Trying to find who sells the old school pearl beer? Specs in Baytown use to but they stopped
The PBR company has not made any Pearl beer since 2020, possibly earlier.malenurse said:
My niece works for PBR which owns the rights to Pearl.
She said they do limited runs on Pearl a couple of times a year,
Easier to find in the hill country
The "short necks" that the chicks were drinking remind me of high school. Do you guys remember when there was different price for short vs longnecks? Longnecks were a luxury.GSS said:
1977 Pearl Beer commercial! "...from the country of 1100 springs"
In my little West Texas town, the hierarchy of beers went like this, depending on how far away from payday you were for your summer job:RGV AG said:
Long necks were returnable up until about 1990 or so for Pearl and Lone Star. I would buy boxes of 20 beers I believe, as I can't recall if they were 24 or not (which I find a dire symptom of age), at JJ's Liquor for between $6.99 and $8.99 after paying for what I think was an $8 or $9 bottle deposit.
Many, many cases of both were purchased over the years. I remember that they had stacks of both on the right hand side of doors as you walked in.
In college it was always a PIA to keep up with the bottles because irresponsible drinkers would chunk them. I know when I moved out after graduation I had 2 or 3 cases of empties.....I wonder what happened to them.
In the RGV the Pearl distributor went out of business circa 1996 or so. A grocery store in Raymondville, Texas bought what must have been several thousand cases of Pearl beer in cans. For a couple of years you could buy a case of musky tasting Pearl there for $6.99. Port Mansfield was awash in Pearl beer for several years.
I think that same distributor also handled Black Label and it was dirt cheap as well there.