BBAg74 said:
I realize that Jace has great power, but he is far from an accomplished hitter. Has anyone ever seen a great hitter, not just someone with power, that stands motionless in the box like Jace does? I can't think of any. Tough to hit quality pitches when you are that stiff. All great hitters have some motion that serves as a timing mechanism. Flame away, but he seems to only be able to handle pitches in a very small window.
Clearly you were not much of a baseball player. Stating that the reason he is slumping is because of his stance....come on now. That's almost ******ed. I can give you dozens of examples.
Virtually all batters once launched are in very, very, very similar stances, positions, angles, etc. What occurs prior to the "coil" or waiting for the deliverybis purely personalized. What happens when the ball in being thrown and immediately prior to contact is almost identical across any MLB player or MLB talent.
Sorry buddy but you do not know technical baseball.