My wood door is two years old and gets torched. I need to replace it because it sucks so much ass. Please advise.
If you're going to keep a wood door in direct sunlight for long portions of the day, my strong recommendation would be to paint it. You can stain it, but even the best UV protective finishes are going to degrade in full sunlight. If you want it to really last and not end up bleached and damaged eventually, you're looking at sanding it and reapplying the top coat every couple years and periodically stripping it back and refinishing it completely.Corps_Ag12 said:
Can you sand it and repaint/stain it? Otherwise upgrade to a metal door but they're $$$
Double iron door that faces south. Around $7500 including installation and brickwork. Love the metal door. Has been a champ. Does not seem to get ridiculously hot and isulated.NWE said:
Do metal doors get scorching hot? And how much money are we talking?