I have a roughly 20"x20" hole under the guest bathtub in my house where they chipped out and replaced the old cast iron drain lines at some point in the past. Whoever did the replacement didn't patch the hole so it's just dirt under the tub where the hole is. This hole is maybe 3-4' from the outside wall of the house so I figure it doesn't take too much work for moisture to migrate from the edge of the foundation to this area. I have an access panel to the back of the faucet valve and the closet where the panel is located always smells dirty/musty. I am wondering if I bought some two part urethane and poured it down there if that would help keep the moisture and stank at bay? Anybody dealt with a similar issue or think this would be a majorly bad idea? My thought is that it might make it a pain to get to any plumbing repairs in the future but that is going to be a pain regardless.