I've got a really weird looking (front) yard and I have no idea how it got that way. For starters, no trees, and roughly half of it is bermuda. The other is, well, weeds. It was a different shade of what I thought was bermuda (along with weeds), but last spring started to thin out and after putting fertilizer with weed killer on it, whatever so-called grass was left died. That wasn't a bad thing because it had an underlayment of thatch. Either the fertilizer I used, or the homemade concoction (beer/cola/soap/ammonia/...), or both wiped out the thatch. Unfortunately, even with an overspray of weed killer, most of the weeds remain, but have been held in check. What I ended up last season with, for the most part, was half a lawn of decent to actually good bermudagrass and the other half dirt and weeds.
I had planned on putting down a preemergent early this spring, but with a warm February and a lot of rain, I didn't get to it in time. The weeds sprouted up like a 50 man construction crew was building a backyard shed. I mowed for the first time the other day and the spot weeds in the "good" part of the lawn are there, but I think with some care and more of the concoction from above, I can kill those off.
After watching a lot of youtube lawn care videos over the winter, this guy, GCI Turf, has convinced me to go full Roundup on the bad part of the yard. There isn't any grass to speak of anyway, and even if there was, so what?
My question: has anyone done this? I plan to spay tomorrow and, if necessary middle of next week. Then, next weekend (or the next) hopefully, I'll be able to get out there with a spade fork and till up some of the dirt. After that, spread good bermudaseed, a little topsoil, and water like crazy.
Comments welcome.
I had planned on putting down a preemergent early this spring, but with a warm February and a lot of rain, I didn't get to it in time. The weeds sprouted up like a 50 man construction crew was building a backyard shed. I mowed for the first time the other day and the spot weeds in the "good" part of the lawn are there, but I think with some care and more of the concoction from above, I can kill those off.
After watching a lot of youtube lawn care videos over the winter, this guy, GCI Turf, has convinced me to go full Roundup on the bad part of the yard. There isn't any grass to speak of anyway, and even if there was, so what?
My question: has anyone done this? I plan to spay tomorrow and, if necessary middle of next week. Then, next weekend (or the next) hopefully, I'll be able to get out there with a spade fork and till up some of the dirt. After that, spread good bermudaseed, a little topsoil, and water like crazy.
Comments welcome.