Just recently had my sprinkler system looked at by a pro for the first time since I had an electrical line parted somewhere that I couldn't find. When they repaired they found out my control lines were actually thermostat wiring, not direct burial electric wiring. Anyway, there are three locations where patches were made and this morning I had two zones running at the same time. This hasn't happened before.
Any advice on how I trouble shoot this? I know the two zones and the wire color that controls them. How do I tell where they crossed or making contact? I'm still under warranty so I can call them back out, but if it's an easy fix, I can probably handle it myself.
Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
Any advice on how I trouble shoot this? I know the two zones and the wire color that controls them. How do I tell where they crossed or making contact? I'm still under warranty so I can call them back out, but if it's an easy fix, I can probably handle it myself.
Person Not Capable of Pregnancy