at first: Zubia
at third: Kennedy
0-1 Fouled back
Double Play for outs #2 and 3, 3U-6
Watson knocks down a hard hit ball, steps on the bag at 1st, and throws over Shewmake who tags the runner to complete the double play
Run scores before the third out
AGS 7 11 0
TEX 2 4 1
End 6th
at third: Kennedy
0-1 Fouled back
Double Play for outs #2 and 3, 3U-6
Watson knocks down a hard hit ball, steps on the bag at 1st, and throws over Shewmake who tags the runner to complete the double play
Run scores before the third out
AGS 7 11 0
TEX 2 4 1
End 6th