HOWDY. I just wanted to let y'all know about two feature updates.
First, we added an exhaustive new Help Center! If you need to access it, just look under the "More" drop-down menu. I know you are all THRILLED about this feature; I can literally feel your excitement as I type this.
Second, a more fun, small feature update (that will eventually lead to a bigger one): the ability to upload your own profile photo. In the past, you had to link a photo that already existed somewhere on the internet, but now you can upload one instead.
Here's how...
If you already had a profile photo, you can find that URL in your account settings under "User Profile." Just save that file to your computer, then upload it using our new system.
IMPORTANT: Any photo uploaded that violates our user agreement will get removed and your account will be banned from uploading photos in the future, both on your profile and in the forums. We're also using a service that will auto-detect pr0n and will flag it for moderation. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED, PEOPLE.
Also, if you happen come across a profile photo that needs to be moderated, just click the three dots on their user profile, click "Flag profile photo" and select a reason.
Ok, let's move on.
As I alluded to, the next step in this will be to give y'all the ability to upload photos into the forums. There are a lot of things to consider when agreeing to host photos on our own system (legal, technical, moderation, etc.), so we are going to get those things right using profile photos first.
I think that about covers it!
First, we added an exhaustive new Help Center! If you need to access it, just look under the "More" drop-down menu. I know you are all THRILLED about this feature; I can literally feel your excitement as I type this.
Second, a more fun, small feature update (that will eventually lead to a bigger one): the ability to upload your own profile photo. In the past, you had to link a photo that already existed somewhere on the internet, but now you can upload one instead.
Here's how...
- Go to your profile page
- Click (or tap) the three dots to the right of your profile photo
- Click "Edit profile"
- Click "Upload photo"
- Select (or take) a photo
- Use the cropping tool
- When finished, click "Save"
If you already had a profile photo, you can find that URL in your account settings under "User Profile." Just save that file to your computer, then upload it using our new system.
IMPORTANT: Any photo uploaded that violates our user agreement will get removed and your account will be banned from uploading photos in the future, both on your profile and in the forums. We're also using a service that will auto-detect pr0n and will flag it for moderation. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED, PEOPLE.
Also, if you happen come across a profile photo that needs to be moderated, just click the three dots on their user profile, click "Flag profile photo" and select a reason.
Ok, let's move on.
As I alluded to, the next step in this will be to give y'all the ability to upload photos into the forums. There are a lot of things to consider when agreeing to host photos on our own system (legal, technical, moderation, etc.), so we are going to get those things right using profile photos first.
I think that about covers it!