I don't fault him for his disenchantment with the system, but I do fault him for his use of social media to vent. Basically, he has cursed the gods and thrown himself into the volcano. Maybe he is playing the "long game", and is maneuvering into position as a potential Fox News subject matter expert... the next Ollie North (who, by lying to Congress, violated his commissioning oath). We'll see how things work out for him.
Full disclosure: I was a Marine infantry officer, post-Vietnam, pre-Global War on Terror. So I understand the frustrations encountered by the rank and file officer corps. I had friends killed in Beirut, and their deaths were the direct result of having to follow rules of engagement ordered by civilians who had no idea of conditions on the ground. I have strong opinions about how the recent deaths of Marines and corpsmen in an amtrac accident off the California coast resulted in almost no consequences for those who were truly responsible. I'm in the cohort of those who lived at Camp Lejeune and drank/bathed in the contaminated water for years. So, rage against the machine is something I have dealt with.
If you're going to serve a career in the armed forces, you will frequently be confronted with situations that make you cringe with embarrassment at the lack of transparency and integrity. You have a choice: you can forge ahead, hoping that those above you in the chain of command are also cringing but are following a lawful order; or, you can resign your commission in protest. Make no mistake: the Marine Corps will go to great lengths to avoid bad publicity, and in order to do that, good Marines are thrown into the volcano. LtCol Scheller wasn't thrown... he willingly jumped in.
So, how does the Marine Corps suffer this "social media martyr" for the least amount of time? Process him for discharge as expeditiously. Let him move on to whatever future he will make for himself. I wish him well.