Is your flux capacitor...fluxing?
Do you live in a manufacturered home, and if so, are you in the process of making a left turn?
two candelabra sized bulbs
Somewhere in a past life I remember reading about the issue with fan light kits and the push for energy conservation. Did a little Google-fu with DOE, and voila. If you have other than "normal" medium base light bulbs, there is a restriction to no more than 190W. The black box is the lighting version of the emission controls in newer diesel engines (in my two bit opinion) - a half ass idea poorly executed, and overall worthless once you discover how it can be defeated.
DOE is interpreting these two
requirements as design requirements.
The first requirement, that ceiling fan
light kits shall not be capable of
operating with lamps that total more
than 190 watts, is being interpreted as
requiring manufacturers to incorporate
some electrical device or measure, such
as a fuse, circuit breaker, or current
limiting device, to ensure that the light
kit is not capable of operating with a
lamp or lamps that draw more than 190
watts. all that to say your black box is broke.