
I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot.
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zooguy96 said:

Can you sanitize packages with regular UV light? And, how long does it take? I've got tons of UV bulbs since I keep snakes at home.
Yes it depends on the wattage of the bulbs. Most around 30 minutes.
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Reveille said:

zooguy96 said:

Can you sanitize packages with regular UV light? And, how long does it take? I've got tons of UV bulbs since I keep snakes at home.
Yes it depends on the wattage of the bulbs. Most around 30 minutes.

Ok, thanks. These are mostly 75-100 watts.
I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot.
buffalo chip
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Palovic said:

3rd Generation Ag said:

Is drinking a cup or green tea a day as good as the pills or should I hit up Amazon?

2-3 cups per day of brewed should be good and will save you a ton of money compared to the pills. No need to buy the high quality green tea as Lipton and celestial seasons are just fine to get enough EGCG.

EGCG is the powerhouse component that has proven to be beneficial in many ways to your health (including anti-viral) that is available in green tea and it has been proven in studies to work synergistically with Quercetin to help with bioavailability along with vitamin c.

EDIT: adding link to paper.
We have read studies where green tea consumption adversely effects the benefit of medicine taken to control high blood pressure. Is that scientifically true, or an old wive's tale? Not saying Mrs. Chip is old or tells tales, of course...
Old RV Ag
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Reveille said:

zooguy96 said:

Can you sanitize packages with regular UV light? And, how long does it take? I've got tons of UV bulbs since I keep snakes at home.
Yes it depends on the wattage of the bulbs. Most around 30 minutes.
Not wanting to dispute you doc. I know a far amount about EM waves and effects/characteristics of different wavelengths - please don't ask how or why - it brings up some old military days I'd like to stay behind me. The knowledge has served well in other ways though.

Don't believe regular UV light from bulbs will disinfect effectively. UV disenfecting devices and lamps used to sterilize, e.g., surgical instruments, uses UV-C spectrum which is very harmful to human eyes and skin. Most UV-C from the sun is filtered by the ozone layer. UV bulbs sold for home use are in the mostly UV-A/B wavelengths.
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Old RV Ag said:

Reveille said:

zooguy96 said:

Can you sanitize packages with regular UV light? And, how long does it take? I've got tons of UV bulbs since I keep snakes at home.
Yes it depends on the wattage of the bulbs. Most around 30 minutes.
Not wanting to dispute you doc. I know a far amount about EM waves and effects/characteristics of different wavelengths - please don't ask how or why - it brings up some old military days I'd like to stay behind me. The knowledge has served well in other ways though.

Don't believe regular UV light from bulbs will disinfect effectively. UV disenfecting devices and lamps used to sterilize, e.g., surgical instruments, uses UV-C spectrum which is very harmful to human eyes and skin. Most UV-C from the sun is filtered by the ozone layer. UV bulbs sold for home use are in the mostly UV-A/B wavelengths.

Yes it must be certain wavelengths I think between 200 to 400. I'm certain there is someone way more qualified than me to discuss this. I just buy them.
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