at first: Burton
at second: Appel
1-0 Ball
2-0 Ball outside
2-1 Fouled toward left
2-2 Foul
Double play for outs #2 and 3, 1-4-6-3
Deflected by the pitcher, but the ball goes to the second baseman
Cardinals: 2
Aggies: 5
End 5th
UIW: 2/6/0
AGS : 5/8/0
at second: Appel
1-0 Ball
2-0 Ball outside
2-1 Fouled toward left
2-2 Foul
Double play for outs #2 and 3, 1-4-6-3
Deflected by the pitcher, but the ball goes to the second baseman
Cardinals: 2
Aggies: 5
End 5th
UIW: 2/6/0
AGS : 5/8/0