Haney showed up 2nd semester of my (_,_) year, with the explanation that he was going to understudy LTC Adams for a few years. After a few months Smilin' Jack decided to retire LTC Adams because he told him in no uncertain terms that non-regs weren't going to get to use his brand new bandhall that he waited so many years to get. Haney was a major let down to us, not much of a leader and had the misfortune to follow a legend. He really never had a chance with the '74 guys. Wet sock analogy comes to mind.
The first drill of my zip year, '73 Wichita St., ended with the HDM missing a whistle and screwing up the "T" - one of the top edges wound up 2 steps in front of the rest of the top rank, one slid back. Almost a fist fight when we got back to the sideline. Worst screw up in a drill of my 4 years. The next Mon at 1700 we met in the Band Hall and LTC Adams shows up to sorta 'calm' us down some. At that moment I knew/confirmed why that old man was such a tremendous leader. We got over it and moved on. Some things you remember; referred to that drill as the 'Winged T', not with good humor, though. I am familiar with the '74 SMU and '81 Rice meltdowns, too. Also under Haney's watch.
Haney foisted an early version of Noble Men of Kyle onto us, didn't have all the portions it has now and we pretty much thought it sucked. Seems like we used in the '73 Tech drill up in Lubbock but not much afterwards. Never really cared much for the tune, but I have my own biases and recognize same. Lots of tunes the FTAB plays that I like better. Just like lots of movements the FTAB does I like better than some of the stuff I see now.
We all have our experiences and what we felt was important. Haney was a nice gentleman but couldn't hold LTC Adams's jockstrap when it came to all things about the Texas Aggie Band. Just the way it was. If you weren't there, you don't/can't know.
[This message has been edited by WBBQ74 (edited 1/19/2012 6:58a).]