Reminds me of the old joke:
Daughter: Daddy, I wanna ask you some questions about nuts.
Daddy: Umm... ok.
Daughter: If I found some nuts on the beach would I have beach nuts?
Daddy: Oh! Whew! Yes, sweetie, that's exactly what you'd have. You had me worried for a second.
Daughter: And if I had some nuts, hangin on the walls, I'd have walnuts right?“
Daddy: Of course, Munchkin!
Daughter: And if I found some nuts on a chest, I'd have chestnuts right?
Daddy: You bet, cutie-pie!
Daughter: Well daddy if I had nuts on my chin I'd have chin-nuts, right?
Daddy: Hell no, beyotch, you'd have a cock in your mouth!
Texas University is a malignant cancerous growth. We were fortunate to get it removed and we want to stay in remission.
I bleed Maroon and I wipe burnt orange.