My Thoughts on Ticket Resellers

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My wife and I are current members of the 12th Man Foundation. In recent years we have been trying to obtain season baseball tickets with no luck.(We are season ticket holders to other sports) I am aware that the list of people waiting is long, and rightfully so, as we have a great team. The biggest thing I see preventing this from happening is the chronic issue of people buying season tickets for baseball, just to resell them at a higher price. These people have no desire to use these tickets and are just trying to make a buck, or a lot of bucks by the look of it. This is also preventing people like myself and many others who live nearby(I live 25 minutes from Olsen) from obtaining season tickets. It is sad when I turn the tv on and see a bunch of empty seats at Olsen for a big series on the weekends because the resellers tickets weren't purchased. This is at the top of my brain today because I went to SeatGeek and saw that many people have their season tickets listed to sell for almost, if not, the entire season. I don't know what can be done at this point, but when you have one individual selling 9 TICKETS to every home game and others selling 6 and 4 at CRAZY markups, it is preventing people who actually want to be there from being there. These people are more than likely just buying these tickets because they are trying to improve their ranking in the Priority Point race. All I'm asking is that this type of stuff be monitored and that some type of rule is put in place in the future to ensure that people that are buying season tickets actually plan on using them for themselves instead of reselling them for INSANE markups.

In reality I guess a lot of this will be resolved with the new renovations as I assume that supply might finally equal demand, but this is not just a baseball isolated issue. All sports at A&M need some type of regulations to prevent the resellers from just buying and selling.

Sorry for my rant and I'm not sure that others share the same sentiment, but its frustrating as all get out and I'd like to see it stopped.

Thanks and Gig'em
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Capitalism is our god and any mention of curbing that system is heresy. Those people have earned the right to resell their tickets by having more money than others. It doesn't really matter if they care about A&M or contribute to the game atmosphere whatsoever.

If you want tickets, it's simple. Just be better at life so you can afford them more than the people selling them.

I am actually in favor of selling all tickets in a stock market like exchange open to corporations and foreign powers to make sure we aren't leaving any value on the table. Markets are efficient.

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Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong.

There are maybe a handful of people doing what you describe. That's not the reason you can't get season tickets. It's because we have too little inventory and a 98% renewal rate. Hopefully, the renovation will help.
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I'm sorry but I don't know how you know that as a fact. I actually was in the next group to select tickets this year before they ran out. There is currently 30-40 tickets available to all home games in the season tickets sections. So there is in fact a chance that if these people didn't buy to resell, I could of very well obtained season tickets this year.
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wasn't there another thread...

that said the TMF had cleaned some of that up in the offseason?
aTm 99
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W said:

wasn't there another thread...

that said the TMF had cleaned some of that up in the offseason?
There was a rumor going around that they had done this but I'm not sure the validity of it.
aTm 99
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TeethDoc said:


My wife and I are current members of the 12th Man Foundation. In recent years we have been trying to obtain season baseball tickets with no luck.(We are season ticket holders to other sports) I am aware that the list of people waiting is long, and rightfully so, as we have a great team. The biggest thing I see preventing this from happening is the chronic issue of people buying season tickets for baseball, just to resell them at a higher price. These people have no desire to use these tickets and are just trying to make a buck, or a lot of bucks by the look of it. This is also preventing people like myself and many others who live nearby(I live 25 minutes from Olsen) from obtaining season tickets. It is sad when I turn the tv on and see a bunch of empty seats at Olsen for a big series on the weekends because the resellers tickets weren't purchased. This is at the top of my brain today because I went to SeatGeek and saw that many people have their season tickets listed to sell for almost, if not, the entire season. I don't know what can be done at this point, but when you have one individual selling 9 TICKETS to every home game and others selling 6 and 4 at CRAZY markups, it is preventing people who actually want to be there from being there. These people are more than likely just buying these tickets because they are trying to improve their ranking in the Priority Point race. All I'm asking is that this type of stuff be monitored and that some type of rule is put in place in the future to ensure that people that are buying season tickets actually plan on using them for themselves instead of reselling them for INSANE markups.

In reality I guess a lot of this will be resolved with the new renovations as I assume that supply might finally equal demand, but this is not just a baseball isolated issue. All sports at A&M need some type of regulations to prevent the resellers from just buying and selling.

Sorry for my rant and I'm not sure that others share the same sentiment, but its frustrating as all get out and I'd like to see it stopped.

Thanks and Gig'em
I understand your position here but I also think you might be assuming that there are only 2 options: attend all games or sell all tickets.
Option 3: I know of a few people that list all of their tickets for sale at a high price because that is the price that they are willing to take to miss that specific game and if they don't get a buyer at that price then they go to the game. As for my 4 seats, I can tell you that everything has a price and if somebody wants to meet me at that threshold then I can watch that game on TV.
Option 4: There are Ags that have season tickets, LOVE baseball and would attend every game if they had not been relocated to a distance too far to make the games currently. They can't attend now, but that will most likely change and there is no way they are going to give up the seats they have had for a decade just to start over when they get back within a reasonable distance.
Option 5: Company purchased but not enough customers use them so some get resold
Option 6: You have 6 season tickets for a couple and their 4 kids or for 3 couples, etc and there are only a few times that everybody can make it. We have 4 seats and there are times that only my wife and I are there and the kids have stuff going on.
Option 7: People are busy and can only make half of the games and know that so they just list the rest of them.

Like I said, I get your point and I'm not a fan of people that buy them with the sole intent of reselling to make a buck but I think there are quite a few scenarios that may look like that but is still a good Ag in a different situation.
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I agree with you that there are multiple reasons that could be leading to this, but when I pull up SeatGeek and there are the same tickets listed on each and every home game it starts to look a little shady. I know that I might see things differently because I am not one of the season ticket holders(yet). Just frustrating, but as stated above, hopefully this is a moot point after the renovation and people that are trying to resell to make a buck lose their ass because there are other options for tickets and their high price point isn't a pill people have to swallow anymore.
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All I'm asking is that this type of stuff be monitored and that some type of rule is put in place in the future to ensure that people that are buying season tickets actually plan on using them for themselves instead of reselling them for INSANE markups.

What, in your opinion, does this rule look like? How do you measure people actually using them?
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This is America, you can't tell people what to do with the things they buy
Capitol Ag
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All I'm asking is that this type of stuff be monitored and that some type of rule is put in place in the future to ensure that people that are buying season tickets actually plan on using them for themselves instead of reselling them for INSANE markups.
The issue here is that the 12th Man doesn't have the staff available to monitor this very well. What rule could they institute to change things even if they did have the man power? Again, they have enough $$$ to have season tickets and, sure, if they never attended a game for a number of years and just resold them, it might be one thing. But I assume most of these are just people who can't use all of the tickets they do have or had to miss a game and decided to sell them. And baseball is long so the odds of missing games for many is pretty high. Especially week night games...
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AggieBaseball06 said:


All I'm asking is that this type of stuff be monitored and that some type of rule is put in place in the future to ensure that people that are buying season tickets actually plan on using them for themselves instead of reselling them for INSANE markups.

What, in your opinion, does this rule look like? How do you measure people actually using them?
Maybe something like you can't resell over 50% of your tickets for the season? And there has to be an ass in the seat for 75% of the games.

You could monitor the selling bc you have to use your TMF account to access the tickets so they know who is sitting in what seat each game based off of who scans in to the game with said ticket.

If you sell 50% of your tickets, then you only have to attend half of the remaining games to retain your tickets.

I don't know, just spit balling here. I'm sure someone has a better idea.
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HoustonAg2106 said:

This is America, you can't tell people what to do with the things they buy
Correct, but you can prevent them from buying something they don't ever intend to actually use. Ask the people that lost their season tickets last year because they stupidly posted them on SeatGeek as a full Season Ticket vs. individual games.
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aTm 99
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TeethDoc said:

AggieBaseball06 said:


All I'm asking is that this type of stuff be monitored and that some type of rule is put in place in the future to ensure that people that are buying season tickets actually plan on using them for themselves instead of reselling them for INSANE markups.

What, in your opinion, does this rule look like? How do you measure people actually using them?
Maybe something like you can't resell over 50% of your tickets for the season? And there has to be an ass in the seat for 75% of the games.

You could monitor the selling bc you have to use your TMF account to access the tickets so they know who is sitting in what seat each game based off of who scans in to the game with said ticket.

If you sell 50% of your tickets, then you only have to attend half of the remaining games to retain your tickets.

I don't know, just spit balling here. I'm sure someone has a better idea.
What incentive does TMF actually have to do this? And if they did it for baseball shouldn't they have to do it for the other sports as well? Then the slippery slope gets really difficult for other sports like football that has a TON of people that do this or sports like soccer that would then not sell out on season tickets.
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Let me preface this by saying that I have season tickets. I understand the frustrations that many of our fans have. It took me several years of trying to get mine and I still am not totally sure how I had enough points at the time to even have the opportunity to buy some but I got lucky in 2019 and got 2.

I know in a perfect world, we wouldn't have these issues. With that said, and without trying to sound too negative, I don't see any real means of enforcement of "Use em or Lose em". Sure, if the AD notices someone selling a full set of season tickets on SeatGeek, they can take some action. But how exactly do you know if someone sells more than 50% of their tickets? I get paper tickets. I could sell all of my tickets in physical form and the AD would never know I sold any of them. Furthermore, if I give my tickets away and that person turns around and sells them online, do I get penalized for that? If so, there is a 0% chance I am giving my tickets to anyone I don't know and trust. And to be fair, SeatGeek is probably the best way to sell tickets as it protects the buyer from fraudulent tickets and the university clearly gets some sort of financial benefit, so to discourage people from selling there (which that rule would do) wouldn't really benefit anyone. (Yes, the Ticket Exchange is a good option for getting them in the hands of Aggies but I think most are aware of the problems regarding honesty with some of the posters on there.)

And 75% usage rates? I would be curious what percentage of our fans are hitting that number. It's not nearly as high as anyone thinks it is. We have 35 home games this year I believe, meaning one would have to attend 27 of them to get above 75%. We have 7 games during Spring Break alone and one game that conflicts with what I think will be a big home basketball game so if a season ticket holder wants to take their family on a spring break trip and also attend the next-to-last home game vs #2 Auburn, they have used up all of their "excused absences" for the entire season.

We have 11 midweek games alone. I know when it's early January and the temperature starts with a 3, we all like to romanticize how much we love attending every baseball game but, from experience (and I am sure that a number of other season ticket holders can vouch for me on this), it's incredibly difficult to find free homes for extra tickets to midweek games (unless it's a non-conference game against t.u., in which case all of the normally-scheduled church activities and kids' sports practices and homework and whatnot that prevent people from attending midweek games seem to magically disappear off the calendar). Be honest- a big part of your frustration is that you can't get Friday night tickets to LSU, not that you can't go to the Wednesday night game against Texas Southern. So the very idea of "you have to get someone's butt in the seat" is assuredly harder than it seems.

Again, this post wasn't meant to rain on anyone's parade. I think we all recognize that there are more redass fans who would love to own season tickets than current inventory allows for. But I don't know what realistic tools and resources the AD has at their disposal. With all of that said, you said you and your wife are local, so feel free to send me a PM and let me see how I can help y'all get to some more games this year.

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Do you know the fact that no one 12thman account can have more than 4 season baseball tix tied to that one account. Yes few exceptions exist but the key eord is few.
Farmari Bojuji
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texAZtea said:

Capitalism is our god and any mention of curbing that system is heresy. Those people have earned the right to resell their tickets by having more money than others. It doesn't really matter if they care about A&M or contribute to the game atmosphere whatsoever.

If you want tickets, it's simple. Just be better at life so you can afford them more than the people selling them.

I am actually in favor of selling all tickets in a stock market like exchange open to corporations and foreign powers to make sure we aren't leaving any value on the table. Markets are efficient.


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texAZtea said:

Capitalism is our god and any mention of curbing that system is heresy. Those people have earned the right to resell their tickets by having more money than others. It doesn't really matter if they care about A&M or contribute to the game atmosphere whatsoever.

If you want tickets, it's simple. Just be better at life so you can afford them more than the people selling them.

I am actually in favor of selling all tickets in a stock market like exchange open to corporations and foreign powers to make sure we aren't leaving any value on the table. Markets are efficient.


The notion they should never be resold guarantees empty seats. But I'm in favor of an open primary market with zero queueing and best price wins. I just don't think that necessarily maximizes revenue. Primary market buyers absorb risk the university doesn't want to carry and that risk improves cash flow.

If you want a WS Championship then you know those wins last year were not free and the hire proved that the right coach can generate a finals run. I'm not going to argue that he didn't get us. Getting us unfortunately means inferior results more often than not.

So instead of complaining when tickets can't get bought give more to move up or join the capital campaign to expand seating. And then fit complain if you don't like the seats you can afford if you didn't give much because you have "other priorities."
Leander - Ag
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Some of us got in on season tickets well before the recent success and they were not hard to secure.

A lot of bandwagon complaining about recent availability (not saying OP

RCA: BB should have been planned with greater capacity given A&Ms size (and way more premium seating)
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If one is presently buying or of high enough PP's to actually get season tickets, wouldn't the financial equation for profit off of season ticket sales be non existent?

I mean the PP level alone is in the 10's of thousands of donation dollars alone to even have a chance at obtaining tickets.
Farmari Bojuji
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Agreed, we've had season tickets since the 90,s, drove up from Houston for Tuesday and Wednesday (when the played on Wednesday's) games, and made almost every weekend game. None of this became an issue we went into the SEC, then everyone suddenly mysteriously figured we had a baseball team. Now people want to take away tickets from folks who supported the program through thick and thin- way before it was cool to go to games.
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12th man Foundation likely could care less. Otherwise why did they go through 3 ticket broker apps in 3 consecutive years…. Yep $$$$$$

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First, I have to say that I see the same people at Olsen Field all the time. I may not know their names and I may not have ever talked to them, but I recognize their faces. The same people in the same seats game after game. Season ticket holders are using their tickets. You don't have to worry about that.

Second, the stadium was full for nearly every game last year. There aren't a lot of empty seats. It is a very, very crowded place.

If there's ever a Tuesday/Wednesday game you want to see, let me know. I will probably have a ticket that I can sell to you at cost.
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I was born in the 90's so it'd be a tough ask for me to have been a season ticket holder since then. I'm not a bandwagonner as another post above hinted at, just someone who is apparently trying to get into the game at the wrong time. Can't wait for the renovation I guess.
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Wasn't necessarily directed at you. I get where you are coming from. There a ton of folks though who chose not to back the baseball team until the sec came along and felt they should jump to the front of the line.
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This doesn't equate to the 9 tickets being sold together and the two individuals selling 6 tickets each. Might be a "few" but those seem to be the ones offloading the most.
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I understand that there has been a recent major obsession with Aggie baseball. My wife's parents have been season ticket holders since the 90's as well and tell stories of when tickets were much less desired. I also know that little ol' me is not gonna change the mind of the TMF. Just thought I would come and vent and see if others were mad about this situation as well.
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Yep, that's what forums are for. I think once the re-do is completed, there will still be a bunch of unhappy, as there are bunch folks who have been waiting for a long time, combined the priority points rankings.
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So you think a lot of people are still gonna get left out even with the addition of a ton of new seating?
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It's a possibility in my opinion
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Few is the key word… you seem to be worked up over less than 1% of the 2000+ season tickets.

I will admit, the very few do exist, in that "grandfathered" scenario. These are the only individuals that a positive financial equation for the sell of tickets exists. Its not some prolific scenario. I would wager there are more season ticket holders that more frequently give away their tickets rather than sell for games that they cant attend.

JMHO based on years of personal experience.

Farmari Bojuji
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I got out of that point game and the TMF 20 years ago and haven't looked back. When I want to go to a game, I just buy tickets and go. When tickets are $1000 each like for the t.u. football game, I watch on t.v. and think about my trip to Omaha last June, and how I got chills watching the Ags at a fraction of the price, and how I saw BCG's Ags in San Antonio, and the 2002 OU game, and the '98 Nebraska game, etc.
That, sir, was the greatest post in the history of TexAgs. I salute you. -- Dough
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I visited with someone this morning who is good friends with NIL and 12th Man folks. He said the 12th Man has an algorithm and can watch ticket usage vs resale. He said folks have complained to them about never seeing the same folks twice in seats around them and SUPPOSEDLY some folks were denied season tickets for this season.

He also said there were five tu baseball players sitting in front of him at the tu football game being- well sips. He texted his guy at 12th Man and said this really pisses me off. His said send me the seat numbers. Don't know what that means, what did/will happen, etc.

So if this all true, maybe some of will get the in for cement you've been screaming for.
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The long-term rumor is the TMF is willing to hold especially students accountable for resales to other fan bases since their tickets are heavily discounted. But the reality is they don't REALLY have assigned seats as much as slots to stand near.

But I definitely think they need a customer feedback loop that they truly work. Especially in this issue.

But onesie-twosie opposite team gear wearing shouldn't be targeted by fans. And in reality demand for tickets even from opposing fans is a GOOD PROBLEM TO HAVE!!!
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TeethDoc said:

So you think a lot of people are still gonna get left out even with the addition of a ton of new seating?

I think current season ticket holders are going to lose their seats to the renovation just like last time.
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