Alright, time is getting near for the trip to Wilderness Trail. As such, I'd like to start getting the money gathered. I will be paying for these bottles the day we pick the barrel, so I (and definitely my wife) would like to have as many paid for ahead of time as possible.
Once I receive payment I will update the list with payments received. Price is $68 per 750ml bottle. You can send payment via Venmo: @TheKevinPrater Last 4 of phone number: 0879. If/when you Venmo me, note your TexAgs handle in the message please!!! Wilderness Trail - Texags - Username would be the ideal Venmo note.
A couple side notes here:
We will be using about 40 of the other bottles to try and raise money for a local group called Special Friends. Special Friends is a tennis program for kids and young adults with special needs, predominately down syndrome. We would like to try and provide some money for some scholarships and to cover some of their basic supplies/needs, so this doesn't need to be a big raise, but anything we can give would be awesome. No pressure at all, that wasn't the intent of putting this barrel on Texags, but if you're interested or feel compelled to help, feel free to add as much or as little as you'd like to the $68.
Also, we have had a couple of our pickers have a change of plans and not be able to join for the barrel pick. That leaves us with 2 open spots. So if anyone is by chance going to be in Kentucky, or even wants to travel up there on 3/31 and want to join us, let me know and we can work out details.