Thoughts on the overall trajectory of the program?

13,299 Views | 197 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by aggiesrulegigem
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How do y'all feel about A&M basketball? Still the same irregardless of March's results, arguably the greatest win in Texas A&M history, i'll go as far as saying perhaps A&M sports history? Maybe that goes to Johnny at bama, anyhow, followed up by A&M getting embarrassed by Michigan. What are your thoughts? Did Kennedy do anything for you? Or do you still want him gone ASAP? Thoughts?
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Greatest win in all sports in the history of the university?
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Kennedy should be gone, regardless of the win over UNC. But that isn't going to happen. I don't think he is a good enough coach or recruiter to get consistent, good results. The Sweet 16 blowouts are not an aberration. Give an equally talented (or more talented) team a week to prepare at the end of the season, and they are going to beat us every time because we will be out coached. So my thoughts on the program going forward are ... meh. I will still watch and irrationally get my hopes up. And I will be routinely let down by poor coaching, poor play, poor execution, and poor effort.
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We could potentially have top 10 talent on the court again next year.
That could all fall apart though.
I say 1 year at a time..... I would NOT be extending Kennedy's contract more than 1 year increments mostly due to his long term health. His performance over the past 3 years has been fine and if he gets this team back (Tyler and Admon) we should have another very solid year.
It will still be frustrating to many though.

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You aren't around from these parts are you fella? Those questions have been answered in perpetuity by a majority on this board since 2013.

But seriously, the only thing that will change the trajectory of a program over the long haul is a change in the rate of incoming 4/5 star quality talent. While today's news certainly helps the prospects for next season, the 2019 recruiting class must be a Top 15 class nationally to think the longer term trajectory is moving upward.
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Give an equally talented (or more talented) team a week to prepare at the end of the season, and they are going to beat us every time because we will be out coached.
I enjoyed beating the talent- less defending national champs North Carolina in Charlotte. I also enjoy beating Kentucky fairly regularly with all of Calipari's McD All-Americans and 1-and-dones.
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Give an example
Michael Cera Palin
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I think it all depends on what your expectations for aggie baskeball are.

I think the last three seasons are a good sample of what to expect from Kennedy moving forward. Make the tournament 2 out of every 3 years, and potential for the programs first elite 8 sprinkled in there.

For some people that's acceptable for aggie baskeball. Based on program history making the sweet sixteen and beating UNC is an incredible season, right up there for best ever (I say 2016 is better due to winning the conference). The people with this mindset are content to pay Kennedy to quietly do his work in the background while all the spotlight of the athletics department and school are on the football program. Any deviation from that minimum of 2 tournament appearances in 3 years should result in a firing.

There's the other branch of fans that says "why can't we compete in both sports?" Woodward set a precedent shelling out that money to Jimbo that a national championship is expected. Why won't we do that for basketball? Anybody who has followed the past 7 seasons have watched games where we didn't show up, had a bad gameplan, or just downright sucked. With a sample size that large you can put it on the coach. I personally give a pass to Kennedy for his first couple seasons, I know I wouldn't be effective at my job with that diagnosis. Like I said to start, I think the last three seasons are more indicative of what to expect moving forward. So why keep a coach that is going to have games where he gets out coached and loses games he shouldn't?

Then there are the people who just straight up hate him

I stand somewhere inbetween the first two groups
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Ajm1115 said:

i'll go as far as saying perhaps A&M sports history?
Absolutely not, but that's not really what this thread is about.

As for the overall question, I think if you looked at our program in a vacuum you could make a case that perhaps Kennedy has found some decent footing and that we're probably going to hover somewhere between mediocre and pretty good long term. Which, given our history, is pretty good.

But, this isn't a vacuum, and history is mostly irrelevant, and literally every team in our conference with the exception of maybe Arkansas and Kentucky (because they're already as good as you can be as a program) looks like they're on an upward trajectory.

So, even if you're optimistic and think we're staying stagnant talent-wise as a program (even though I think it's a much easier case to make that we're about to take a big dip in the next couple of years,) everyone around us is getting better.

We'll see after next year. Once we gave Kennedy a new deal in 2016, we were never going to do anything until 2019 anyway. Next year is the first time since 2015 that I think there's a halfway realistic chance that we might make a move at the end of the season if things don't go well.

But I keep coming back to this, and I think it's pretty simple:

Is this a basketball program that you want to get behind? And to me that answer is no. We don't play hard all the time, we have players that seem selfish both on and off the court. We had SIX different players suspended at various times last year, including everyone that started our NCAA Tournament game except for Tyler Davis. In a season that could have truly been special, that speaks to a lack of accountability and leadership.
Method Man
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Just because *we* are negative doesn't mean we are not right. I do remember saying that while BK had killed all excitement for the program he didn't "destroy the program" as others had suggested just because he can't coach his way out of paper sack. The talent was still very good and any good coach to come in and do well. That is disappearing somewhat and we will see what happens.

So, basically, I agree 100% with Hop. Something has to turn around in recruiting overall for us to think the trajectory is going anywhere but down.
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What would be one of your biggest games in A&M sports history?
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I missed where UNC had a week to prepare.
Basketball and Chain
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The trajectory is not good. Need the 2019 class to be a monster.
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For me it's much more simple:

What other school wants Billy Kennedy as their basketball coach? What school would do a straight up trade for him? Anyone in the SEC? Anyone in the Big 12?

Two years he has had made history for Aggie basketball.
Five other years he didn't even give the program a chance of making history.

I don't want to trade a bad year(s) for a (potentially) great year. NIT is and should be a minimum for the Aggie basketball program, and making more NCAA's than not should be the expectation.
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I think we out-athleted teams in most of our wins.

With RW and DJ gone, and TD and AG perhaps gone, the future looks dimmer than at the start of the 2017-2018 season. And we'll miss TTM more than we realize, I think.

I think next year will be frustrating. Again.

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Ajm1115 said:

What would be one of your biggest games in A&M sports history?
1998 Big 12 Championship Game, 1939 National Championship, 2012 Alabama, 1999 tu, that's just for football off the top of my head.
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I mean this can get down a rabbit hole of what "biggest" means. But, just in the moment, I'd say the '06 Texas game, '07 Kansas game and '16 Northern Iowa games were all bigger games and that's just thinking of basketball games. There are probably tons of football games that are bigger.

But that's sort of derailing the core question you're asking.
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What would be one of your biggest games in A&M sports history?
Good Lord, go read the pre-game and game account of every baseball, football, and basketball game "in history". Then don't come back asking something so silly. Well, lets include track, golf, soccer, etc.

Anybody ever heard of Centre College?
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I think combining those two questions really hits at the heart of it:

"How many other teams would trade their coach for ours?" and "Is this a fun program to be a fan of?"

Maybe it's really that simple.
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bobinator said:

So, even if you're optimistic and think we're staying stagnant talent-wise as a program (even though I think it's a much easier case to make that we're about to take a big dip in the next couple of years,) everyone around us is getting better.

Is this a basketball program that you want to get behind? And to me that answer is no. We don't play hard all the time, we have players that seem selfish both on and off the court. We had SIX different players suspended at various times last year, including everyone that started our NCAA Tournament game except for Tyler Davis. In a season that could have truly been special, that speaks to a lack of accountability and leadership.
These are two points I think most of us can agree on and I completely agree with you.

Regardless of your position on coaching and when or if changes should be made, the program as a whole just isn't one that is easy to support. I think it is part of the reason why we are in the postion we are. Most Aggies are apathetic towards the program and just don't care that much because it isn't always a very fun program to get behind. I love college hoops and A&M so I will always subject myself to the torture, but for many casual fans, there hasn't been much to latch on to other than a few wins in March. You can take a few wins in March and build a program, but we haven't been able to turn the excitment of some of our achievements into sustained success due to all sorts of issues both on and off the court.

Then compare us to the rest of the SEC and things could get really interesting/bleak around here if nothing changes in the way of incoming talent or development. Nearly every school in the conference has changed (upgraded) their coaching situation in the last 4-5 years. We started to see the results of that this season, and the conference as a whole is only going to get more and more difficult and talent rich.
Method Man
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bobinator said:

I think combining those two questions really hits at the heart of it:

"How many other teams would trade their coach for ours?" and "Is this a fun program to be a fan of?"

Maybe it's really that simple.
Here here.
Double Diamond
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If you want a team being taught solid fundamental basketball, this is a frustrating team to follow. For me the sweet 16s were too little too late. I have enough data. Kennedy isn't the worst, but he isn't good enough in too many areas to be the coach.

Recruiting is drying up. Maybe it picks back up, but looks like it's headed to pre Stansbury levels that were proven to not be enough talent for Kennedy.
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TyperWoods said:

I think we out-athleted teams in most of our wins.

With RW and DJ gone, and TD and AG perhaps gone, the future looks dimmer than at the start of the 2017-2018 season. And we'll miss TTM more than we realize, I think.

I think next year will be frustrating. Again.

The prospect of next season will be a lot more clear on May 25th. If TD and AG come back, we may be able to pur together a squad that could end up on the right side of the bubble. If TD does not come back, we may see the nose dive a lot of people on here have been predicting. Without Tyler Davis, I'm not sure I can envision a way we make the NIT, which is awfully depressing and I think says a lot about the state of things when so much of our program relies on just one player's offseason decision.
Double Diamond
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Part of the problem is getting Davis and not doing more to improve things behind him. Two projects and a low level transfer are the hopes.

No Kennedy didn't expect Robert Williams to be a two and done when he signed him. So I'll give him that. But Davis is a JR with no real replacements on the team or pipeline.
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Agreed. I know some people have said they're excited about Jacey, but I saw nothing from him this year that showed me he can be more than a 10-12 minute player at this level. I'm also hesitant to buy the Nebo hype due to the number of times we have been sold "XX player looks great in practice and will be a big contributor next year!" only to see it never work out. Obviously the TD factor only pertains to next year, but it would at least give those two guys some more time before having to be the go to posts, and it would also give us time to recruit a quality replacement, even if that replacement is a fish. The lack of backfill after the great 2014 class is obviously a big cause for concern for pretty much all of us on here considering the assistant coaching turnover that took place since then.

Double Diamond
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Nebo will be the next overhyped workout warrior. Maybe he transitions. I've just seen too many guys with struggle to make the jump.

Jasey is really far behind. Walker was ranked were he was for a reason. Redshirting isn't normal in basketball. That's how far Walker has to come.
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The current trajectory of the A&M basketball program is like having a hemorrhage. You are eventually going to bleed out and crater. Hopefully the end is soon so we can begin to build a Championship caliber basketball program.
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Anybody who thinks the current trajectory is anything other than down is living in never-never land.
Method Man
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Walker weighs like 80 lbs. That's prob his biggest problem.
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pantherag said:

The current trajectory of the A&M basketball program is like having a hemorrhage. You are eventually going to bleed out and crater. Hopefully the end is soon so we can begin to build a Championship caliber basketball program.
If only you had that same mentality with Slocum and Franchione...
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How many schools have built power BB programs with an apathetic, non-supportive fan base?
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jja79 said:

How many schools have built power BB programs with an apathetic, non-supportive fan base?
Yeah the AD has everything in its power to build a successful program, it's those damn apathetic fans holding them back
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I was asking a question. Do you know the answer? I don't, but it's pretty clear that apathy and lack of support aren't encouraging the AD to prioritize BB.
Double Diamond
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180 and raw. There are skinny skinny players who can come in a play. WVU has a point guard who is like 6 foot 150 who is gonna play next year. Is a top 100 player despite the 150.
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jja79 said:

I was asking a question. Do you know the answer? I don't, but it's pretty clear that apathy and lack of support aren't encouraging the AD to prioritize BB.
Of the top of my head, Texas went to a zillion NCAATs in a row with the same halfass support from the fanbase that we suffer from

As far as true "power" bb programs, I don't think any exist outside of solid fan support, but it's a 'chicken-and-egg' thing. Fans invest their time and money in those programs because their respective athletic departments have created a product they believe in, and the athletic departments have the resources to create a successful program because of the fan support. One doesn't happen without the other

at this point, the athletic department has the funds to give Billy Kennedy a sweetheart contract and to buy a ridiculous jumbotron and to build what I presume is a really nice practice facility, so I do not believe fan support is an issue
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