jkag89 said:
I heard it was food poisoning, damn you Golden Corral!
Hullalaboo Dinesh Dinesh
Hullalaboo Dinesh Dinesh
Hello, is this the room of Ap-ple-white?
Please do not think that you will sleep to-night
I got your number off the In-ter-net
I have a feeling your stomach is up-set
So good luck to back up QB Chris Simms
How do want your cereal in the morn? (with no milk!)
And goodnight to all you Texas Longhorns
We're gonna call you all till--
Tough Luck, This Sucks, Smoke a Bowl with Toombs!
Hullalaboo Dinesh Dinesh
Hullalaboo Dinesh Dinesh
Hello, is this the room of Coach Mack Brown?
I bet you're dreaming about Ran-dy-Mc-Cown
I hope you enjoyed your stay at Ramada Inn
And here's hoping that you come a-gain
The Eyes of Texas must not get their rest
so that the Horns will not play well (play like Hell!)
So, goodnight to all you Texas Longhorns
We're gonna call you all till--
Rough Stuff, Real Tough, We're Ramada Inn!
Call all the Longhorns
Call all the Longhorns
Call all the Longhorns
The Longhorns are not sleeping
The Longhorns are not sleeping
The Longhorns are not sleeping
YAWN! Ayyyyyy!